
We serve witness to the wholesale trashing of our Constitution

Gird Your Loins and Hold Your Nose

"From each, according to his ability, to each, according to his need" - Karl Marx The 2008 election cycle has undoubtedly been the most lopsided campaign of bias, double-standards and personal attacks by the media I have ever seen. Such are the societal mores of the party of the jackass; if you can't win fair and square, cheat. Media tactics during this campaign are without equal in terms of their viciousness.

The fact that John McCain is still competing at all with Barack Obama is testament the very potent truth that America doesn't want liberalism, socialism or any other ism they interpret as confiscatory. The fact that Obama isn't having to attack McCain despite all we've learned recently is testament to the equally potent inverse truth that Barack Obama doesn't need attack John McCain because his liberal media lapdogs are doing the attacking for him. No longer witnesses, they are now active participants, and forfeit any claims of objectivity. With their tremendous reach, NBC and the New York Times are the worst offenders, but everyone in the liberal media from late night hosts to network news anchors are attempting to manipulate public opinion by engaging in personal attacks that have nothing to do with the campaign. They're obsessed with Joe the plumber, Cindy McCain, Sarah Palin's intelligence, wardrobe, daughter and husband. They've been unabashedly in the tank for Obama all along and everyone knows it. One of the best examples of their bias was during coverage of Joe (the plumber) Wurzelbacher. ABC's first run footage of Joe's encounter with Obama was cleverly but clearly edited. Obama's "Spread the wealth" remark was scrubbed, lest they betray the truth about his tax plan. As soon as Joe exposed Obama's insane tax grab for what it really was, an angry media attacked him as relentlessly as anyone they've attacked this campaign. They probed every aspect of his personal life and within hours, they launched their smear campaign to try and discredit him.
  • Joe's name wasn't really Joe, it was Samuel.
  • He wasn't really a plumber.
  • Diane Sawyer noted brilliantly that he didn't make $250,000.00 a year, yet.
  • He had a tax lien on his property (like millions of other Americans) and all kinds of other garbage that is completely private personal information that should be out of bounds.
  • While they attack McCain and Sarah Palin or anyone remotely connected to them, they systematically bury news that hurts the Democrat candidate:
  • The story about the Obama campaign staffer who cast a fraudulent Ohio vote.
  • The story of the 12 other Obama staffers who withdrew their votes rather than face prosecution.
  • The stories about the oral diarrhea emanating from the gullets of Joe "Hairplugs" Biden and John "Cold-Blooded: Murtha, no strangers to verbal incontinence.
  • Murtha's recent racist tirades are just one among many by Democrats this election and this obsession with race betrays the Democratic Party's own subconscious bigotry. Biden's interview with WFTV Florida's Barbara West didn't help Obama's denial of his socialist views. West quoted Marx and then had the following exchange with Biden: West: "How is Senator Obama not being a Marxist if he intends to spread the wealth around?" Biden: "Are you joking? Is this a joke?... Or is that a real question?" West: "No... That's a question." Biden:(Laughter) She asked Biden a pointed, yet legitimate question about Obama's views. Not only did Biden not answer the question, he dismissed it as illegitimate and canceled an upcoming interview. The Obama campaign then sent the station a terse letter crying foul and essentially blackballing them from doing any further interviews. That's a scary proposition, but fits Obama's pattern of Herculean efforts to conceal his true identity. It also betrays that his administration will be as secretive as Bush's, if not more. The media continues to blast McCain for his alleged negativity and overall campaign tone, while giving Obama a free pass. He has never answered a tough, direct question. Not from West, not from Wurzelbacher, not from anyone. When reporters do ask Obama/Biden tough questions they are laughed at and blackballed. As Americans, we deserve to know who our elected leaders are, especially our President. The media, once relied upon to serve this function, refuses to tell us. We know nothing of Barack Obama. He has explained away everything; Every questionable relationship or decision he has ever made:
  • His relationships with socialists, hateful pastors domestic terrorists, and those who hatch voter fraud schemes.
  • His time in Indonesian schools which at the time were undeniably state-run Muslim institutions
  • The fact that his entire Senate career was spent running for President
  • The fact that his tax plan lacked any detail until Joe Wurzelbacher got him to cough it up
  • The fact he would negotiate with terrorists without preconditions.
  • The fact he would fine employers for not providing health care
  • The fact he would otherwise break the backs of small business.
  • The fact he is withholding completely innocuous documents from scrutiny, such as calendars and appointments from his time in the Illinois Senate, medical records, college transcripts and even a college thesis.
  • This is a critical time in our nation's history. Notwithstanding the core issues of the economy, energy, illegal immigration and national defense, we are looking at the very real prospect of electing a candidate whose background is unknown, yet whose fiscal, social and foreign policies resemble communism. In the process, we serve witness to the wholesale trashing of our Constitution as voter registration and election fraud threatens the very core of our democracy. If we were to elect a President who indeed has ties to socialists, who may espouse Marxist viewpoints, who was helped by massive voter fraud and media contamination, it would destroy the very fabric of our entire nation. Millions of U.S. veterans fought to secure this country against fascists, communists, Marxists, socialists and their requisite ills, yet ironically, many of these men may live to see a President who shares some of those views, but refuses to answer that question directly. Sadly, although the media refuses to report it, Barack Obama's own running mate made the most compelling argument against an Obama presidency as anyone to date. Joe Biden's admonition that Obama's election will invite a generated international crisis was another one of his unscripted moments, which usually betray the truth. Biden himself painted an Obama presidency as more of an invitation to our destruction than anything else. As Biden said, gird your loins and hold your nose, America. They say that those who are ignorant of their own history are doomed to repeat it; in this case, we're poised to one-up it.

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    Jayme Evans——

    Jayme Evans is a veteran of the United States Navy, military analyst, conservative columnist and an advocate and voice for disabled and other veterans. He has served for many years as a Subject Matter Expert in systems software testing, and currently serves as a technical lead in that capacity. He has extensively studied amateur astronomy and metallurgy, as well as military and US history.

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