
With this election being the most important election in the history of our republic

‘Go BIG, or Go Home!’

There appears to be a persistent discussion regarding the ability of Mitt Romney to garner enough votes to unseat our sitting Dictator-in-Chief. There also appears to be a legitimate concern about Mr. Romney’s willingness to do what is necessary to be elected President of the United States. With this election being the most important election in the history of our republic (no hyperbole) the message all of us must send to Mr. Romney is, ‘Go BIG, or Go Home!’
If voters were to base their votes upon facts and our constitutionally guaranteed freedoms, the 2012 General Election should be a landslide defeat of the Dictator-in-Chief, Harry Reid and the Demoncrats, translating into a victory for the American taxpaying citizen, our constitutional republic and our freedoms. Sadly, for many people, facts and freedoms are obstacles to ramming their anti-American agenda upon a slumbering populace. Assuming that, 1) ‘The Fix’ is not in (with Romney playing the role vs. the Dictator-in-Chief that the Washington Generals have played against the Harlem Globetrotters, as a Bilderberger/U. N./IMF Axis puppet), 2) there is a minimum of voter fraud, and 3) there is a General Election, Mr. Romney might have a fighting chance to unseat the Dictator-in-Chief. To do so, he must graduate from the ‘AAA’ ball of the GOP debates to the major leagues in a hurry. The conventional wisdom is that the successful President-elect is not dependent upon who he/she picks for his/her VP running mate. This is not a conventional election. Also, this assumption presumes that the Presidential candidate appeals to a broad segment of the base.

