
How about when we finally get our votes back we pass H.R.1, the “Lie Detector for Government Service Act,” that requires government employees at ALL LEVELS to declare they are working in the best interests of the American people and not for their per

The quiet riot against insanity in America is gaining strength

How have we gone from America’s low-inflation, high tax revenue, full employment economy, with an expanding middle class, energy independence and rock solid military to the kowtowing disaster of the last two years?

The only possible conclusion is that this is a long-term and well-planned operation to kneecap America.

Accepting that the most prosperous nation on earth is suddenly falling into poverty, crime and wokeness, and our citizens are happily voting for more, requires a level of insane thinking that is unprecedented, yet we now have…

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By Granny on 2023 06 13

It's beginning to be interesting watching American taxpaying citizens, and patriots finally catch on to the power they have in numbers against evil practices which undermine our country. NUMBERS against moral and ethical living we were brought up with is doing it. There are more patriotic beer drinkers then homosexual beer drinkers, obviously. And, if the major pro sports franchises think there are enough queer, trans, and children groomers out there that go to football and baseball games to support the lifestyle of the ownership of these teams lives; think again! We can do it people. We continue to prove that by continuing to refuse Ainheuser-Busches plea to come back. We can bring Target, Kohls, and others down if we withhold our spending in favor of keeping our values. One can of beer won't bring Bud down, but 1m beer buyers will. One outfit at Target won't bring Target down, but 1m people refusing to buy clothing there will. Same with the others. But, we have to do it together with NUMBERS and it will be fun to watch the astonishment on their faces when we little people hang on to our small incomes and slowly put them to their knees. God, Family, Country!!! We can kick wokeism and perversion to the curb!

By Mad Celt on 2023 06 14

Nothing is going to happen without first repentance for past and current sins taking place. The road to recovery is long and will require commitment, a thing not likely to occur at this point.

By Ben Colder on 2023 06 14

All it would take is for enough Americans to get together and not show up at work for two weeks and the gov would come to a screeching halt no money coming in no worky no withholding out of peoples checks the companies would have a fit they can't fire everyone tho maybe they would even go along. The reason the gov went to with holding your taxes out of your check before you get it is because most people do not even realize just how much of your money they with hold every pay period that is the reason it does it to avoid a taxpayer revolt. It would not be so bad to pay taxes but it is how they waste the money on stupid things that boils my # like the Sniff pulling out of Afghanistan that equipment belongs to us the tax payer we own all that equipment that old senile bastard left there he don't care plenty more where that came from. Another is all the money the Sniff gives the Ukraine let them fight their own damned war that is our money the are giving away and for what. How is it he gets by with just giving the money away without congress approving? I know the prez can give a lot of money away without congress but that don't make it right

By Jon Stevens on 2023 06 14

"H.R. 1 would federalize and micromanage the election process administered by the states, imposing unnecessary, unwise, and unconstitutional mandates on the states and reversing the decentralization of the American election process—which is essential to the protection of our liberty and freedom. It would (among other things) implement nationwide the worst changes in election rules that occurred during the 2020 election; go even further in eroding and eliminating basic security protocols that states have in place; and interfere with the ability of states and their citizens to determine the qualifications and eligibility of voters, ensure the accuracy of voter registration rolls, secure the fairness and integrity of elections, and participate and speak freely in the political process. "

By Parcelman 007 on 2023 06 14

Americans better wake up. The dems want to create an ocean to ocean concentration camp where the whites are all in prison and the rest of us are pushing a broom for a living and there are a lot less people. The World Economic Forum and the United Nations want to reduce the world population from 8 billion down to 500 million. That means 15 out of every 16 people on planet earth must disappear. This is a great way to win an election. Just arrest your main opponent. If you can't see that there is something not right about that, you're a walking zombie. Better wake up.

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