
Deguello: Compassion Litmus Test, Dream Act

Eleven Nations For Eleven Senators

By Guest Column Thor Asgardson——--November 25, 2010

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“The DREAM Act is a compassion litmus test. If you don't feel any sympathy for these young people, if you want to limit their potential to contribute to society and relegate them to lives as second-class citizens, if you are so hardened by illegal immigration that you don't see yourself giving amnesty even to kids, if you don't feel their frustration and pain, pinch yourself; you may not be alive!” -- Miguel Perez

"......it is very true that I threw up my cap for liberty with great ardor, and perfect sincerity, but very soon found the folly of it. A hundred years to come my people will not be fit for liberty. They do not know what it is, unenlightened as they are, and under the influence of a Catholic clergy, a despotism is the proper government for them, but there is no reason why it should not be a wise and virtuous one." -- Santa Anna in reply to former American envoy to Mexico Joel Poinsett after his capture by Texans 1836 When the first Mexican War commenced, the defenders of the Alamo, were forced to listen to the Mexican Army play the Taps of Deguello, before they were mercilessly butchered by the forces of General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna. That mournful note of the trumpet was to set the ground rules of engagement between the two peoples, where quarter is neither given, nor received. It is a slit-throat march which has reverberated down to the present day, to signal the continuing struggle between two separate peoples, who contend for the same piece of territory. The only "compassion litmus test," is the one Americans see when a chicken processing plant is closed down by ICE agents and where U.S. Customs rounds up the Mexican nationals, to pave the way for 200 real Americans to find a local job at higher wages. That is where American sympathies currently lie. The American people do NOT see any advantage in allowing Mechistas into the U.S. Armed Forces, when the primary emphasis at this juncture is the removal of the thousands of Latino gang members who have infiltrated our military, to receive advanced weapons training. Americans feel very loathe to grant any kind of "dream" to the children of Mexican nationals, especially when they see American universities becoming bastions of Marxism and subversion, due to the illegal alien presence among the ranks of both students and faculty alike. Such a presence poisons the minds of young Americans, who imagine by the Mechista influence that the Founding Fathers were genocidal slave masters. Now the champion of Mechistas, Miguel Perez, wants Americans to feel "compassion" for those foreign nationals who willfully made the choice to break the laws of this nation, by illegally entering our country to colonize territory for Mexico. He feels that the children of this vanguard army of La Reconquista, should somehow be rewarded for their intrusion into the national house. Let's see now; they have stolen American citizenship by spawning here and now they want to cut in front of the Americans standing in line to get into college. They want to garner the financial aid and sympathy of lawmakers to their own advantage, rather than get in line, like everybody else. Fat chance. Americans are very much "alive," Mr. Perez, thank you very much. We are not out to "relegate"--or grant-- to anyone a "second class citizen" rating, especially when that person is the spawn of an illegal alien family, which properly belongs in Mexico. Your straw man argument is typical of your continued sense of denial, when confronted with facts, Mr. Perez. We would prefer to see that family united and whole, as they return to Mexico, to prosecute the Second Mexican Revolution in their own country, for first class citizenship. Americans do NOT believe in second class citizens, nor do we condone the use of slave labor, especially considering the fact that our own senior citizens and new college graduates cannot find work of any kind, due to the massive flooding of our nation by denizens of the Third World, under the supranational agenda of the robber barons. Let's take a realistic look at so-called "compassion" for the children of interlopers:
"Even among the generally anti-immigrant Republicans in Congress — at least in the past — some have shown sympathy for young undocumented immigrants. A failed attempt to pass the DREAM Act in 2007 had the support of 11 Republican senators. That is the reason some optimists believe they will be able to find a few Republicans with hearts during the lame-duck session." -- Miguel Perez
