
The open sores created by years of liberal political correctness

Europe's gathering storm

By Guest Column K.J. Dolney——--September 4, 2015

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Europe may appear to be a "Union" on a map, but watching the member nation's leaders squabble over their "moral responsibilities" toward the tsunami of refugees crashing onto the Continent's shore shows me the EU is just the League of Nations, "Act Deux."

Driven to 'scratch the itch' of the open sores created by years of liberal political correctness, they're only seeing the problem being solved by throwing open their treasuries and larders to finance and feed the masses overrunning their nations. The only true solution is much further up the shaft on the 'staff of involvement'. The answer is war. When liberal Europe finally comes to grips with the economics of the issue and can admit they are financially unable to absorb the never-ending stream of humanity fleeing the terror being visited on their homelands by the Islamic State, they will realize that waging a war as rapidly and ruthlessly as possible against the metastasizing ISIS Caliphate, is the only viable answer. It will be the best humanitarian thing they can do for the refugees and the only financially feasible thing they can do for themselves. Sadly, Europe's past involvement in war is what is preventing them from rapidly arriving at this most humane solution to their problem. If ever a war was needed to be fought or was more justified, it is one against the blood-thirsty Islamic State. This time Europe must lead, as America, sadly, for the first time in its history, has no leader interested in leading. A Combined European Expeditionary Force needs to enter the current war in progress in Iraq-Syria. Serious "boots on the ground" and one rule of engagement, "Close with and kill the enemy in wholesale numbers." Make the Arab homelands safe from the Terrorist Caliphate, and the refugees will return to their villages and native lands. France or Germany must take the lead, as they are best equipped with talent and equipment, but all the other EU members, especially the traditional "Neutrals," had also better pick up a rifle if they don't want to see Europe stop being Europe. Everything in this world always comes down to economics, and if Europe takes a sober look at their future, they will quickly arrive at a war on behalf of Africa's and the Middle East's refugees, as being the least expensive and most expedient solution to the monumental crisis the EU faces at home. K.J. Dolney Columbia, SC

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