
Final Solution; the death of American capitalism

Freedom’s final solution

Socialism is inseparably interwoven with totalitarianism and the object worship of the state. It will prescribe for every one where they are to work, what they are to work at, where they may go and what they may say. Socialism is an attack on the right to breathe freely. No socialist system can be established without a political police. They would have to fall back on some form of Gestapo, no doubt very humanely directed in the first instance. --Winston Churchill

Who would have guessed it? As we enter 2009, contrary to what Democrats have been preaching, the stock market is up and the mercury is down. Together, these two inconvenient truths serve to highlight the intellectual bankruptcy of liberal Democrats and those who buy in to their bastardized version of what passes for science. Although many Republicans have now hung their over sized hats on the inevitability of Big, Big government, try as I might, I just can't seem to develop a taste for Barack Obama's Kool Aid just yet. The liberal agenda he will enact along with Congressional Democrats will simultaneously stifle our freedoms while adding even more crushing debt - all with no guarantees he'll produce anything close to the glistening environment, healthy economy or millions of jobs he so eloquently promised to the entire world. While pushing stimulus packages, "green" job creation and a civilian volunteer corps with a questionable mission as cornerstones of his economic revival, Obama seems to be ignoring some very important realities: 2008 was the year that the alleged scientific "consensus" regarding man's influence on his environment evaporated. Attempting to spend your way out of a recession is an extremely dangerous proposition. Obama's idea of a civilian volunteer corps sounds to many to be eerily like the Gestapo Churchill warned us about. As I predicted in my global warming series, the conclusions reached by the IPCC with regard to anthropogenic global warming were based on hype and politics. Having a background in software development, testing and defect remediation myself, when the IPCC released its 2007 report, I said the science was garbage. And since that time, the United States has experienced record cold. My hometown has seen more snow over the last three weeks than at any time over the last 30 years. Hundreds of scientists have reversed course and claimed there was no longer a consensus; that improved science had finally concluded that increased levels of CO2 are an effect of increased global temperatures, not a cause. Despite new scientific evidence and collapsing "consensus", Barack Obama still acts as if the debate over human-induced climate change is over, basing a large part of his domestic agenda on a myth now being debunked by hundreds of experts. With regard to recession, despite what the fear-mongers in either party will have you believe, recession is a natural, necessary element of any mature economy getting too big for its britches. It is the conditioned response of our economy to the failure of the Federal Reserve to maintain economic equilibrium. It prevents runaway inflation as we are now seeing in deflated worldwide oil prices. In that sense, recession is neither good nor bad. It has also occurred throughout the last century in regular cycles, yet if you ask anyone in Washington, we must continue to amass debt until we somehow manage to spend our way back to solvency. Add up all of Obama's other economic plans; raising taxes, expanding government, universal health insurance, education and all the rest; and its easy to see why our country and economy will continue to disintegrate. Obama will simply fire up the government printing presses and start printing checks for his massive stimulus package.He salivates at raising taxes, but it still isn't enough. There's now talk of raising the federal gas tax to offset falling gas tax revenue to pay for some of his domestic spending. Obama's economic recovery plans may be music to Democrat ears, but they are an extremely dangerous undertaking. Anyone with a grade-school mathematics education knows what happens when you spend money you don't have - you go further into debt. A few of Congress' accomplishments: A self-serving Congressional Visitor's Center hundreds of millions of dollars over budget, which was actually cover for expansion of Congressional office space... Billions in disaster aid wasted on fraud by people living in states far from Louisiana... TARP funds used to pay corporate bonuses for failed financial institutions... Pork-stuffed bailout bills, even in the midst of a crisis of their own making. Billions in farm subsidies going to people who don't grow crops and who live in such arguably "bread basket" regions as downtown Los Angeles and Manhattan... Shall I continue? The US government has lost its mind. You cannot solve a financial crisis by spending your way out. You simply go broke. They are not saddling their grandchildren with their debt like they constantly berate themselves, but saddling you and I with it. If Obama's plan to fix our economy through stimulus and public works fails, it will have the disastrous effect of accelerating socialism, not salvaging capitalism. Further reliance on government will be the only solution left; the Final Solution; the death of American capitalism as we know it.

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Jayme Evans——

Jayme Evans is a veteran of the United States Navy, military analyst, conservative columnist and an advocate and voice for disabled and other veterans. He has served for many years as a Subject Matter Expert in systems software testing, and currently serves as a technical lead in that capacity. He has extensively studied amateur astronomy and metallurgy, as well as military and US history.
