
One week closer to oblivion

Copenhagen’s a Nice Place - Pity About the Summit

By Guest Column Barry Napier——--December 15, 2009

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We already know that leaders devised secret deals before the Summit began, and they continued to do so during the first week. The Brothers Grimm, Sarkozy and Brown, have been sweating gold globules to devise more stories to fool their adoring followers. And in the background (because they should be silent, grateful recipients, not participants – they are only there to make up the numbers) are the ‘developing countries’, who have been trumped by even more secret committees who decide their fate over skinny coffee and Danish pastries. Or, was it champagne and caviar?

Oh yes, and we mustn’t miss out the email scandal that says, according to greenies without personal intellectual integrity, no matter how fraudulent the figures are, they don’t affect the conclusions… thus setting a brand new criterion for scientific validity. All you need to do is come up with a statement (not even an hypothesis), and don’t bother to do anything scientific – like providing hard facts and using proven procedures and information. Just slip in a one-line ‘conclusion’ and forget the scientific bit. No need to prove it with actual data, and no need to show you have done even the tiniest bit of genuine research. So, Summit leaders have shown themselves to be devious and nasty totalitarian dictators who don’t want to get their socialism messed up with public opinion, scientific opposition, or the truth. They just met to tell everybody what to think and then do whatever they like, and will end up giving away billions of tax-payers’ money on useless schemes. So far, they are bang on target, in spite of inner fights amongst delegates.

Alternatives? Then No Law!

I would remind readers that where there is at least one alternative to a theory, there can be no scientific generalised ‘law’. It is impossible. And that is why I oppose the man-made CO2 nonsense out of hand. There can be no correlation whatever… there you have CO2; on the other hand you have people. Prove the link! All greenies can offer is an adamant statement without proof! If it were possible – and it isn’t – to prove human emission of CO2 actually causes a rise in ‘greenhouse gases’, I would think again. But, without a direct proof they have no case. And even then, they would have to prove that CO2 causes a rise in the first place. They have not done so. If this proof came along I may even capitulate. But, not until there is proof. Then, even if they proved human CO2 caused a rise in gases, and that CO2 causes a rise in temperature, they would still have to prove that a rise that hovers around a minus decimal point does real harm, when warmer climes actually serve mankind better, giving health, wealth and food! Much needs to be done to prove their case – but greenies refuse to do so and even hide the raw data! Instead, they send out their mindless drones onto the Copenhagen streets to get violent. For me, the point is not that greenies may be wrong, but that they use fascist means to make their statement, and refuse all contrary scientific argumentation. Indeed, this is the real reason why there are now highly-polarized camps. If greenies were reasonable and sane, we would be having conversations instead of gunfights at the OK dying-coral. Of course, there is also the problem of fraudulent science – something greenies just laugh at; and there is the refusal of journals to publish anything they don’t like.

Grimm Tales

It is Grimmly funny to watch Sarkozy and Brown dance around pretending they are the best of mates, when they loathe the sight of each other. In their respective browbeaten and very-controlled cabinets, they rip their counterpart into little shreds; in public they smile and give each other a peck on the cheek and a red rose. What a tale they tell! Fantasy woven into reality by deft strokes of their political pens, creating national debts so huge they will never be paid back. Even the original Grimm brothers couldn’t have thought up what Summit leaders have invented – a way to strip their nations’ of finances, spread good money over bad schemes, and impose a socialist regime to boot: all over a whim of green fantasy called ‘human CO2 emissions’. Not bad for a short time at the writing desk. The ‘charm offensive’ began on Friday morning (euobserver.com/9/29138/?rk=1), but who are they kidding? They wanted to publicly “bury their differences”, but that is not possible given the massive chasm between the two. Both are megalomaniacs, and both have egos to replace all the mythical greenhouse gas above our heads. Their sudden ‘friendship’ will be short-lived; it has been set up just to bring in a deal to give ‘fast start’ money to the Third World, basically to shut them up before they are denied any power to rule their own countries. The deal began with a 50% ‘windfall tax’ on the bonuses of bankers, which is itself a laugh. Instead of getting ten million in their stockings this Christmas they’ll only get five! How will they cope? And as it is only a one-off, they can retrieve the rest anytime through clever financial packages they have already developed just in case. It’s just window-dressing. I suppose Brown and Sarkozy thought this would fool voters, who will end up paying taxes through the nose to give presents to hard-up bankers who they were forced to bail out with their own small incomes and big taxes. The bankers, of course, treat their tax-paying friends with contempt. Naturally, the taxpayers are angry. Easy, say the Brothers Grimm – just tax ‘em more. Like a child eager to please, Brown surprised reporters when he childishly said “Nicolas Sarkozy is one of my best friends…” How nice. In return Sarkozy, the strutting likeness of Napoleon, praised Brown for handing him the EU’s new rulebook, the despised Lisbon Treaty that will drive all Europeans to the wall. Without Brown, he said, we would not have had the Treaty. Thankyou Mr Brown, say all his desperate countrymen, who wanted the Treaty like they wanted a hole in the head. Again, as with the Summit, Brown signed the Treaty secretly without public knowledge or approval.

