
All they want you to do is believe the illusion: America is saving the world from Putin, who is an enemy, not only because he's Russian, but because he, according to their complex false narrative, helped Donald Trump win the presidency in 2016.

Ukrainian War Illusions

All things serve the narrative. No matter what happens politically in the world, if the statist globalist cartel that firmly believes the only way to fix anything is to insert more government into the problem is involved, what is on the surface for you to see is simply an illusion. All things serve the leviathan. All things feed the behemoth. All signs point to tyranny, and feeding the agenda that is designed to lead the whole world to a global version of mass collective communism.

The ends justify the means. The goal is power, wealth, and control. That's it. It is that simple.

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By Centrewing on 2023 03 08

It all proves how disjointed both sides of the media have been too. Here in Canada all our media supports Ukraine, Russia bad and evil must be destroyed? Even Spencer Fernando and True North, Spencer wrote that according to Polls almost all Canadians support Ukraine? but so does the bought out media wow a coming together tinkerbelle Trudeau is winning with all his falsehoods. Zelenski like tinkerbelle Trudeau are USA/CCP placed tyrants following whatever the Soros and one world UN WEF globalists tell then to do. Just like the 81 million votes Biden received too many believe this too. We have heard for many years how corrupt Ukraine even our WEF Freeland holds up Ukraine's Nazi flag still supporting her homelands Nazi's killing their Russian speaking Ukrainian's on their land that they have worked and lived on for centuries.
If you look into what has and is going on in Russia they have been and are freer than we are now they support their families have more well trained and really educated people lots of jobs I here now that the "big Conglomerates have left" there own people are running businesses successfully. Listen to Lavlaw (? spelling) give speeches does he ever make sense. They were forced into this military action the west wants war. The Congo and other countries are begging Russia for protection from us and our globalism takeover or listen to the USA's Col. MacGregor he really knows what has been and is going on, or Redacted etc.

By Jerry Mander on 2023 03 09

No, CANADA "has the most corrupt government in the world", sharing that distinction with the USA. Just saying that Ukraine is worse doesn't make it so, that's a LIE, you're just pounding your keyboard. WHY? Because you side with Russia.

By Left Coast on 2023 03 09

@ Jerry Mander . . .

Canada's inept PM has not ARRESTED the Opposition Party yet . . . as Zelensky has done . . .
While Turdough has Bought the Cdn. Propaganda Media that you obviously Believe . . . he has not Banned them as Zelensky did . . . .
Neither is Turdough arresting Priests or Pastors now that Covid is over . . . Zelensky is . . .
Today Zelensky is rounding up Teenagers & Seniors in the cities to send to the Army . . . the little Despot is willing to fight to the Last Ukrainian, with YOUR Tax $$$s . . . and then retire to Switzerland with his ill-gotten Millions.

You seem completely oblivious to the Fact that Putin will not comply to the Euro controlled WEF Globalists . . . as our Justin & his Cabinet have done . . . Klaus Schwabb calls them his "Stars" in the new Global Order. You do understand this is undermining Western Societies today, the 21st Century Cultural Revolution . . . and Putin is not interested.

Perhaps you were cheering when Senile Joe Biden stopped the Peace Negotiations last March?

How did you feel about the Obama/Biden & CIA in 2014 overthrowing the duly elected Ukraine Govt to install the Comedian Zelensky? Director of NATO mentioned this last week . . .
A decade of Money Laundering & 46 Bio Labs was the result. Perhaps you didn't hear about that?
Or that Azov battalions killing Russian Speakers in Donbass for years . . .

The Legacy Media in Canada keeps you low intellect man . . .

By Jerry Mander on 2023 03 09

It's awfully strange that the only place I ever read about awful things that Zelensky does is on this website and no other.
NO, i don't believe anything I read anywhere, you're wrong.
What outhouse pit are you drawing your worthless opinions from? NO, I'm not oblivious to Putin and the Globalists, they want him gone, he's a nationalist, like Trump, that's why Trump is gone. No worries about Canada and Trudeau, though, he's Globalist all the way. He's one of their Young Leaders, like that French necrophile, Macron.
As for the war in Ukraine, the people have my sympathy. That war was engineered to suck in Putin and bring down the government. One more big power absorbed by the Globalists.
Last, about my low intellect, I have a genius IQ and a doctorate to back it up. You on the other hand seem to be rather stupid.

By Left Coast on 2023 03 10

Jerry . . . . . Zelensky is the Hero of the Globalists . . . wake up man!

Supported by the Globalist Euros, the WEF and Senile Globalist Joe Biden.
Turdough supports him big time & Justin is a Pawn of the WEF . . . just ask Schwabb!

That is the point, crushing Russia . . . Russia and the USA are the only countries NOT subject to WEF Globalist nonsense today. The CCP on the other hand is a willing participant, why you ask? Because the Globalist Regime proposed by the WEF is going to look just like CHINA.

As I said . . . the Head of NATO stated this WAR started in 2014 when the Obama/Biden Administration & the CIA plotted to overthrow the duly elected Ukrainian Govt.

You are obviously OK with 46 CIA Bio Labs, Azov fascist battalions killing Russian Speakers in Donbas for years . . . and the Euro loons pushing the Feckless NATO on Ukraine's corrupt Zelensky Govt.

