
Obama is on the ‘Rules for Radicals’ warpat

Blacks, Hispanics and women must vote for Obama again….NOT!

Obama is on the ‘Rules for Radicals’ warpath. He is identifying the contrived enemies and pretend friends while feeding his attack and seduction plans to the largely, deaf and dumb, worshipping media. It is boringly familiar. As usual, Obama is dramatically reaching out to the young voters but not just any young voter. He wants Blacks, Hispanics and female voters. He is calling on the first time voters who voted for him in 2008 to do it again and beat the Republicans.

The latest race war move by Obama is the vivid attack of Gov. Jan Brewer of Arizona by Obama and liberals

The case and plans against Republicans and conservatives are growing. The latest race war move by Obama is the vivid attack of Gov. Jan Brewer of Arizona by Obama and liberals. Janet Napolitano calls the new immigration law in Arizona misguided, while Obama threatens all kinds of Federal, legal reviews. Obama and his minions are crying, civil rights violations, racism and ‘police state.’ He could not be more thrilled that this law was signed into existence. It is the perfect tool to manipulate a race war against the Republicans. Obama sees the poll numbers going down. He notices the massive growth of the Tea Parties, many of which are Independents and Democrats. The old tactic of the Saul Alinsky play book, that Obama taught ACORN workers from, is to invent crisis, blame your enemy, then rush in to solve the problem. Hitler had this strategy memorized also. We conservatives, that includes Republicans, obviously hate Hispanics, poor people, civil rights, black people and women’s rights! We are evil, nasty and the party of NO. We see drama queen central unfolding. San Francisco City attorney Dennis Herrera has called for a boycott of all Arizona-based businesses and the state in general. Napolitano and Obama call this outstanding law misguided and offensive to civil rights LaRaza and other far leftist, groups say this will create a police state…..blah, blah, blah. The bottom line is that many states, Arizona being just one of them are in an emergency situation because our clueless and irresponsible federal Government hasn’t led and done their job for years, no decades, in stopping the flood of illegal aliens over our borders. Though laws have been on the books for ages outlawing businesses in the U.S. from hiring illegal aliens, the apparent law behind the law is to virtually ignore this law. Hire all you want. Use that cheap, slave labor. Make sure you the business owner get all the benefits of the cheapest labor possible, violating and insulting the illegal aliens, while you violate and deny jobs to American workers, who would work those jobs if they could get them! The same time you do all this, preach to the American people lies about the illegal aliens only doing the jobs U.S. citizens won’t, while supporting the goal of family values. The flow of illegal aliens has grown to the terminal cancer stage in our country. Amnesty, co-dependency and looking the other way is not the answer. The great Ronald Reagan offered amnesty and that only acted as a lightening rod, attracting millions more over our borders. Obama is also pushing for amnesty and pushing a worker ID for all workers in America. This proposed strategy would address the immigration issue somehow. I find that stream of logic ‘dumber than a post’ because we already have an out of control crime wave with illegals stealing Ids and Social Security numbers. If everyone is forced to have a worker ID with biometrics and all, this will only create an even larger Identity theft industry, now with fake and stolen worker Ids. Keeping illegal aliens from crossing our borders is just one of the many ways we must intervene to stop this flow. We must get serious with the Government of Mexico, workers and employers here and there. We must offer laid out and clear incentives to work along the border and in Mexico, while offering total protection. The Mexican Government must declare internal war on their own fraud, payola and compromise with Drug Cartels. Once they have confronted, with their military, the many drug and crime cartels, then they must explore some economic benefits for building business and employment opportunities along the US and Mexican border. We need voices and leaders who will get creative and visionary to really solve this problem for all. That means including workers, both Governments, the poor illegals who want jobs, our national security issues and crime prevention. The Obama administration is pursuing young, black, Hispanic and female voters. Obama thinks he owns them and that he can seduce them into believing that he actually cares about race and women’s issues. Wake up call to all minorities and women! OBAMA DOES NOT CARE ABOUT YOU AT ALL! He only cares about the votes he can manipulate out of you and the tax money he can take from your wallet. He wants and demands a nation of worshipping, tax serfs, preferably, African-American and Hispanic. You are not supposed to have your own mind. Do you get it yet? The Arizona immigration law is new and will be monitored and watched to make sure it doesn’t go over the line. However, isn’t it high time that the concept of sanctuary cities and the neutering of Cops stop!!!? Now, in Arizona, they actually have the right to ask a few questions and pick up an illegal alien. As if that is over the top! I’m sorry, if illegals might feel violated or like their privacy rights are being trampled, but, IT WAS ILLEGAL IN THE FIRST PLACE FOR THEM TO COME HERE WITH OUT GOING THROUGH A LEGAL PROCESS.

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Dr. Laurie Roth——

Dr. Laurie Roth Just Who is this Annie Oakley of the airwaves?

Laurie Roth has a Ph.D. in counseling and a black belt in Tae Kwon Do, is happily married and currently resides in Washington State. She is a singer/songwriter with five CD albums to her credit.
