
We need a bull in the China Shop of Congress to disrupt the protected political elitism within the District of Corruption

GOP, Gutless Opposition Party!

While I was taking a break from writing this op-ed column, my e-mailbox was peppered with messages about House Concurrent Resolution 107 with the Senate, drafted by Representative Walter B. Jones (R-NC). Following a litany of the Lying King’s consistent and persistent treading upon people’s legal positions and our constitution, it appears that when Congress’s ox is gored, that action demands a quick and direct response.
The declaration of an overreach by the Executive Branch, via the Pentagon, Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Secretary of Defense, in bypassing Congress for the authority to launch a war through U. N. authority, has shocked some members of Congress into self preservation action. Representative Jones has authored articles of impeachment, calling for the impeachment of our bully puppet, if he does not seek war authorization from Congress. Finally, someone in Congress is willing to withstand the threats and assaults from the Lying King’s posse of fixers, thugs and the maniacal media for attempting to rein in the bully puppet’s abuses. This is an overdue development, and we need to see if the House GOP leadership has the intestinal fortitude and the moral character to follow through on this action. Even if Congress proves itself on this issue, with its exemptions from its own legislation and from whistleblower action, along with targeted exemptions for political allies from legislation it forces upon non-politically allied taxpaying citizens, I believe the following assessments are still appropriate.

We are told we live in a two Party political system, but an increasing number of voting citizens are realizing that we live under an incestuous political system. While not quite third world, yet, we live under a TPINO (Two Party in Name Only) system, akin to a banana republic. If we lived in a true two Party system, we’d have a true opposition Party. Sadly, GOP is an acronym for Gutless Opposition Party! 2012 is a Presidential election year, with a third of the Senate seats up for election, and all seats for the House of Representatives up for election. One might surmise that the GOP elite would take advantage of the frustration of its base and disenfranchised voters to welcome in massive, constitutional change. You know, the type of change that is always promised during elections, only to be purged from the legislative agenda after those who are elected are sworn into office. Sadly, this is not the case. Change, especially constitutional change, is an anathema to the elite of both parties in Congress. The GOP elite have entered into a conjugal embrace with their Satancrat colleagues, forming a phalanx of pompous fiscal and freedom pilferers. I receive no royalties from, and I’ve never met, Peter Schweizer, but I recommend all frustrated patriots read, ‘Throw Them All Out’ to realize the depth and breadth of ‘legalized’ corruption that is embedded within the halls of Congress. Because the fix is in, especially for the key Congressional leadership positions within the District of Corruption, there is no true acknowledgement or fear of the law abiding, taxpaying proletariat. Rather, many alliances are made with the unprincipled, unethical, immoral and ruthless fringes that funnel cash, provide volunteers, and deliver votes to equally unprincipled, unethical, immoral and covetous politicians. Just as those in union leadership cavalierly and ruthlessly use their rank and file members as tools for their own empowerment and enrichment, the GOP elite prey upon their base for power and wealth at the expense of the American taxpaying citizen. Congress has become an elite society of male and female Willie Sutton (prolific U. S. bank robber) imitators, because that is where the money and power in American Politics is. The Mafia must be jealous of how those in Congress have co-opted and corrupted the legislative branch of our Federal government into their own syndicate. From the beginning of the Lying King’s reign, with his abuse of GM and Chrysler bondholders, czars, bribery to ram through ObamaCare, the assault upon our First Amendment rights, etc., the leadership of the GOP has been eerily acquiescent on much of the assault upon the American people and our constitution. Admittedly, the GOP was the minority party in both Houses of the 111th Congress, but it has failed to capitalize upon its majority position within the mid-term House of Representatives. The animus that should be directed towards the Satancrat leadership has been targeted towards the reform-minded, TEA Party contingent of the GOP. This is the appreciation bestowed by a thankless elite for resurrecting a moribund GOP. Under the current TPINO system, the opportunity of voters having the ability to vote out reprobate legislators is largely a myth. All too often, the party elite dictate whom voters can vote for, severely restricting the opportunity for true change agents to act constitutionally, and in the American citizens’ best interests. All one has to do is look at how voters are being abused with the thrust of the favorite son for the GOP Presidential candidacy to realize the only change the GOP elite seeks for the office of the President is in the party affiliation. This candidate refuses to address the unconstitutional and treasonous actions of the current inhabitant of the White House, so one must conclude that he supports these actions - so much for an opposition party! Additionally, the redistricting of Allen West out of his Representative seat by his own GOP is reprehensible. Until Congress is held accountable for its actions and is subject to the legislation it imposes upon the American citizenry, we are destined to be abused by those who profess to serve us. With less than five months until the Primary Election and less than eight months until the General Election, the immediate focus must be on three core goals. The obvious first goal is to oust the Lying King from his lair. The second focus is to seize the majority in the Senate, relegating Dirty Harry to a minority leadership position. Wounded, he will be even more antagonistic than he has been to this point, but at least crucial legislation, including a budget*, will be brought to a vote. (* The budget must include actual and deep cuts to be credible.) The prize focus is to populate the House with enough reform-minded conservatives to oust Speaker Boehner and elevate a true reformer to the position of the Speaker of the House. We need a bull in the China Shop of Congress to disrupt the protected political elitism within the District of Corruption. Until Inauguration Day in 2013, the GOP has almost eight months to be a true opposition party. Isn’t it time that Senate Minority Leader McConnell and Speaker of the House Boehner honor their oaths of office and act without regard for the manic media attacks and the accumulation of personal power and wealth in executing their leadership responsibilities within the GOP? Subject to how the GOP leadership conducts itself, conservatives need to be making plans to establish a true second party in 2014 or 2016. The threat of this exodus may be the only leverage conservatives have in restoring ethics, morals, principles, and sanity within the upper echelons of the GOP.

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A.J. Cameron——

A.J. Cameron was born in Kansas City, MO, and raised in Prairie Village, KS. He is a graduate of Rockhurst High School and University of Kansas, and is a the former president of the Native Sons & Daughters of Greater Kansas City. Having worked for international and local, start-up companies, A. J. brings a wide range of insight to many of the challenging issues of the day. A.J. seeks to engage readers on key issues with views grounded in time-tested principles and common sense.