What do you think would happen to Mexico if 46 Russian Bio Labs were along the Rio Grande? And the Mexican President was installed by Putin?

Time for a reality check man . . . you sound a little confused . . .

By Left Coast on 2023 03 10

Jerry: " I have a genius IQ and a doctorate to back it up." ? ? ?

And Still spouting CBC talking points man . . .

PHD = piled higher & deeper . . . .

Sometime you can think you are just so smart you miss the Obvious!

PS: Putin walked away from the WEF Globalists . . .

"Russian President Vladimir Putin gave an address on Tuesday where he exposed the satanic agenda to normalize pedophilia in the West.

During the speech, Putin bemoaned the cultural downslide occurring in the United States and other countries throughout the West where Christianity is mocked and God’s design is inverted for demonic purposes.

“See what they do with their own peoples – the destruction of the family, cultural and national identity, perversion, mockery of children and pedophilia are declared the norm. The norm of their life, and priests are forced to bless same-sex marriages,” Putin said.

“Adults have the right to live as they want, we have always thought like this in Russia and we always will, no one will invade private life, we are not going to do this. But I want to tell them, look at the Holy Scriptures, the main books of all other world religions, everything is said there, including that the family is the union of a man and a woman,” he added.

Putin would go on to call out the attacks against Christianity coming from Western governments whose societies are imploding."

You may agree with what is going on in this Country as it slides into irrelevance . . . I remember better times when China did not own many of our politicians and we had fair elections.

By Left Coast on 2023 03 10

Jerry . . . have a little listen to Gen. Macgregor . . .

col macgregor ukraine is about to be annihilated

NATO Readies Ukraine for the Slaughterhouse

Everything I have posted is FACTUAL and Real . . .

Don't expect to find any of it Canada's bought & paid for Fraud Lieberal Media.

Did I mention . . . NATO is a worthless relic of the 20th Century . . .

By Left Coast on 2023 03 10

Read with Understanding Jerry . . . .

"The Legacy Media in Canada keeps you low intellect man . . . "

Let me translate Jerry . . . I didn't say you were Low Intellect . . . I said the Legacy Media in Canada keeps you Low Intellect . . . big difference man . . .

Put that PHD to work . . . lol

By Jerry Mander on 2023 03 11

I'm not confused at all. YOU SOUND like someone hunting for a victim, the way you persist in ascribing views to me that I don't hold and never said I did.
Of course Zelensky is a Globalist. I never said otherwise. Your praise of Putin's religious stance while he hypocritically slaughters innocent civilians in Ukraine makes you quite the hypocrite, as well. My doctorate is in Divinity and this is not what Jesus intended Christianity to be.

You also persist in giving credit to Joe Biden, who was not elected, our election was stolen, and is nothing but a false front, a puppet. He has no actual say in anything in government. We are governed by a Globalist cabal. It's you who's confused if you think otherwise.

"You are obviously OK with 46 CIA Bio Labs, blither blither..." Actually i'm unaware of any 46 or however many "CIA Biolabs", so why would that be "obvious" and where did I say I was okay with this story? This sounds like one of those other stories, where we blew up the Twin Towers and never really landed on the Moon.

I think we're done here. You make up attacks against me out of nowhere that have no basis and serve no purpose. You laud a vicious murderer because he parrots your religious views. You can say whatever you like, but expect no further response from me, I'll be cancelling notifications for this thread. Good luck in life, being a Putin supporter is not going to serve you well.

By Douglas V. Gibbs on 2023 03 11

Jerry, If you have to tell people you are brilliant, you're not.

By Christopher Kemble on 2023 03 11

Progressives are utopian fantasizers. They reject western civilzation’s core of nationalism and pursue internationalist schemes. They hate nationalists like Orbán, Trump, Netanyahu and Farage because they hate nationalism. Give up your liberties, your self determination, herd together and let the elitists rule is their goal. The West scammed Russia with throw off the communist yoke and join us. The once high chance to integrate Russia is blown forever. 1998: Yelsin plea for restraint and Putin request to join NATO rebuffed. West supports Islamists even after Chechnya given treaty independence but chooses instead to spread terrorism across Russia 1999-2009: NATO militarizes across Eastern Europe, 14 more countries pledged to fight in any conflict 2015 - 2023: Seven years of lies about collusion and the laptop 2021: Russia submits draft treaties - NATO rejects any talks January 2022: Russian buildup ignored - no talks February 2022: Biden sends Harris to Europe to rub ‘Ukraine In NATO’ in the Russians’ faces March 2022: Boris & Biden reject any peace talks September 2022: Biden blows up Nord Stream pipeline The globalists’ solution to their folly is more globalism, NATO must be much bigger they say. NATO and lying Democrats blundered into this war because few pushed back on their decades of hostility to Russia and their globalist utopian overreach.

By Left Coast on 2023 03 11

Good comment Christopher . . . there is plenty of blame to go around for all the players today. I have always said the Euro Union was the 4th Reich . . . and NATO is a relic from the 20th Century and will solve nothing . . .

Sad reality is many of the Problems in the World today were created after the US 2020 Fraud Election . . . no one believes a Senile Octogenarian got more votes than did Hillarious Klinton & Obama.

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