
United States of America was NEVER a “democracy”. It was established as a “representative” Constitutional Republic


By Guest Column Diana Clark——--February 5, 2011

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Facts, of course, mean little to Progressives. However, just for the record, the United States of America was NEVER a “democracy”. It was established as a “representative” Constitutional Republic.

And after the colonists won the American Revolution, the French saw what they had achieved in America, and decided to stage their own revolution in France. Unfortunately, however, they didn’t have the same beliefs and goals, and in France, the rampaging mob ruled. The result was slaughter in the streets. THAT was “democracy” in action. Would you like a real example of true “democracy”? Look at the Sports Dome in New Orleans during Katrina. There were approximately 35,000 people sheltering in that building, with no leaders or organization. It was purely “democratic” and each one had an “equal” voice… until the biggest and meanest thugs decided to arm themselves with the nearest chair leg or ax handle. Then THEIR “votes” were the only ones that counted - and we’ll never know how many victims were beaten, robbed, raped, or murdered in that horrid place. But hey – it was all very “democratic”! And increasing doses of “democracy” is what Progressives have given us for the last 50 years…
  • After desegregation, WHY did we bus first graders to schools all the way across town, when their parents – both black and white - didn’t want to? Democracy.
  • Why do we have legalized abortion when most Americans – both black and white - are horrified by it? Democracy.
  • Why do we continue to argue about gay marriage, when most Americans – both black and white - don’t believe in it?  Democracy.
  • Why do we have unconstitutional healthcare legislation forced on us, when 80% of the American people want no part of it?  Democracy.
  • Why is our Republic over-run with illegal immigrants who are sucking the life out of our economy, when the vast majority of the American People want the border secured and the invasion stopped? Democracy.
  • Why are American citizens burdened with ever-increasing taxes, when we all know that it’s destroying our economy? Democracy.
Real “democracy” boils down to the group that shouts the loudest… or bribes the most judges… or waves the biggest ax handles… dominating the rest. Our Founders understood that, and deliberately designed America to prevent it from happening here. They organized our government as a system of Checks and Balances intended to insure that one small group, be they gangsters or politicians, could not over-rule the majority. However, that is what Progressives have been working toward for years: THEIR little elite group… in total control of the rest of us… from the cradle to the grave.

“A democracy is two wolves and a lamb deciding what’s for dinner. A Constitutional Republic is a well-armed lamb disputing the menu!”

Someone once said, “A democracy is two wolves and a lamb deciding what’s for dinner. A Constitutional Republic is a well-armed lamb disputing the menu!” So think about that: when you hear Liberals pontificating about how America must “spread democracy” to other nations, what does that really mean?  Real democracy ALWAYS ENABLES THE BAD GUYS TO OBTAIN CONTROL.  Therefore, the Progressive aim of “spreading democracy”, only means that they want to spread to other nations the same poison that’s killing America. Oh, wait – I guess they call that “nation-building” now. Our Constitutional Republic led the world by example. We didn’t dictate to other nations, or demand that they institute “democratic reforms”. We simply lived our lives here, and people in other nations SAW the Freedom, prosperity, peace and safety enjoyed by American citizens under their Constitutional Republic. And THAT was what the rest of the world wanted for their own peoples, in their own countries. That was what inspired them.

American courage, strength and ingenuity that made America great – not “democracy”

But it was American courage, strength and ingenuity that made America great – not “democracy”. Americans used the opportunities created by our Constitutional Freedoms to make choices, take chances, work hard and succeed or fail. THAT made America great – and THAT is what the rest of the world respected. Now, the world is laughing at the United States. They have watched while the American People sit stupidly by as Progressives destroy our Constitutional Republic, and impose their “democracy” on America. The world sees the result of that “democracy”: chaos, riots, infighting, lies, openly criminal behavior in our government, blatant violations of our Constitution, excessive taxation… and the fracturing of our People. The rest of the world sees, and understands, better than we do, what a colossal blunder we have made: that we are foolishly throwing away all that we had. Of course they’re laughing at us - nobody respects a fool. © Diana Clark, 2011 Diana Clark is a Christian, grandmother, conservative Constitutionalist, a Vet, from three generations of Vets - and would rather do a good CW two-step than eat. Diana can be reached at asnglvoice@centurylink.net

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