Hello...wake up, Perez! Forget about "eleven senators," when eleven nations of Central and South America--including Mexico--are suing the state of Arizona. The move comes in response to a 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling which allows Mexico, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru and Chile — to submit friend-of-the-court briefs in Justice's challenge to SB 1070, which Arizona Governor Jan Brewer signed into law in April and is considered one of the nation's toughest immigration-enforcement measures. This spectacle of treason for the American people has been provided by the criminal Obama regime, which has sought to surrender American sovereignty to the purview of one world government, via the phony storefront of the international bankers; the United Nations. This issue is NOT about a few good kids or a few good senators; it is about detaching the grappling hooks of vassalage to the United Nations, from the walls of Fortress America. It is about maintaining the territorial integrity of the United States of America in present, as well as retroactive fashion. Americans are concerned with an illegal alien "president," who cannot produce a paper trail of who or what he is, outside of an obvious quisling, ready to open the floodgates of surrrender in this Second Mexican War. The American people are no longer in Santa Claus mode for Mexican nationals--despite the advent of the holiday season-- so why do you imagine that we are going to just grant college educations to the children of illegal aliens, Mr. Perez? It is highly doubtful that since the conversion of John McCain to the cause of border security in Arizona and the removal of treasonous senators like Arlen Specter, that a glimmer of hope remains for the sappy sentimentalism of lawmakers, who might imagine that the children of Mexican nationals will somehow convert their fierce loyalty for Mexico--as evidenced by their own public rantings--to a new fealty toward the American cause. Note how Mr. Perez calls them "immigrants," when they are really the spawn of illegal alien interlopers.
"The DREAM Act is little more than an educational initiative that would allow millions of illegal aliens who meet a very loose definition of the term ‘student' to qualify for green cards. Additionally, the DREAM Act would funnel taxpayer monies away from legal residents and into the pockets of illegal aliens."
The question now is whether Perez can get the "few good Republicans" he says he needs to get the bill through the Senate, after labeling them "right-wing extremists" and closet racists.  Good luck with your public relations blitz, comrade!
"While immigrant rights advocates held rallies to support the DREAM Act across the country last week, some GOP lawmakers reportedly were ‘gearing up to challenge the DREAM Act,' which means we can expect a barrage of scare tactics designed to mobilize xenophobic, immigrant-bashing Americans." --Miguel Perez
"We lost, today pero, its time to fight back and win by any means necesary. I am sick of looking at their stupid white faces and sh*it. Tired of it. THIS IS MY HOMELAND! I want us to give them a big reminder of who runs this country on their racist holiday July 4th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The European is my enemy I will send them back where they came from. 'Communism is not love. Communism is a hammer which we use to crush the enemy.' " --Mao Tse-Tung, courtesy of Frente Zapatista de Liberacion Nacional
This anti-American quotation is the "compassion litmus test," for any politician who might feel beholden to the notion that these Marxist elements can be assimilated for the health of the national body, when they introduce the bacillus of communism. There are no "immigrant rights" for those who breach the borders of another country. It is hoped that Republican senators will now "do the right thing" and stand in support of the American people, who have thus far stood alone against the onslaught of one world government and the Mexican incursion, which is a combined pincer movement of invasion against the republic. It is the American people who are seeking a "pledge" of compassion from their lawmakers, to end the Second Mexican War, once-and-for-all. Passing the "Comprehensive Immigration Reform" of the international bankers is NOT a concern, nor is it a priority of the American people and they have made it very plain to their representatives with the recent upset of the Democrats in the last midterm election cycle. They see no advantage to sending a Marxist to finishing school, as a subversive element to be subsidized by the American taxpayer. The concept that the immigration system must be "reformed," was introduced by the Republicans, who sought to deliver Mexican slave labor to the oligarchs, at the expense of the American worker. It was one of the greatest swindles ever foisted onto the American people since the establishment of the Federal Reserve central bank.  