
Biden’s constant whisper IS “weirder than Kamala’s laugh” because it seems to be a sure sign that Her Que Mala Royal Travesty Ship is well on the way.

Is Ole’ Joe’s Increasing Bumbling A Sure Sign Of Kamala’s Coming Ascendancy?

By Judi McLeod ——--June 26, 2021

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Is Ole’ Joe’s Increasing Bumbling A Sure Sign Of Kamala’s Coming Ascendancy?Are devious Democrats presenting crazy Ole’ Joe at his very worst for sheerly political reasons? Is there a discernible Method to their Madness? Are defiant Dems deliberately throwing gas on the Biden dementia bonfire in order to replace him with Harris as president—which is what they really intended in the first place?

President By Attrition Kamala Harris can’t stop constantly giggling?

Is this why soon-to-come President By Attrition Kamala Harris can’t stop constantly giggling? From the get-go—meaning from the first moment Fox News appointed Biden ‘President-Elect’ while folk were still out voting on Election Night—Ole’ Joe came stumbling out of the stable as a bumbling idiot. Way back when he tripped over his own dog when emerging from the shower, breaking his foot. He didn’t seem to remember what day it was, or who was his wife. He went tripping up the stairs of Air Force One, and warned reporters he had to stick to the script his handlers gave him when answering questions other than what his favorite ice cream is. Cowboy Poet, Canada Free Press friend and pundit Tony Mangan sent an email to Mother Ship this morning pointedly asking: “What non-Liberal/socialist America hater, could get away with this statement without a media chaos outbreak that would last for weeks?  “And yet it seems to be okay with the fake news and fake Americans when there are Democrats in charge”: ‘Biden to gun owners: If you want to take on the U.S. government, you'd better have F-15s and nukes’-(HotAir, June 23, 2021)
“This isn’t the first time Biden’s warned the gov’t would use every weapon in its arsenal against Americans,” quipped Tom Elliott, remembering how Biden said something like this at a rally early last year.

“Maybe the Second Amendment should be extended to include F-15s. “Seriously, though, this dumb gun-control talking point is deathless even though it’s never been clearer how untrue it is. Watch, (See video below) then read on. “There are many lessons to be learned from America’s adventure in Afghanistan but an easy one is that a crudely equipped force using guerrilla tactics is fully capable of prevailing over one with superior firepower. That lesson should have been clear already from Vietnam but our experience fighting jihadis in the Middle East leaves no doubt. The Taliban is reconquering its home country literally as I type this, in fact: They’re advancing so quickly in the wake of Biden announcing a U.S. withdrawal that American intelligence is revising its timeline for how soon the Afghan government might fall: “The U.S. intelligence community concluded last week that the government of Afghanistan could collapse as soon as six months after the American military withdrawal from the country is completed, according to officials with knowledge of the new assessment. “The F-15s that we did use and the nukes that we didn’t weren’t enough to prevent that. You can’t outgun the world’s greatest military, but if you’re willing to fight long enough and let the casualties pile up, you can certainly outlast it.

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Biden’s straining to avoid a “Jimmy Carter 2.0” narrative

“Surely a man of Biden’s age and experience understands by now that a Democratic president talking ominously about guns is destined to drive demand for guns even higher among the public. So why would he do it if he wants to get guns off the street? Ah — it’s because he had a bit of news tucked away in this afternoon’s speech on crime that he knew his base won’t be happy about. He must have figured that a little tough talk about firearms would soothe them, easing the blow he was about to deliver. He’s … re-funding the police: “We’re now providing more guidance on how they can use the $350 billion… to help reduce crime and address the root causes,” Biden said. “For example, cities experiencing an increase in gun violence are able to use American Rescue Plan dollars to hire police officers needed for community policing and to pay their overtime.” “Biden said that he believed some cities cut funding for police due to pandemic-related budget woes. He didn’t mention a push by fellow Democrats to defund the police following the May 2020 murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis cop Derek Chauvin. “Biden also said that violence “spiked since the start of the pandemic over a year ago,” adopting a largely Democratic argument that crime is increasing because of COVID-19 and not because of a policing pullback amid anti-police brutality protests and riots. “It’s probably not a coincidence that he delivered those remarks the day after ex-cop Eric Adams finished on top in the first round of the NYC mayoral primary by promising a crackdown on crime. Adams’s strongest constituency: Black voters. And it’s not just NYC where violent crime has become a top concern, needless to say. Biden’s straining to avoid a “Jimmy Carter 2.0” narrative in which his presidency is defined by the return of 70s specters like inflation and lawlessness, knowing what a bloodbath the midterms could be if it is. There’s only so much he can do about crime from the Oval Office but one thing he can do is to distance the party from progressive calls to defund the police. Dems are almost certainly going to lose the midterms regardless but if Biden can convince swing voters that he’s at least trying to address their biggest policy anxieties he might be able to hold down the losses.”

On three separate occasions, Biden hunched over his lectern in the White House East Room and forcefully whispered to reporters

 ex-FBI agent Peter StrzokThen there’s the spine-chilling wicked whisper Biden resorted to in recent days, which, in the creepy department, gives stiff competition to the blood-curdling photo of ex-FBI agent Peter Strzok. ‘Biden whispers repeatedly during ‘really creepy’ Q&A’ (New York Post, June 24, 2021)
“President Biden on Thursday repeatedly whispered to reporters during an impromptu press conference at the White House — drawing bemused social media speculation and jokes about the “really creepy” exchanges. “On three separate occasions, Biden hunched over his lectern in the White House East Room and forcefully whispered to reporters. “The awkward delivery seemed designed to emphasize his points while discussing a $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure deal. “When asked about additional relief for families, Biden whispered toward PBS reporter Yamiche Alcindor: “I got them $1.9 trillion in relief so far. They’re going to be getting checks in the mail that are consequential this week for child care.” "Later, when asked by CNN reporter Phil Mattingly about how the deal was brokered despite low expectations, Biden said in a normal speaking voice that he always thought the outlook was good. “I’m not going to negotiate with the press when I’m negotiating privately with my colleagues. And these are very tough decisions. I don’t in any way dismiss what Sen. [Chris] Murphy [D-Conn.] says about the environment. I don’t dismiss it at all,” Biden said.


Biden’s constant whisper IS “weirder than Kamala’s laugh”

“Dropping to a whisper and stooping as his eyes grew wide, Biden added: “I wrote the bill on the environment. Why would I not be for it?” “Biden then whispered again when raising on his own the issue of some workers preferring to collect enhanced COVID-19 unemployment benefits rather than return to low-wage jobs. “Pay them more. This is an employee’s — an employee’s bargaining chip now,” he whispered into the microphone. "The bizarre presidential performance drew significant feedback. “This is nuts,” wrote Republican strategist Matt Whitlock, who tweeted a compilation reel. "Another person joked, “Joe Biden’s earpiece whispers and he whispers back.” “Republican Governors Association communication director Jesse Hunt wrote, “Biden’s constant whisper may be weirder than Kamala’s constant laugh.”
Biden’s constant whisper IS “weirder than Kamala’s laugh” because it seems to be a sure sign that Her Que Mala Royal Travesty Ship is well on the way.

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Judi McLeod—— -- Judi McLeod, Founder, Owner and Editor of Canada Free Press, is an award-winning journalist with more than 30 years’ experience in the print and online media. A former Toronto Sun columnist, she also worked for the Kingston Whig Standard. Her work has appeared throughout the ‘Net, including on Rush Limbaugh and Fox News.
