
2% Value Added Tax on everything – personal and corporate

Glenn Beck is missing!

Bill O’Reilly had this guy on the other night that looked exactly like Glenn Beck, but when he started talking, I knew immediately he was an imposter.

This Glenn Beck imposter proceeded to tell O’Reilly that he wants a 2% Value Added Tax on everything – personal and corporate - because he’s, “willing to pay down the debt.” Now I have been watching and listening to Glenn Beck for a couple of years and one thing I know – that wasn’t Glenn beck. The “real” Glenn Beck would be the first to tell you that the government is addicted to taxes, and that it would be rather stupid to agree to give the addict another way to get their fix. The imposter did go on to say there needed to be a ten-year limit and tight spending regulations, but seriously, the real Glenn Beck wouldn’t be so naive as to think that once a VAT was implemented, the government wouldn’t eventually make it permanent? The real Glenn Beck also knows from experience that all addicts are liars, and will say and do just about anything to get their next fix. Based on what this imposter said, I can imagine the real Glenn Beck conjuring up one of his crazy voices and saying, “Hey Mr. Addict, how about America gives you ten years of your favorite drug if you promise to just… you fill in the blank.” Now that’s classic Beck! Alert America! Anyone finding the real Glenn Beck please call FOX News immediately.

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Neil Braithwaite——

Neil Braithwaite writes political commentary and satire.
