
The United States of America is a freedom loving miracle that inspires most citizens of the world

America,  still the beautiful

The United States of America is still the most, unique, powerful, inspired and freedom loving country on earth. Though our current President, Barack Hussein Obama continuous to apologize for our country and ignore our Christian heritage, the facts remain the same. The United States of America is a freedom loving miracle that inspires most citizens of the world.

America’s early settlers and dreamers started with the hungry vision of having real freedom, so they took on the well armed and powerful Royal British Empire. In comparison, our patriots taking on the British, with their war ships and fabulous weapons, was like 1st graders with squirt guns and good intentions taking on the high school football team, fully dressed up with a fighting attitude. Through years of vision, sacrifice, prayer and hardship, America was born with her unique and treasured bill of rights, Constitution and Articles of Confederation. The bold and unique power forging through every word of her founding documents was and still is the spirit and inspiration of the Living God of the Holy Bible. America’s founders were mostly Christian and they saw the absolute need for God to be at the helm of her moral, legal, cultural and educational structure. America was blessed by God and grew to be the most powerful nation on earth because of that relationship. In fact, congress appointed chaplains for itself and its armed forces and even published the Bible to be sent out to U.S. citizens everywhere. They granted public lands to promote the teaching and preaching of Christianity throughout the country. They viewed the God of the Holy Bible as the country’s leader and protector, not Muhammad, Government structures, or royalty. Since the 1700s America has developed and matured, much like a good person would, with mistakes, achievements and all. However, since the U.S. has always had a skeletal structure, reflecting the Holy Bible and Freedom, it has erred on the side of generosity and giving more than taking and oppressing. Everyone has their lofty opinions and coffee talk about the wars America has found herself in, but allow me a brief snapshot of some and the reason behind them. You make up your mind. Did we contribute or did we take from the world? WW1 - America wanted to be neutral but when Germany sank the Lusitania, a British passenger ship with many Americans on board, things changed quickly. President Woodrow Wilson still declared U.S. neutrality after 128 Americans were killed in the Lusitania (typical liberal). Hide and talk….hide and talk some more. Germany was desperate to cut off any ships going to and from Britain, so they started attacking passenger and civilian operations. In fact in 1917, British intelligence intercepted a decoded telegram being sent to the Government of Mexico from Germany’s foreign minister, Arthur Zimmerman. This was given to President Wilson. Germany promised Mexico the Southern states again if they allied with Germany against the U.S. Germany was on a mission to control and conquer. The U.S. finally did the only thing they could to stop the growing and surrounding threat of Germany….declare war. WW2 – Once again, America was in neutral and isolation mode when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor and nearly wiped out our naval fleet, while most were asleep. Across the world in Europe, Hitler and the Nazis were taking on country after country and wanted to control the world as did Japan. Apparently, Germany didn’t get enough in WW1. WW2 involved, practically the whole world fighting, involved with Germany and Japan or the Allies. This was the most violent and costly war in the history of this world. We had no choice, we had to fight and win against stark evil and we did. The Korean War - The next few decades, America had to face a new, growing evil, communism and its threats. America was afraid and rightly so that with the push of Communist China supporting N. Korea that they would take over all of Asia if we didn’t stand for S. Korea and its freedom. This has often been called the forgotten war but it was critical in the push back of communism and with this chick, it is not forgotten. The Viet Nam war – once again the U.S. got involved in this war to stop the spread of communism in South East Asia. This has to be the most controversial war of our time. Americans got sick of it. The media and political groups turned against it and sadly our troops as they came home. What a horror show awaited our brave, returning Vets! Nevertheless, whether you view this war as a mistake or not, this…..once again slowed down the evil, march of communism. After President Ronald Reagan brought down communist Russia a few pegs, communism took a back seat in the world theatre to the new emerging threat, Islamic radicalism and fundamentalism. Radical Islam has been attacking the West and mainly American interests since the '70s, from cruise ships to our embassies. 9/11 brought their litany of evil and hate to a new level. It also caused the U.S. to once again, though not perfectly, respond at a war level. We started two fronts in our war on terror, in Afghanistan and Iraq. Though we continue to attack Islamic radical hot spots and are at war, Islamic radicals poke their evil heads up throughout the Middle East and, horrifyingly, are peppered even in our own country. America has taken on 3 major evils in war, Nazi and Japanese totalitarianism, communism, and now Islamic radicalism. We continue to lead the world in taking on evil tyrants that shred human rights and freedom. As the U.S. stature and power has increased around the world so has the sea of criticism against her. She is expected to rescue the perishing, beat up the bad guys and fund everything while dealing with constant and chronic whining from the U.N., progressives and Islamic countries. Chief whiner and apology expert is President Barack Hussein Obama. Facing, confronting and winning against the onslaught of Fundamentalist Islam is the current challenge of our time, especially with a President who was raised a Muslim, sides with Islam, as he stated he would in his own book ‘Audacity of Hope’ “I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.” It is most obvious that our President is siding with Islam. I would ask our President, just what is the ‘ugly direction’ that caused you to give nearly a billion dollars to the serial killer group, Hamas, in the first month of your leadership and what ugliness caused you to bow low to the Saudi King? America’s brilliance and power lies in her respect and reverence for freedom under God and defined by God, not a contrived and loaned freedom, assigned and controlled by Government. America has been infiltrated and compromised by those who define Government control, cradle to grave. Today, dangerous socialism, fascism, neo-Marxism and communism hide in the garments of progressive democrats who currently control congress and the white house. They must ALL be thrown out! America is still a light on a hill and hope to the world. We will throw the bums in the White House and this congress out and lead again in the way we should and can. We will continue to achieve, protect and inspire.

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Dr. Laurie Roth——

Dr. Laurie Roth Just Who is this Annie Oakley of the airwaves?

Laurie Roth has a Ph.D. in counseling and a black belt in Tae Kwon Do, is happily married and currently resides in Washington State. She is a singer/songwriter with five CD albums to her credit.
