
Protect idiot real estate speculators

A Trillion Here, A Trillion There, Pretty Soon We’re Talking About Real Money

Five Democratic governors are determined to help President George W. Bush secure his legacy as the president who helped to destroy the U.S. economy in order to protect idiot real estate speculators.

Placing their faith in the false gods of Keynesianism, they want the U.S. government to fork over $1 trillion –in addition to the $8.5 trillion the federal government and the Fed have already committed to various bailouts– to help cash-strapped states, Reuters reports. In other Bush legacy news, the U.S. Treasury announced it plans to provide financial aid to companies that supply automobile manufacturers. President Bush better pick up the pace. He’s only got 17 days left to bury U.S. capitalism altogether.


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Matthew Vadum——

Matthew Vadum,  matthewvadum.blogspot.com, is an investigative reporter.

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