After all the years and money Mr. Romney has invested in his quest to become President of the United States of America, his personal political base is roughly twenty-five to thirty percent of the GOP base; his conservatism, especially on social issues, remains suspect. The rest of his current support is a menagerie of disaffected Ron Raul loyalists, genuine conservatives voting for a lesser evil, and party loyalists. Once the thuggish Chicago cabal ramps ups its attacks against Mr. Romney, he and the Gutless Opposition Party (GOP) elite can hardly depend upon many within the Party to show up in force on November 6th, unless Mr. Romney and the GOP elite work to inspire support and unify their divergent electoral pods. This includes Mr. Romney going after the Dictator-in-Chief with the same aggressiveness as he went after members of his own party during the debates and in his political ads. Mr. Romney may have noticed the ruthless attack upon him regarding the SEC and Bain Capital. This type of attack will only become worse as the campaign escalates towards the election on November 6th. The Chicago thugs will search his background for the tiniest weakness to exploit, and, if none can be found, they will twist or manufacture a weakness to advance the Dictator-in-Chief. In my humble view, Mr. Romney must do five things to rally the troops on Election Day, not just for his own election, but to replicate the down-the-line success enjoyed in 2010. First and foremost, Mr. Romney must get in touch with the skills, principles and his desire to succeed by assisting others’ success that allowed him to be successful at Bain Capital and in his role as President and CEO of the Salt Lake Organizing Committee for the 2002 Winter Olympics. With all of the time Mr. Romney has rubbed shoulders with the GOP elite, his skills, principles and desire to succeed by helping others succeed appear to have atrophied. There is a saying, ‘You are (become) who you hang around,’ and he has been hanging around the GOP carpetbaggers and scalawags who are as resistant to a return to our constitution, as written and based upon Judeo-Christian principles, endorsing representative governance, as are the Dictator-in-Chief and the Demoncrats. Secondly, Mr. Romney must choose his VP pick very carefully. Below, I have three Gallup polls that, when considered in tandem, show Mr. Romney needs to go rogue from the GOP establishment elite in naming a bona fide conservative VP running mate. The latest name to be pushed within the Goebbels media, Condoleezza Rice, offers many positives, but conservatism is not one of them, and one speech does not make a person a conservative. If Mr. Romney wants to confirm his social conservatism and dispel concerns that he is a GOP establishment elitist who disregards the largely conservative, GOP party proletariat, naming a genuine conservative as his VP running mate will rally the voters he needs to win election to the White House. It is sad that Rep. Allen West, the premier conservative in the corral of VP possibilities who are eligible for the office of VP, and, if necessary, the office of the Presidency, is not being vetted. Voters clamor for someone in office who listens to him or her and speaks the truth, yet, in today’s political environment, this type of person is viewed as a political liability! This contributes to the crises in which we currently find ourselves. Thirdly, to prevent a wholesale revolt of the Ron Paul contingent of the GOP and Independents, it would be smart for Mr. Romney to name Mr. Paul to a newly established Secretarial position to oversee the Fed and all departments and agencies that exist in violation of Amendment X to our constitution, in advance of the election. Talk about going rogue from the domestic and foreign establishment puppeteers! This should energize even the most skeptical of libertarian and conservative voters. With these three actions completed, Mr. Romney needs to treat the GOP as he did ailing businesses while at Bain Capital and the struggling Olympic committee prior to him stepping in to save the day! The GOP needs to be reunited for the benefit of the country, not fragmented because longstanding leaders within the party have been pursuing personal agendas of amassing wealth and power at the expense of those they have sworn an oath to serve. United we stand, divided we fall! If those within the GOP who have abdicated their oaths to act constitutionally refuse to reform, they must be retired. Following the TEA Party movement’s massive contribution to the historic 2010 General Election, many conservative Republicans and Independents expected much more out of the GOP inside D. C. (the District of Corruption). Unfortunately, we have been plagued with the pathetic leadership of John Boehner as Speaker of the House and Mitch McConnell as Senate Minority Leader. Mr. Romney needs to embrace the TEA Party contingent and put Speaker Boehner and Senate Minority Leader McConnell on notice; their pitiful political phalanx preventing constitutional change has hurt the party and the country, and they are out! Earlier, I mentioned there are three Gallup polls to consider in tandem. Mr. Romney and the GOP elite need to consider these polls when supporting candidates in the primaries, and how they should govern, once they are in office. In the first poll, the current voter registration reveals that 27% of registered voters are Republican, 31% are Democrat and 40% are Independent, or an equivalent; there are more voters registered as Independents than are registered with either of the two major political parties! When party leanings amongst Independents are considered, it is an even split between Republicans and Democrats. One might surmise from this that more Independents who lean Republican are willing to place principles above party registration than those who lean Democrat. Rush Limbaugh has issues with Independents, but if Republican leaning Independents are like me, we are registered as Independents due to the fact that the GOP left us. Our principles have not changed; we are more ‘Republican’ than are the GOP elite and their bootlicking lemmings! This greater willingness of those who lean Republican to place principles over party may explain why, in the second Gallup poll, 42% of people identify themselves as Conservative, 21% as Liberal and 37% as Moderate, leading to the chasm between those claiming to be conservative and those claiming to be a Republican. This may also explain why so many Republican leaning, conservative Independents are so frustrated with, and distrusting of, the GOP elite. When you review both polls together, doesn’t it appear that the Independents, who lean Republican, along with many voters still registered as Republican, are telling the GOP elite that they want genuine conservative leadership? If the GOP elite refuse to adhere to the National Party platform to offer a genuine alternative to the Demoncrats, a third political party will materialize to offer a genuine alternative to the rogues of both parties, erasing the 2010 GOP gains. A new Gallup poll reveals that only 41% of Americans identify themselves as ‘pro-choice,’ while 51% identify themselves as ‘pro-life.’ Within the Republican Party, 72% are ‘pro-life,’ and the number of Independents identifying themselves as ‘pro-life’ outnumber those who are ‘pro-choice.’ This provides even more reason for not just campaigning as a conservative, but governing as a conservative, both socially and fiscally. A major reason Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are guaranteed future fiscal failures is that a significant number of those who would be paying to support these systems have been, and continue to be aborted. Hopefully, Mr. Romney will embrace the energy of the Catholic Church and other Christian faiths in their First Amendment fight against the attacks of the arrogantly devious Dictator-in-Chief! Mr. Romney’s private sector record is encouraging to libertarians and conservatives, but his record as Governor of Massachusetts tempers his private sector record. Libertarians and conservatives want Mr. Romney to acknowledge the significant shortfalls of MassCare that must not be thrust upon the nation as a whole, not to just arrogantly say that ‘his’ program was right for the people of Massachusetts, but it wasn’t implemented properly. This sounds similar to the Dictator-in-Chief always blaming others, and we can’t afford this mistaken form of ‘leadership’ ever again! As President, Mr. Romney will get much more flack from the entrenched elite inside the Beltway than he ever got as Governor, and when you look at the facts since RomneyCare became law, his refrain is strained. For action number five, Mr. Romney needs to advance an agenda that actually inspires voters to support him, not just to vote against the sitting Dictator-in-Chief. We already know what we don’t want, what must be overturned, or halted. The list is as long as the dictatorial and unconstitutional actions of our sitting Dictator-in-Chief, and his cabal of traitors within both parties in Congress and the Supreme Court. The list includes, but is not limited to: the attacks upon Catholics, Christians and Jews, DictatorCare, Dodd-Frank, the end run assaults by the EPA upon our God-given ‘natural resources,’ the NEA leadership’s focus upon indoctrination in lieu of education, the abandonment of enforcement of our national security and sovereignty, the continued incursion of U. N. Agenda 21, restrictive gun control, the pillorying of our military, etc. Mr. Romney, we want to know what your blueprint is to begin the restoration process for our freedoms, economy, and constitution. One point to remember is that if you aren’t turning off the wrong people, you aren’t turning on the right people! All too often, GOP establishment elite candidates, and conservative candidates supported by the establishment elite, mimic their Demoncrat opponent vs. stepping out boldly to capture the 42% of Conservatives and enough of the swing voters to secure sizeable victories at the polls. Mr. Romney is the challenger, so he must go big, or he is throwing the election to the Dictator-in-Chief. From a political perspective, Mr. Romney’s legacy, our constitutional republic and our freedoms are tied to victory in the November 6, 2012 election, but we must still ask for God’s forgiveness to deliver us from our current malaise of our own making. Dark clouds continue gathering above the USA and around the world. A Romney victory will not prevent much of what will happen from happening, but it can limit the impact and breadth of what we are about to endure. I am a Catholic, and my faith is in God, not man. With the Dictator-in-Chief and Catholics like Chief Justice Roberts, Biden, Sebelius, Pelosi, Durbin, Leahy, and a litany of unsaintly Catholics throughout our government, I am willing to look beyond Mr. Romney’s religion in casting my vote. For whatever reason, Mr. Romney, you appear to be the Good Samaritan called upon to quell the attack of the Dictator-in-Chief and his cabal. Mr. Romney, I pray you are not a stealth Progressive, that you are aligned with God, and that you will, ‘Go BIG!’

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A.J. Cameron——

A.J. Cameron was born in Kansas City, MO, and raised in Prairie Village, KS. He is a graduate of Rockhurst High School and University of Kansas, and is a the former president of the Native Sons & Daughters of Greater Kansas City. Having worked for international and local, start-up companies, A. J. brings a wide range of insight to many of the challenging issues of the day. A.J. seeks to engage readers on key issues with views grounded in time-tested principles and common sense.
