
You always know when you push a tolerant, inclusive liberal into a corner when he (or she) resorts to namecalling and admissions of hate

A Conversation With A Liberal

The following conversation was started by a liberal who commented on one of my YouTube videos…

Bob, You haven’t been to a Tea Party Rally (or a GOP Rally) until you’ve gone undercover as one of them like I have with my white skin. I’m telling you these people will never say to your face what they are really thinking, but I hear the blatant racism all the time. They assume that because I’m white and have a Gadsden Flag sign that I am one of them. Whenever a Black or Hispanic person does walk by at the rally, it’s all “Hush Hush” until they are out of earshot. Look, not all Tea Party members are racist, I’m not saying that, but a lot of them ARE and a lot who are in the power structure, definitely are racist.
Well, if they are as stupid as the left claims they are even though the demographics state the opposite, they sure fool a lot of people.
I was undercover at the Cincinnati Tea Party Rally three days ago, (the one that Sean Hannity was supposed to attend but the Fox wouldn’t let him) and I’m talking to these guys and the subject of the President racial heritage comes up. As if on cue, out come the jokes about his mother and “what kind of woman she must have been to lie down with a N-word from Kenya” and on and on it went until I thought I would PUKE! I said, “Well, regardless of that, I really want to see some tighter restrictions placed on the banks so that we never ever have to be put, as US Taxpayers, in the position of bailing out these banks again”. I am there at the rally for a reason, and that is to find some common ground with members of the Tea Party. The response that heard from a Tea Party guy named Allen was, “President Bush didn’t really want to do that first round of the bank bailouts, it was that God-damned- Muslim- N-word’s (referring to President Obama again), economic advisers Larry Summers and Timothy Geithner who MADE Bush go along with it!” Literally everyone in the group of eight agreed. Then there was a brief, vile, discussion of the President and the first Lady and their love-making, and then on to how the President isn’t even an American citizen, another obvious lie and I think a form of covert racism. (He’s not one of us you see) So, then this Black guy (who I later learned was from Chicago) walked by with an anti-Obama t-shirt on and the conversation suddenly switched from racist jokes and remarks to “Constitution protections being ignored” and “the over reach of the Government”, blah, blah, blah. After he moved on, the racist conversation started in again and they actually referred to this guy, their fellow Tea Party member of African descent as a, “Useful idiot”. I served in the US Navy with people from every racial background and sometimes I wish I was back because this kind of # just wasn’t tolerated. We live in a free society and people are free to think what they want, but some of your Tea Party conservatives are going to far in my opinion. They won’t rest until this President is either dead or they rip this country apart. You’ve got to understand, Bob, it is anathema for these people, seeing a Black man in the Whitehouse. Consider this a friendly warning, Bob, a head’s up from a friend, the Tea Party Movement is just an extension of the Republican Party and the rightwing in this country is becoming more and more racist. They are using you, Bob, they will smile in your face and stab you in the back.
I responded, “Well, let’s be honest here. IF what you heard at a Tea Party was said, surely someone would have recorded it and it would be broadcast on MSNBC for weeks. You should bring a recording device with you next time and expose this, again IF it’s happening. It’s been my experience that I’ve been embraced by the conservative movement, not because of the color of my skin but because of the quality of work I do. I was just hired last summer (and I was the only person interviewed) because of the quality and volume of video work done. Lastly, in the early 90s, I worked for a broadcast network in Hollywood. As a liberal, I was embraced by my co-workers after they saw I indeed had talent and experience and wasn’t an affirmative action hire. However, after having problems with continually having to make excuses for Bill Clinton and also talking to closet Republicans, I changed my party affiliation. Immediately after that, there were anonymous complaints about my work and a few weeks later, I was fired. While in my boss’ office, I asked to read those complaints so I wouldn’t make those mistakes again. My job folder was empty. I later found out that I had been blacklisted in Hollywood and it was no longer possible for me to obtain the freelance work that was easily attainable just a few short weeks earlier. We ended up losing our house because I was no longer making the money I once had. Also, after networking with other black Republicans in Hollywood, I heard many stories of racial epithets being thrown around by liberals, and blacks knew complaints would result in the loss of their jobs. Liberals pat themselves on the back for electing Obama, but to this day have no problem making racial caricatures of black Republicans. Bill Maher calls the Tea Party the Klan while leaving out the Ku Klux Klan was a creation of the Democratic Party. I know exactly who I’m aligned with. Do you?” It didn’t take long for this to go from civil to the typical…
I hear you, Bob, we are all sculpted by our experiences, you have reasons to believe what you believe, and so do I. I also had a falling out with some Democratic friends over how the Clinton Presidency ended, I couldn’t excuse what he had done, either. I couldn’t get past the fact that he’d had an affair, in the Whitehouse, with an intern (an employee really) young enough to be his daughter, and then there was the whole Elian Gonzalez tragedy and the coup de grace` was the pardons; I was not a happy camper. I lost a couple good friendships over all that but I didn’t suffer financially, I can see where that would stick in your craw. Of course, none of that has anything to do with President Obama. You said, “Liberals pat themselves on the back for electing Obama…”, wow- Bob, is that what you think? Is that HOW you think? First, that ALL Dems are liberal, secondly that all liberals are alike, and finally that we Dems are proud that we voted for Barack Obama simply BECAUSE of his skin color? You WERE a Liberal, so I know you know this, ask yourself why didn’t the Democratic Party just nominate Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton if ALL that we wanted was someone with Black skin? I can’t speak for anyone but myself, but I didn’t want Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton as the Democratic Presidential nominee in any of the years they were running because neither of them had ever held political office. They didn’t have any practical political experience holding office, working with other politicians. I just went and watched one your videos and NOW I get it, you work for that Brent Bozel outfit, “NewsBusters”, OK, now it all makes sense. I am already working on President Obama’s Re-Election Campaign for 2012 so I wish you nothing but misfortune at that Un-American, treasonous outfit that you work for. Bob, those people at your former workplace didn’t start hating you because they suddenly became racist, they turned against you because you became a # turncoat #. Look what your support for George W. (War Criminal) Bush gave us, the terrorist attack on 9/11 that was easily preventable had that idiot read and headed his August 6th Presidential Daily Briefing, two foreign wars with out end that were put, “off budget” that are bankrupting us now, and a polarized electorate courtesy Karl Rove. Enjoy your thirty pieces of silver though and remember, we don’t hate you for what you are, or the color of your skin, we hate you for what you have become. -Scott-Cortmeister-
You always know when you push a tolerant, inclusive liberal into a corner when he (or she) resorts to namecalling and admissions of hate.

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Bob Parks——

Bob Parks is a is a member/writer of the National Advisory Council of Project 21. Bob’s websites are Black & Right and youtube.com/BlackAndRight
