
‘Humpty (Hussein) Dumpty’:

How Even the Mighty Can Fall

By Judi McLeod ——--June 6, 2012

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The high-handed US emperor stands before the world this morning buck naked. And it was the political events he manipulated himself that painted his portrait. Governor Scott Walker’s handy defeat of Democratic opponent Tom Barrett, becoming the first governor in US history to survive a recall election, ending eight long months of bitter acrimony that kicked off all because he dared to scale back union rights, is Show and Tell Time 101 for spinmeister President Barack Hussein Obama.
For the first time a watching world can now view a puny Obama without the deliberate diversion of his props. Talk about history being made! Without the props and bling, Obama is not a pretty sight. With 98 percent of the mainstream media eating out of his golf-calloused hand, with full control of communication, including personal hand-held devices, Obama’s union buddy thugs lost in the defeat of Democrat hopeful Tom Barrett.

One of the most celebrated spinoffs of the Wisconsin experience is how Democratic senators in town to stuff envelopes are now worrying about their own political skins. Flash it up in neon lights: Forward is now going backwards for the Obama campaign. Put that in your trademark teleprompter, Barry Soetoro! As Americans who still have jobs head off to work today, the teleprompter guy’s top two groomers, the overbearing, I-get-to-tell-you-what-you-can-eat Michelle Obama and power crazed Valerie Jarrett are frantically searching for answers to how Wisconsin and the re-election of Lieutenant governor Rebecca Kleefisch in Wisconsin could have happened. All of the trade unions and Hollywood celebrities are on their side...aren’t they? Patriots out there trying to restore America finally have positive good news leading to the kind of hope and change that truly matters. The media will blame the $62 million spent so far by the candidates and “outside” groups in returning the beleaguered Walker to office. Astroturfing David Axelrod will write off the biggest victory since midterms, Obama will practice his arrogant look in front of White House mirrors, the internet will be blitzed with “Send us $3 more” messages. But the fact remains that the most cunning spinmeister of all time today stands among the ruins of his own ego. Tea Party members remind Canada Free Press (CFP) that some 4,000 TP members were on the ground working for months for Walker. Here’s betting that by the time you are reading this GOP will already have stepped forward to claim the victory as their own. But it really doesn’t matter. The long suffering grassroots of We the People proved that they know how to win elections, including where necessary, those seats warmed too long by RINOs (Republicans in Name Onlys). With hard-earned taxpayer money, Barack, Michelle and the handpicked freeloaders in their traveling road show have been living in a fairytale world peopled by Hollywood phonies like George Clooney and Tom Hanks. But their fairytale world has morphed into the most popular children's’ nursery rhyme of all time: No matter how you count the spoils Humpty (Hussein) Dumpty has had a great fall. All the king’s horses (read asses) and all the king’s men (Bite Me) can’t quite put Humpty together again.

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Judi McLeod—— -- Judi McLeod, Founder, Owner and Editor of Canada Free Press, is an award-winning journalist with more than 30 years’ experience in the print and online media. A former Toronto Sun columnist, she also worked for the Kingston Whig Standard. Her work has appeared throughout the ‘Net, including on Rush Limbaugh and Fox News.
