
Obama statist quo

Good quote on the demise of the Republicans

Things can change quickly in the political game - just look at the rapid demise of Lyndon Johnson in less than four years. The Republican Party was left for dead when LBJ conned America into trusting him. They won the next election. The Republicans are far from finished, just down for now. Buyer's remorse should be setting in soon on the Big O, clearly unqualified to be president, as Joe Biden himself stated during the campaign when running against him.

From theabsurd report.com : " The killer virus for Republicans hasn't been intolerance inside the party for moderates. What cost Republicans control of the White House and Congress was alleged conservatives behaving too much like Democrats, especially on spending." - Columnist Brendan Miniter Also costly is behaving like Democrats in patrolling the world, engaging in winless, endless wars and occupations, as in Korea, Vietnam and now Iraq and Afghanistan. You'll notice, for all his campaign rhetoric, Obama appears to be a continuation of the status quo, the statist quo. Best Wishes Marshall Miller Lilburn, Georgia

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