
Speaking out against J Street, Jewish congress people, Hollywood Jews, rabbis who are silent in the face of increasing threats to the very existence of Israel and Jews worldwide

Breaking The Silence: NYC Rally Denounces Policy Makers Who Set Israel Up For Destruction

By Guest Column Madeline Brooks——--April 25, 2010

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In a demonstration against the increasing hostility shown towards Israel by the Obama camp and its camp followers, more than 2,000 people - Jews, Gentiles, Hindus and freedom lovers of all types - braved a chilly rain to affirm Israel’s right to exist as a sovereign Jewish state on April 25, 2010.

As readers of this newspaper may know, President Obama has publically insulted Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu while showing obsequious deference to Muslims and Arabs. Obama has implied that Israel’s very existence has caused the loss of American “blood and treasure” in Afghanistan. He has pressured Netanyahu to view Jerusalem, where Jews have dwelled for over 3,500 years, as a mere ‘settlement’ that must restrict its growth so as to accommodate Arabs. And Obama has dithered about Iran’s build up of nuclear strength, even letting one of his top staff members state that America may shoot Israeli jets out of the sky if they attempt to bomb Iran’s nukes. While right wing Jews have criticized Obama publically for policies that endanger Israel’s continued existence, they have mostly kept silent about the left wing Jews who accept Obama’s policies. Today they broke the silence, speaking out against J Street, Jewish congress people, Hollywood Jews, and rabbis who are silent in the face of increasing threats to the very existence of Israel and Jews worldwide. The speakers included Beth Gilinsky, who organized the rally, Joan Peters (author of From Time Immemorial), Rabbi Joseph Potasnik (co-host of Religion On the Line), Joy Brighton speaking on the Sharia finance of terrorism, and many others. One of the themes of the rally was the obvious betrayal of Jews in the past by their own leadership. Preceding the mass extermination of European Jews during WWII, Jewish leaders told their congregations not to make waves and silenced them with false assurances that “something was being worked out behind the scenes.” What “worked out” were mass deaths in concentration camps. Via their leaders, before the deportations, Jews accepted being told where to live in the ghettos of Europe. None of that today. Jews and their supporters expressed determination to cast off the idea that Obama could ever be the landlord of Israel. Another theme was that the Arab dispute with Israel was not about land, and giving up more land for peace would just result in less land and less peace. Israel is up against an implacable enemy that is 14 centuries old – the same radical Islam that threatens the whole world with domination and tyranny. Speaker James Lafferty declared Benjamin Netanyahu the leader of the Free World now that Obama has vacated that post and suggested only somewhat facetiously that Netanyahu should run for the Presidency in the US since citizenship is not required anymore. Reality is breaking through politically imposed barriers to truth. Senior NY Senator Chuck Schumer on a recent radio show sharply criticized the Obama administration’s “counter-productive” policies on Israel and threatened to “publically blast” the White House if it did not retract certain statements. Former Mayor Ed Koch expressed his solidarity with today’s rally. Although he could not be there, he taped a video with Beth Gilinsky in which he declared that he thought Obama’s changes in established US policy hurt Israel and that he found Obama’s rude treatment of Netanyahu “obnoxious.” Koch suggested a massive march on Washington D.C. similar to Martin Luther King Jr.’s demonstrations to protest Obama’s rejection of a democratic country in favor of countries run by tyrants. Stay tuned, Mr. Mayor, and freedom lovers throughout the world. Activists are planning such marches even as I type this. Madeline Brooks is a counter-jihad activist based in New York City. Madeline can be reached at: Resistjihad@aol.com

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