
Sadly, Russia’s abuse of its presidency of the Security Council by making a mockery of the truth demonstrates that such a day of reckoning is far off if it ever happens at all.

Looking back at Russia's Abuse of its Security Council Presidency

Russia abused its presidency of the United Nations Security Council during the month of April, which is mercifully over.

First, in early April, Russia hosted an informal meeting of the Security Council on the “evacuation of Ukrainian children.” Russia’s ambassador to the UN, Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia, used the meeting to spread lies that Russia is saving Ukrainian children while Ukraine has been making them suffer. The “featured” speaker, appearing virtually, was Maria Lvova-Belova, Russia’s so-called children’s rights commissioner, against whom the International Criminal Court has issued an arrest warrant, along with President Vladimir Putin, for the alleged war crime of unlawfully deporting Ukrainian children.

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By Centrewing on 2023 05 03

Oh boy I remember the speech, given by the very last real Prime Minister Canada had, Steven Harper, he stood for honesty and peace and our countries sovereignty and Canadians protection.
Then I also watched the last real American President Trump, actually still the real President, he gave a wonderful true speech at the UN, full of peace MAGA, the USA's sovereignty and protection for the people of his country.
Both of these good real leaders made a huge mistake by keeping our countries in this corrupt UN with all it's cancerous groups destroying peoples freedoms and countries. We would not have open boarders and crime and drugs skyrocketing millions of refugees that come from UN ruined countries, no CRT needed , no LGBTQ++ and trying to add P now too, around the world trying to force countries to obey all their rights and change the countries laws? We would also not have this climate crime by paid pseudo scientists or this planned pandemic and shots forced on us, lockdowns etc. citizens of what were their countries do not want tyrannical killers forcing them to eat bugs or worse being poisoned by a lying globalist UN tyrant leader or leaders all living in luxury while our lives are stripped down.
To me Pres. Putin is protecting his sovereign country and his people, and Mr. Lavrow sounds honest unlike the outright stupidity corruption and bad lies we are hearing over here and our freedom of speech being taken and what garbage we see in the medias with big tech deciding how bad they will help the UN make our lives, do you have your chip yet? Are you worried they will freeze your bank accounts, steal your properties etc.? Do you live in fear of this elite UN?

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