
Critical Race Theory is a proven fallacy conceived to destroy the fabric of western civilization

Homeschool or revamp public schools? Both

There has been a question about whether parents removing their children from public schools is the best method to remedy the indoctrination of students against America and its Constitutional Republic. The answer is yes… and no. Pulling children out of the schools is not the only answer.

School boards must be turned on their heads to reroute education back to instilling critical thinking

Schools receive government funding based on student attendance, head counts for each day the school is open. By taking children out of the school system and not signing up for the school board's accreditation process (that accrues to the head count), the school board is left with trying to operate schools with less money. That means less cash to pay for indoctrination days otherwise known as in-service days where no students are present. It means less cash for purchasing counter-productive media and equipment. The unending slush fund that goes to administrative pockets for "retreats" and perks instead of basic classroom supplies that schools used to provide would dry up, though much of these programs and equipment are purchased through Department of Education grants. (A reason why the DOE should be abolished as President Reagan suggested. Institution of national standards like Common Core also provides grounds to disband the agency.) School boards must be turned on their heads to reroute education back to instilling critical thinking that is the basis upon which a rational, successful culture is built. However, even the term "critical thinking" no longer means what it once did. Reference the teaching scheme entitled Critical Race Theory for evidence. Does "critical" mean ‘utterly important' or ‘passing judgment' in applying this theory or, rather, fiction. Critical thinking has been contorted to mean the opposite of weighing factual information to reach a rational conclusion. It now means acceptance of what's being taught in a classroom, discouraging discussion, let alone challenging the concepts being imposed on students that circumvent the superior authority of parents. Proof of what the public schools are force-feeding students is the disrespect and, more and more, disregard for parents' opinion, judgment and rules that has invaded the home. It requires allegiance to values taught at school rather than those taught in a family.

To combat teacher indoctrination, government funding of universities must be reappraised

The issue is a Catch 22 that includes teacher training in universities. Having taught technique in my discipline to education majors, these students were the most ignorant of all those entering my classroom. The indoctrination had nearly been completed and mostly non-traditional students were reticent to accept the professorial premises of divisiveness and eschewing American cultural values (yes, they exist though students argued otherwise, that America had no culture) in favor of fantastic and unrealistic socialist concepts of ‘equity,' another word that has been redefined. To combat teacher indoctrination, government funding of universities must be reappraised. That money comes partially from DOE cashboxes by way of grants and fulfilling operating budgets that demonstrate how well funds are applied to government-initiated programs – programs that reinforce socialist, anti-American ‘equity' studies that have infiltrated everything from journalism to landscape architecture and, yes, law schools. How do you think constitutional attorneys don't understand that the Constitution limits government, not citizens' rights? And now, the military is subjected to CRT "training" that completely undermines its mission to protect and defend the Constitution. Depopulating public schools means essentially defunding them which will institute a crisis for local and state school boards. The best way to change the public school charter is to restaff school boards with new members that serve the republic by teaching students true history, math, reading and writing English, foreign languages, the arts – visual, music and dance, physical education, and life skills like technology and trades. This is the knowledge base that powers Americans to achieve. If parents are placed in the position of having to extricate their children from a public school that has become so toxic they can't safely remain in the classroom, know that they are not alone and that homeschool networks have popped up everywhere. For parents who can't take on the full burden of teaching their youngsters by themselves, they can plug into like-minded local groups, many loosely organized to offer students a full range of instruction opportunities. In a way, it's a reversal to the time when families came together to teach children independently and in group settings, sometimes hiring a teacher for the community school. As an example, when we were in rural Idaho, there was a homeschool network that tapped parents and community adults to instruct students in their fields of expertise that ran the gamut from marine biology and human health to mechanical engineering and forest management.

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Critical Race Theory is a proven fallacy conceived to destroy the fabric of western civilization

Independent assessment of each family's and community's needs must compel parents to take immediate steps like many of the mothers and fathers that have spoken out and acted on their convictions, challenging local school boards. It is a matter of doing more than complaining to the board whose members still believe they have the power to do what they want. It comes down to ousting the recalcitrant members and filling the seats with individuals who understand and honor the American culture of freedom – freedom of speech, religious expression and "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness." Critical Race Theory is a proven fallacy conceived to destroy the fabric of western civilization. Solid instruction of life skills is a verified route to individual fulfillment and success in a free world. Whether teaching occurs at home or in a public school setting, the family unit is the base from which to direct the nation's future by regarding past achievements and mistakes. Experience pays its own debt of knowledge that will benefit posterity.


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A. Dru Kristenev——

Former newspaper publisher, A. Dru Kristenev, grew up in the publishing industry working every angle of a paper, from ad composition and sales, to personnel management, copy writing, and overseeing all editorial content. During her tenure as a news professional, Kristenev traveled internationally as a representative of the paper and, on separate occasions, non-profit organizations. Since 2007, Kristenev has authored five fact-filled political suspense novels, the Baron Series, and two non-fiction books, all available on Amazon. Carrying an M.S. degree and having taught at premier northwest universities, she is the trustee of Scribes’ College of Journalism, which mission is to train a new generation of journalists in biblical standards of reporting. More information about the college and how to support it can be obtained by contacting Kristenev at cw.o@earthlink.net.

ChangingWind (changingwind.org) is a solutions-centered Christian ministry.

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