Poland… Again Under German Threat

Germany comes out as top funder in the EU, putting pressure on Poland to come up with the goods. But Poland doesn’t want to play this time. Germany has been on the back of Poland, to get her to subscribe to CO2 emission targets. But, Poland has given figures to say why the deal is no good. And they see no valid reason to give away billions of their money to developing countries, over a futile attempt to stop CO2. (How much would be used properly anyway, when there are so many despotic rulers who keep their countries poor while gilding their own nests?) To reduce emissions to 30% (the newest Summit demand, unless they push it up more), the cost to Poland would be $92 billion each year until 2030. Bear in mind that this figure is on top of its annual ‘membership fee’ of billions to the EU. The deal would force them to build a new nuclear power plant, insulate buildings and bring in lots of green cars, when none of it is necessary! As realists keep saying, CO2 is not harmful and has no effect on the planet. So why pay vast sums that increase the tax burden without any observable effect? It is ludicrous, if not criminal. But, this is how communists work. The demands come because Poland is said to be the ‘dirtiest’ in Europe - it uses coal. That is, it offends the green mind, even though fossil fuels are plentiful and have no link to CO2 ‘pollution’ (CO2 is not a pollutant).

Many Trees – More Money

One of the private deals Sarkozy and Brown came up with over the weekend was to claim back a fifth of the climate cash to be given to the Third World, so they can stop deforestation. That means greasing the palms of huge companies by firstly greasing the palms of governments. Don’t cut down trees and we’ll make you rich, say the Brothers Grimm. Good deal? The EU wants to give (after the ‘fast start’ figure) between E2 and E15 billion a year maintenance fee to the Third World, but the Third World, now caught up in big-money fever, demands E35 billion a year! The Sarkozy-Brown deal was, of course, brokered secretly between themselves and just presented at the Summit. Indeed, they have developed a huge cash idea that they expect the rest of the Summit to obey. Once again I would remind everyone that this money does not come from them, but from hard-working taxpayers already hit hard by their socialist masters. Politicians don’t pay anything towards the deals, because of their salary structures and expenses fiddles. Easy money easily promised, because they don’t have to pay! No matter, the developing countries will be given $7.2 billion over the next three years. Wanna bet on the outcome? Wanna see where the money really goes? So, certain Grimm leaders work through the night to come up with a new deal for developing countries, outside of the normal Summit time. They present it to the rest of the meeting, a done deal, and get on with more secrecy. There is, then, no point in the Summit! Why not just tell everyone what Sarkozy and Brown decide, without the cost of attending, and without creating massive CO2 emissions from their jets and all the hot air coming from climateers outside the Summit in the streets? Not that the Grimms care, but others in the Summit want the EU-US energy model to be the model for everyone else. You know, the US model Obama foisted on the people to make them each indebted for the rest of their lives, as well as unemployed. Same as the ideas put out by Brown. And why? They want to cut fossil fuel use, when there is plenty of it around and when it does no harm to the planet. It is just one big money feast carried in a garbage truck. It is also the way communists strive to bring a country to its knees. Without this it cannot bring in its bigger totalitarian schemes. Windfarms and ‘clean coal’ projects take the bulk of EU money. Note that during the Summit the EU has also been meeting and making big deals, hoping the Summit will steal the show, thus covering EU plundering and machinations. Windfarms are so stupid an idea and yet they are at the front of green minds. If you want to live hanging from a wind turbine (because there would be no room for housing, given the number of turbines needed), that’s fine. But if you know, as realists do, that even if there were thousands of turbines in each country, they would not provide anything near enough electricity, you would kick the idea out the window.

A Weird Complaint, but Good Timing!

