
The school shooting problem can be solved. We must harden our schools, identify and stop shooters and solve our mental health issues. No one said it would be easy, but it must be done

Will a Law Fix It

Hearts broke nationwide as the news spread regarding the senseless killing at the Covenant School in Nashville, TN. So many are asking, "Why?"

Politicians have taken their usual positions of blaming the other party and screaming loudly that a new law or two will fix the situation. The President of the United States is the leading cheerleader for more hate and a lack of responsible thinking. Those on the other side of the political aisle are engaging in the same game. There is plenty of blame to go around.

It all has nothing to do with solving the problem. Their focus is on the primary election in each state and then on to November. It is a nasty little word, "re-election."

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By Centrewing on 2023 03 30

So back to actually getting educators not these victim mental propaganda enforcers who actually hate children, parents included.
My children now late forties and fifty five years separately used to come home crying after their grade three "teacher" told them their mother was going to dye as "she" smoked tobacco and it would kill them too later in life they had a bad mother and father? It is way worse now, now the world is ending because we adults have destroyed it using gas and oil etc. plus even when my kids were young they had several "gay" teachers who were pushing their behavior so no one would make the mistake of getting pregnant why did the kids need to even know they were "gay" let alone telling them all this scare tactics, I complained but did not realized what really was going on. I had a bad drinking drug addicted husband who was abusive but I had been brought up Christian, that marriage was an unbreakable thing, you needed to deal with it privately back then. so my children although never becoming gay hate marriage or having to raise a family. My children have said to me since they are adults that they were lucky to have had one good mother at least, many youngsters have two bad parents or no parents really in their life, even I had to work full time and run a farm but always tried to get them helping and learning/talking where ever I could, but realized all this negatively affected them and good families in this mess promote good mental fitness and bad or broken ones do not. Both my kids are single no children and are back at here living with me, the only family they have sadly.

By Travis R on 2023 03 30

Hardening schools will not work. You have to address the people doing this.
Bring back hanging and use it as the only acceptable death sentence.

By FJB on 2023 03 30

America doesn't have a gun problem. We have a mental health problem. The mentally ill should not be allowed to dictate how they are to be treated. Trans people need therapists, not activists. Would we let sociopathic serial killers dictate how they were to be treated by the public?
If any group calls for a day of vengeance, we should all be concerned especially when that call is made with photos showing fully armed people who are seeking the "vengeance". And by the way, against whom are they seeking vengeance? The Nashville police? You and me?
Stay safe and be prepared.

By big crow on 2023 03 30

NO, just vote to appropriate the money for an officer during school hours by increasing the local real estate tax a tad, that's all it takes. No waiting for fed/state money or more unenforced laws. We did it, how much are YOUR kids worth to you?

By LongTimeTexan on 2023 03 30

The trans community is going ballistic over this shooting. Not because this female creature who identified as a male shot and murdered in cold blood young school children, but because the media is correctly referring to the shooter as "she" instead of "he". To the transgender morons, misgendering this monster is a much bigger crime than the shooting of the innocent school children. What a slimy sewer pit these trans morons live in.

By old farta on 2023 03 31

Mental Health (or what ever that is), spend more money (yours, not mine) raise them right (my culture/values, not yours) --- job well done.

What is most interesting too me is the lack of a reasonable, intelligent, fact based discussion.

By Dan on 2023 03 31

Everybody gone down the wrong track when it comes to "Laws."

Laws, in and of themselves, DON'T stop crime.

What laws DO, is place a PENALTY on a certain crime.

If the penalty is not enforced, laws don't do squat.

No matter what law we make, there are always going to be people who decide the reward of breaking the law, is worth the risk of doing so, and most criminals actually think logically, that they will take the risk, obviously for personal gain.

But CRAZY can't understand the amount of personal gain isn't beneficially proportional to an insanely high risk, which is why no laws will EVER stop crazy.

By Will on 2023 03 31

I don't understand why children aren't treated like the gold at Fort Knox, but instead are presented like on a silver platter with a sign in the background that has a red line crossing something out that's been totally banned in other countries which have active war zones in them. If you think banning guns is the answer you fell for Marxism, and ignored the elephant in the room: a full fireteam for scene security. If that sounds too scary; nobody should listen to a coward.

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