
Ask Debra Medina how quickly misplaced words can come back and bite

Glenn, Conspiracy and “Responsibility” Don’t Mix

Glenn Beck is not a hypocrite. He is also nowhere near a 9/11 Truther, but he also has to be very careful when he puts his thoughts together. Ask Debra Medina how quickly misplaced words can come back and bite.

On September 3rd, 2009, upon the revelation that President Obama’s Green Jobs Czar Van Jones was a Truther, Beck correctly called the president’s vetting process into question. But in the same segment, Beck also reiterates that the people “have a responsibility to question your government”.

I dunno (as I’m not the trained professional of Beck’s calibre), but maybe that phrase shouldn’t have been used in a segment on 9/11 Truthers, considering how much disdain he rightly has towards them. There are others who have found much smaller segments of the above clip and consider this a got’cha moment because the “responsibility” phrase is included in a Van Jones-is-a-Truther segment. The entire segment is almost seven and a half minutes, so I kept Glenn’s words in context as opposed to others that are now pushing a misleading clip less than 30 seconds in duration. I don’t know Glenn Beck but I wouldn’t mind asking him if he believes he’s now the person who should decide what questions are worthy of asking our government as opposed to those he’ll publicly ridicule?

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Bob Parks——

Bob Parks is a is a member/writer of the National Advisory Council of Project 21. Bob’s websites are Black & Right and youtube.com/BlackAndRight