The Independent (14th Dec) led with a front-page heading and centre-page article that is most odd. The headline is ‘Sunspots do not cause climate change, say scientists’. So, what’s new about that? Yes, some claim sunspots cause warming… but other realists are dubious. Greenies, of course, are just furious and sling insults. Forget the science – just shout. This argument has been doing the rounds for a while now, so the only reason warmists want to dust it off and bring it out again, is that greenies are alarmed by the realists’ rise in stature during the Summit. It’s just a smokescreen. The Independent says of the sunspot angle, that it is a “key claim” of skeptics’ arguments against warming. No it isn’t! It is just one approach amongst many! The sub-heading also says the sunspot idea has been “debunked”. No, it hasn’t – it is simply not agreed upon! Debunking needs far more than one or two scientists disagreeing with realists. And, as I said earlier, the mere fact that this kind of arguing is going on, proves beyond doubt that the science is not settled and that there are alternatives to insane, extreme claims that have no real science behind them. They cannot have substance, because there has been no time to examine the studies properly, or to replicate research – because greenies refuse to hand over their work or data! And even when realists fight back, they can’t get their arguments into journals because they are being blocked. Therefore, The Independent article is not ‘proof’ that the sunspot angle is wrong, only that they disagree with it, which is very different to being ‘debunked’. The writer of the main article, Steve Connor, throws what he thinks is a hand-grenade at realists, by saying that one or two scientists (greenies, of course, which betrays their true position of prejudice) call the sunspot idea rubbish.

Forget Scientific Process – Just Agree

At the very end of his article he says: “there is no need to invoke a complicated explanation for global warming”… but wait: if the phenomenon requires a complicated explanation, then that’s how it has to be! What he is doing is limiting what can be used as evidence, so that greenies can rule by simply stating their ‘conclusions’… which require no explanation or study at all! Connor, then, is calling for a simple explanation, even if it defies rational or scientific thought. That is bad science. He then admits to siding with Mann, Jones and other fraudsters, by saying: “The answer lies not in elaborate suppositions, but in the science and the data we can trust”. What? Like the stuff put out by Jones and friends, which is itself based on ‘elaborate suppositions’? Or, like the data we can trust that Mann won’t let anyone else look at? If raw data is hidden from others how can anyone possibly ‘trust’ it? Connor is just repeating the same old mantra of greenies: Believe because we say so; shut up because we say so! It just isn’t good enough. Another argument he uses is that we should rely on the absolutely perfect observations of temperature made by satellite data. He forgets to say that satellite data is NOT direct measurement of temperature. Only thermometers on the ground can give us that. Satellites are a modified form of proxy measurement – and it is Mann’s insolent mixing of true and proxy that has caused much furore. Because it is unscientific! Obviously, though an old argument about sunspots, The Independent thought it was onto a revelation. Clearly, this is not the case. By all means say that some scientists disagree – but do not equate that with ‘debunking’, which requires a great deal of repeated testing of data. The idea was to throw yet another spanner into the works, because the Summit is suffering badly despite frantic PR work by governments; there is hardly any real progress. And. of course, greenies stand to lose big-time if they can’t persuade us they are genuine. There is, then, a very real danger that they will forge ahead anyway, to save face. After all, Brown thinks he needs success at the Summit to get himself another term in office… that would be disaster. Sarkozy and other western leaders also need some kind of face-saving at the Summit, so they will conspire to hand over our money and think about consequences later. In this they are following scientists who think that if they claim something they can get away with it, without once proving their case.

Blair Admits it!

Tony Blair openly admits that the science is askew, but says we must act NOW, JUST IN CASE. IPCC coordinating author, Dr Philip Lloyd wants to ‘call out’ the IPCC for dealing in fraud! (Climate Depot, 14th Dec). Surely people can see this is all about money and politics and not science? Blair ruined his own country for the sake of money and power. Now he’s continuing his meddling by saying “Get moving”. He says ‘The world must take action on climate change at Copenhagen even if the science is not correct’!! This is what greenies are following. And this is why realists oppose. How can it be “grossly irresponsible” not to act on green bad science JUST IN CASE some of it might be right? It makes no sense whatever, and will cost trillions worldwide, making everyone’s lives a misery… except those who are manipulative politicians. Why not, IGNORE green stuff, JUST IN CASE it is wrong? Same logic, but at least its makes sense. Blair, on the say-so of bad science, a bad science he admits exists, wants us to invest in green energy (I wonder why? Got a few stocks in it, Blair? Or, been given an incentive by big money?). As you read this article, environment ministers from around the world are trying to ease the path of their leaders, who start arriving again tomorrow. The leaders want to move in and sign up, regardless of fraud, science or truth. This is a path to financial disaster. Maybe that’s why the ruined near-bankrupt socialist state of California is sending its Marxist leader, Arnie, to speak at the Summit. Nothing like a complete Red failure to spur on others to follow the same path! Come on lads – let’s all jump over the cliff! (With any luck, he won’t be back). Barry Napier runs christiandoctrine.com. The Global Green Agenda’, Barry Napier. Published, Petra Press, 2009. For other anti-green books by Barry Napier contact the author: barry.napier@ntlworld.com

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