
The Libyan tempest is just the latest crisis that offers an opportunity for advancing that agenda, creating a precarious precedent

A Precarious Precedent!

With all of the craziness within the world competing for our attention, it is easy to lose perspective on just how nefarious our President and his confederacy really are. We can’t continue to think in normal terms; we need to profile the whole lot, identifying their unspoken agenda, then work backwards. The Libyan tempest is just the latest crisis that offers an opportunity for advancing that agenda, creating a precarious precedent.

Isn’t it troubling to have such a disjointed message coming from the White House, our military and Secretary of State about our objectives in Libya? If the President says Gadhafi must go, how can our objective be anything short of the removal of Gadhafi by his resignation, military defeat, or death? How can the President say he is exploring all of our options, state that ground troops are not part of these options, and then deploy U. S. Marines to the conflict? Which ‘doctrine’ is it, Mr. President? These are real people, with real families, not pawns to be expended for the advancement of a personal agenda! Aren’t we projecting a weakness of objective and resolve to Gadhafi, our allies, and our own military? What is the ulterior goal of our involvement in Libya? If the primary objective of U. S. regressive-Progressives is to shred the Constitution, allowing them the opportunity to overwhelm the system, weren’t the actions by President Obama to bypass Congress as if it is the Maginot Line a not-so-stealth assault upon our Constitution? One doesn’t need to be an attorney to realize that precedent is the basis for case law in our legal system and action within our political system. Is it a stretch to believe that our Agitator-in-Chief won’t use this stealth maneuver as a precedent to justify future steps in fracturing our Constitution, if circumstances allow? Where are Congress and the Bilderberger media on this issue? Will there be any tangible consequences for this egregious usurpation of our Constitution? Where is the GOP leadership on this issue? A letter isn’t going to lead to a cessation of these actions! Would the Democrats have been as mute if President Bush has taken this form of action? With no serious contest from Congress on this issue, why stop with this assault? If the expanded Progressive agenda includes the diminishing of our military sovereignty, wasn’t the relegation of our military to the command of NATO by President Obama an advancement of that objective? The U. S. may provide an inordinate percentage of financial and military support to NATO, but this transparent scheme of transferring command of our military forces outside of their respective chains of command provides the appearance to the world that we are no longer the world’s pre-eminent, military superpower. Is our President not a Commander-in-Chief, but an Abdicator-in-Chief? It has been said that President Obama has acted reluctantly in entering into the Libyan conflict. In sifting through the monotonous ‘I’s’ interwoven throughout the President’s belated address to the country on Monday evening regarding the Libyan issue, could there be a ‘hidden jewel’ in plain sight? Didn’t President Obama say that over $30 billion of Gadhafi’s money has been seized, and will be used for the benefit of the Libyan people? After the curtain was pulled back on how the Wizard of Washington had channeled a significant percentage of the ‘stimulus’ money to strategic states and union management, how could one not believe that having access to $30 billion is a highly coveted objective? ACORN and unions are establishing beachheads overseas to advance the Progressive/labor agenda, and it is going to take significant sums of money to support these efforts. These organizations have years of experience in ‘appropriating’ money to advance their Progressive/Socialist agenda, so doesn’t the question have to be asked, ‘How much of this $30 billion is going to find its way towards these subversive entities?’ Additionally, unless the trail of this money is highly scrutinized by an impartial 3rd party, isn’t there a threat that some of these funds will be clandestinely funneled towards the re-election efforts of President Obama, and key Senators and Representatives? I respect the Office of the presidency, but this President has done nothing to inspire confidence that our country and our welfare come before his and the Progressives’ cherished agenda. Don’t we need a regime change within our own country in 2012 to re-establish our priorities of ‘Our Father, families and freedoms first?’

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A.J. Cameron——

A.J. Cameron was born in Kansas City, MO, and raised in Prairie Village, KS. He is a graduate of Rockhurst High School and University of Kansas, and is a the former president of the Native Sons & Daughters of Greater Kansas City. Having worked for international and local, start-up companies, A. J. brings a wide range of insight to many of the challenging issues of the day. A.J. seeks to engage readers on key issues with views grounded in time-tested principles and common sense.
