
Climate Security Act, Lieberman-Warner Bill

Cap-and-Trade an Economic Nightmare

By Guest Column John Barnhart——--March 1, 2009

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The "Climate Security Act", also known as Cap-and-Trade or the Lieberman-Warner Bill was being debated in the US Senate last year and came close to becoming law. For a bill that will literally ruin our economy forever, it did not get near the attention it deserved.

Thanks to a Republican filibuster by Senator Mitch McConnell, Jeff Sessions, Larry Craig and a promise of a VETO by former President Bush it was stopped, but after the election everyone can expect it to raise its ugly head again. Hillary Clinton, Barbara Boxer, Patrick Lahey, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, Barack Obama, John Warner, Joe Lieberman, every liberal global warming nut in the world and even John McCain all support the bill. A Breakdown of the nearly 9000 page bill and all of the itemizations contained in it are available at this link: The bill allows the US Government to set limits on how many carbon atoms businesses may expel into the environment but the bill does not necessarily differentiate between large and small companies, it treats farms, oil refineries, local utilities and manufacturing plants all the same. Sure each one will have carbon footprint restrictions available to them based on their output but all businesses no matter their product or service will end up paying for carbon offset credits and those costs will be passed on to the consumer. If the bill passes in the future each American family will need to have an extra $16,989.49 in the bank to pay for it. The confusing thing is that independent non-partisan tax watchdog organizations like the National Tax Payers Union and government agencies like The Department of Energy, Government Accounting Office and even the Environmental Protection Agency all have detailed to the costs of the bill and yet they still insisted on trying to pass it. Gas would immediately increase by another $1.50 per gallon, every consumer would have to pay another $400.00 per year for electricity and the American Gross Domestic Product would decrease by 3.5% to 7% per year, hurting companies large and small and would send an estimated 3 million more jobs overseas over the next few years. As an example of how damaging Cap-and-Trade is they already have it in Germany and other parts of Europe. Germans pay $10.00 a gallon for fuel, as a country they have had a long history of making high quality products like cars and steel, but since Cap-and-Trade was introduced the major steel makers have determined that it is now less expensive for them to move their manufacturing from Germany to Saudi Arabia. That is just one industry, and one country, toss in auto makers, fuel companies, trucking companies, farmers, technology manufacturers, etc. The US Government has already proposed a really ridiculous bill that would tax farmers based on how much their cows fart to help stop climate change. Get the picture? Is that what we want for America....? Worse yet, there is a proposal being discussed that will restrict carbon emissions on you and your family...that's right ...you would have to pay taxes based on how much your family drives, has a cook out, cuts the grass, talks, burps and even how much you or your family pet farts. Anything that expels carbon dioxide would be taxable. And NO I am NOT kidding, this is not a joke. There is a version of the Cap-and-Trade proposal that does indeed restrict those actions or you pay for them by buying carbon offset credits which is a tax. You and I are about to get "porked" by Congress by hundreds of billions of dollars.

Inventor of the Internet, global warming alarmist and former Vice President Al Gore

Don't believe it, other countries are already using elements of Cap-and-Trade to restrict when people can have a cook out, what kind of a vehicle they may buy, how far they may drive or how many BTU's their house may use for heating or cooling. When they go over the limit they must pay the tax man and buy carbon offset credits. The National Taxpayers Union recently calculated some of the things you could do with the almost $17,000 Cap-and-Trade will cost your family IF you can afford it. $17,000 will buy 3,400 tons of carbon offsets; an enviro-chic Toyota Prius; Buy 5,279 energy efficient light bulbs; Buy 42 Energy Star Dishwashers; Buy 28 Energy Star Super Capacity Washing Machines, buy 850 copies of An Inconvenient Truth written by the inventor of the Internet, global warming alarmist and former Vice President Al Gore. By the way who do you think might be an investor and an active partner in one of the largest companies that sells carbon offset credits, you guessed it, Al Gore. During the 1970's scientists were predicting the next ice age and they scared everyone to death by predicting that all of Canada and most of the US would be covered by a giant glacier by the year 2000. In the 1980's scientists started talking about hydro-fluorocarbons, carbon dioxide and what they called "greenhouse gasses." They scared everyone to death by predicting that if we did not reduce the amount of aerosol spray cans and cars on the road that we would suffer catastrophic global warming, worldwide droughts, worldwide famines, and the planet would look like the planet Mars by the year 2000 and billions would die. In the 1990's scientists predicted a Y2K disaster that would stop the world as we knew it and every financial market would stop, cars would not run, planes would fall from the sky, banks would close and there would be anarchy in the streets. Well here we are in 2008... there are billions of more cars on the road, more people, plenty of water and clean air, more food, more banks, more computers and eight years after the year 2000 came and went... no Y2K disaster...no ice age...no global warming...no mars...no Martians... just the world's biggest stiff...most insignificant sore loser...want to be scientist...inventor of the internet...bull crap artist "Al Bore" warning us that the sky is still going to fall...the earth is dying and unless we do what he says the polar ice caps are going to melt in a few years and a giant flood will come and wash us all away.

Carbon Offset Credits...it is a tax, a huge one, the largest money grab in American history

Al Gore has become a global warming alarmist and liberal "sacred-cow." He somehow he got Congress to listen to his "Chicken Little" bull crap and the Senate wrote a bill in his honor to save the planet from an imaginary problem that is based on an as yet still unproven theory. Unfortunately, the solution he proposed is real, it is real bad for America and it is called Cap-and-Trade. Want to know why the Senate ever wrote the bill in the first place? Because they are so bad at balancing the budget that they need Cap-and-Trade to help them...to the tune of almost $7 trillion dollars. That is why they are willing to sacrifice your future with that huge stimulus package, so they come closer to balancing the budget and claim they saved the environment all at the same time. This is just one of the ways that Barack Obama intends to cut the deficit in half, but he won't admit it. Do what so many others and I have done and email as many members of Congress as you can, voice your displeasure. Carbon Offset Credits...it is a tax, a huge one, the largest money grab in American history and I call it for what it is....a huge crock of crap! John Barnhart is an American Internet talk radio host, conservative commentator, published author, is a member of the Committee of Concerned Journalists, The National Coalition Coordinator for The Foundation for Conservative Solutions, a proud member of The Sovereignty Alliance, Gun Owners of America, The John Birch Society, various other conservative organizations, and is the Founder and Executive Editor of American Daily Review.


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