
Politically and economically we've not only found the elephant in the room we're riding it into the ash heap of History

Somebody Has to Say It 

By Dr. Robert R. Owens ——--May 23, 2020

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Where are the voices of those crying in the wilderness?  Where are the watchers on the walls?  If the alarm isn't given how will the people know when the enemy enters the camp?  In America today the descendants of those who fought the most powerful empire in the world to gain their freedom, the children of those who scaled Pointe du Hoc and slogged their way from Normandy to the heart of Germany to defeat the Nazi killing machine, cower in government mandated lockdowns in fear of getting sick.  The speed with which Americans have surrendered their hard won and hard defended freedom is shocking.  What's next?  The "Show me your papers," of tyrannical internal passports, or the ludicrous idea that we keep the economy closed long enough to destroy it? 
Politically and economically we've not only found the elephant in the room we're riding it into the ash heap of History. Much the same situation exists morally and spiritually among the many organizations that call themselves American Christian denominations.  There is a very visible counterpart to the invisible Social Security Flu stalking our land.  And this visible sickness is 100% fatal.  I'm speaking of the life denying sin of infanticide, which the Progressive Ahabs and Jezebels have disguised with the harmless sounding name of Pro-choice.  It is designed by focus groups and PR firms to entice those worshipping self to sacrifice the innocent on the altar of convenience.  Not only have many Christians fallen into this diabolical trap of the enemy, but six large Christian denominations are not only silent in the face of industrial scale murder they endorse it.  These collaborators include: The United Church of Christ, The Metropolitan Community Church, the Presbyterian Church USA, the Evangelical Lutheran Church, the Christ Church (Assembly of God), and the United Methodist Church.  Though many individual Christians and independent ministries stand forthrightly and valiantly attempting to throw the monkey wrench of public indignation into the gears of the abortion industry, those denominations which proclaim they're against America's holocaust say little if anything publicly. As the saying goes all that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing. 

Bishop Thomas J. Tobin of Providence, Rhode Island

There's one denomination that's spoken out against this sin consistently and publicly.  Unfortunately, the word doesn't seem to make it from the headquarters to the pew.  In most cases the courageous words of the leaders are not expressed from the pulpit being replaced in many places by an "I'm Okay you're okay" lukewarm mishmash of platitudes at best and New Age gobbledygook at worst.  Bishop Thomas J. Tobin of Providence, Rhode Island, recently wrote on Twitter, "Just saw a headline in a Catholic newspaper with the phrase 'pro-abortion Catholic.' Sorry. That's a contradiction in terms. You can't be a Catholic, at least not an authentic one, and be 'pro-abortion.' Or 'pro-choice.' It's the same thing."  And Bishop Tobin is not a solitary public voice among the leadership of the Roman Catholic Church.    Denver Archbishop Samuel J. Aquila wrote in the diocesan newspaper, The Denver Catholic, "Catholics in good conscience cannot support candidates who will advance abortion."  The Archbishop explicitly refuted attempts to assert the "moral equivalency" of different ethical and social issues pointing to those "who divide 'the personal' from 'the public.'"    The Archbishop continued, "When people of faith do not stand up for their beliefs, the government will become 'god' and impose its beliefs on the citizens.  One only needs to look to the Health and Human Service contraceptive mandate, or the attempt by former President Obama to force a transgender agenda onto public schools." 

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Denver Archbishop Samuel J. Aquila

With a bravery lacking in many protestant leaders,  the Archbishop even ventured to relate these spiritual and moral teachings to the political world where real world decisions are made saying, "Catholic voters must make themselves aware of where the parties stand on these essential issues.  The right to life is the most important and fundamental right since life is necessary for any of the other rights to matter."  And to drive the point home that the sin of abortion is fundamentally different from all other social issues the Archbishop said, "There are some issues that can legitimately be debated by Christians, such as which policies are the most effective in caring for the poor, but the direct killing of innocent human life must be opposed at all times by every follower of Jesus Christ. There are no legitimate exceptions to this teaching,"  Becoming even more specific in his comments of a political nature, the Archbishop said, "Christians must reflect on the platforms of both parties, with an emphasis on the human life issues.  If you truly live your Catholic faith, you will not find complete alignment with any political party, and that is okay.  But in voting, Catholics must look at how each party platform supports human life from conception through natural death, the freedom of religion and the freedom of conscience, the family, and the poor."  Other voices ring out from the Catholic Hierarchy,  some even venturing into a hotly contested presidential campaign.  In 2016, Kansas City Archbishop Joseph Naumann wrote in a column in his diocesan newspaper, The Leaven, "It was painful to listen to Senator Kaine repeat the same tired and contorted reasoning to profess his personal opposition to abortion while justifying his commitment to keep it legal. He said all the usual made-for-modern-media sound bites: It is not proper to impose his religious beliefs upon all Americans. He trusts women to make good reproductive choices. And when all else fails, there is always the question, Do we really want to criminalize and fill our jails with post-abortive women? 

When Jesus hanging on the cross took on the sins of all humanity our sins were included in the weight pulling against the nails

"Regarding the imposition of religious beliefs, Senator Kaine appears to have no qualms with his public positions conforming with his religious beliefs with regard to such issues as the church's opposition to racism or our preferential option for the poor. He appears not to be conflicted with our public policies mirroring the Ten Commandments with regard to stealing, perjury, or forms of murder, other than abortion."  I'm not a disinterested party.  If not for the forgiveness I've received in and through Christ, I'd stand convicted of my part in four abortions.  My children were all offered up as sacrifices to convenience on America's version of the altar of Moloch.   I'm not writing this to heap condemnation on those who through fear, ignorance, or even those who knowingly killed their babies.  Instead, as a fellow participant in the sin of infanticide, I want to tell those who agonize over their decisions to still those tiny lives that there is hope.  There is forgiveness.  When Jesus hanging on the cross took on the sins of all humanity our sins were included in the weight pulling against the nails. When our Blessed Savior cried out "It is finished," the tyranny of sin, death, and the devil was broken even for us.  Instead of mourning each day for who might have been, instead of wallowing in the condemnation due for our crimes we have a way of escape. 


American Christians: stand up for life with your words, your actions, and your votes

All we must do is confess Jesus as the Lord and Master of our life and believe in our heart that God has raised Him from the dead and we will be saved.  And I don't mean just saved from hell fire somewhere off in the future.  We are saved from every aspect of the condemnation which is a natural part of our fallen human existence.  The instant we're born-again we step out of the darkness and into the light.  We become children of God able to stand in the presence of God without any sense of sin, guilt, or shame.  We'll never forget our children.  We may never be able to hold them or watch them grow.  But we can rest assured when we step through the door separating this mortal reality from the immortal reality beyond, we'll get to spend eternity with them there.  Some of this might be hard to hear but somebody has to say it. This is not only a message of forgiveness this is a call to all American Christians: stand up for life with your words, your actions, and your votes.

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Dr. Robert R. Owens——

Dr. Owens teaches History, Political Science, and Religion.  He is the Historian of the Future @
Follow Dr. Robert Owens on Facebook or Twitter @ Drrobertowens / Edited by Dr. Rosalie Owens