This very great sin of the Republican Party against the American people requires atonement. European nations have begun to realize the parasitic nature of the guest worker and have taken steps to stem the tide of third world invasion in the Eastern Hemisphere, where these nations have witnessed the disastrous consequences of allowing an alien culture to gain a toehold in their societies, under the "multicultural" banner. The phenomenon is global and NOT simply confined to a "broken immigration system" in America, which is dependent on slave labor from Mexico, as the oligarchs would have us all believe. That fiction was created as the hollow political slogan "CIR," of the international bankers, to justify flooding of the nation with third world slave labor. It is a war against Americans of all skin colors, using the Newspeak of Big Brother, to promote the destruction of the American worker and a general dumbing-down of the population. It is indeed a social engineering, petri dish experiment of Big Brother, in cloning proles for the "New World Order." The model is the conversion of sovereign nations into human zoos where a "tangle of squabbling nationalities" is the archetype, in emulation of the larger United Nations, to which all peoples will pledge their allegiance as "citizens of the world." "The entire GOP ‘comprehensive immigration reform' scam is about wages - specifically keeping US wages low and company profit margins high.Nevertheless there they are, our Democrats, parroting GOP demands for ‘comprehensive immigration reform.' Which, if passed would undercut American workers and gut what little is left of union power to negotiate wage and benefits with companies. (‘What ya gonna do? You gonna strike? Go ahead, make our day.') And that's where American GOP policy dovetails nicely the needs of Mexicans. No, not the poor Mexicans risking their lives sneaking across the border. The GOP's real friends in Mexico are the handful of oligarch families and monopoly enterprises that have succeeded in rounding up the lion's share of Mexico's wealth for themselves. The porous US/Mexican border serves as a safety valve for those Mexican oligarchs, providing Mexico's poor an alternative to rebellion. Those oligarchs understand all to well that, the day that border is sealed is the first day of the revolution that will end their sweet deal." Stephen Pizzo
"In recent years a new International System has been developing, oriented toward the establishment of norms and principles of universal jurisdiction, above national sovereignty, in the areas of what is called the New Agenda...we have to confront ..... what I dare to call the Anglo-Saxon prejudice against the establishment of supranational organizations." -- Vicente Fox, to Club XXI, Hotel EuroBuilding, Madrid, Spain 5/16/02
"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the NY Times, Time Magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings, and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries." - David Rockefeller, CFR Kingpin, Founder of the Trilateral Commission, NWO Godfather June 1991 - Baden, Germany - Bilderberg Conference
Yes, there is an Anglo-Saxon prejudice against the surrender of national sovereignty to a "supranational" structure, where the authority of the individual nation-state is superseded by the global body , as touted by both David Rockefeller and former Mexican president, Vicente Fox. It is an imperium of capital and a return to feudalism at the hands of the oligarchy. Those who call the loudest for the alleged "comprehensive immigration reform," are the capitalists who promote the fiction that there are "jobs American's won't do," in order to advance their cause of enslaving nations to the yoke of one world government, with their introduction of the unwitting third world corporate shock troop, known as "guest worker." "Comprehensive Immigration Reform" means nothing to the American people, but the fact that they have been hoodwinked by these bankers, into having their nation flooded--in the same manner of those nations in the Eastern Hemisphere-- by third world riffraff, does indeed mean something to them. There is NO SUCH THING as "comprehensive immigration reform," but if there were, the definition would be the holding of Mexico accountable for the invasion of the United States of America. Such reform would require Mexico as a signatory to formal terms of surrender in this Second Mexican War. Miguel Perez calls the Dream Act the "light brew of amnesty," as if Mexican reconquista would be more palatable to conservative taste buds, when marketed under the compassion label.
"These are young immigrants who are pleading for an opportunity to go to college or serve in the armed forces and complete the American lives they already have begun. If deported, most of them would be complete foreigners in the countries where they were born." --Miguel Perez
Only yesterday these interlopers were marching for and demanding "immigrant rights" in our city streets, as they hoisted a foreign flag over American territory. Now they are "pleading" for consideration? Let me get my violin out to play Deguello. "We are about to find out whether the children of the American dream have any place in our hearts." --Miguel Perez Yes, they do, Miguel... "Mi raza primero." Thor Asgardson

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