
Harper pulls funding from gay pride parade

Let Them Fund Their Own Flaunting

Thank goodness Stephen Harper pulled funding from gay pride parades. I don't care, or care to know what two consenting adults want to do behind closed doors, but please, let's be reasonable.

It is about time a stand was taken by a politician against using taxpayer money to fund such an offensive, disgusting event. Gay pride parades offend me (that's right, I said it). I am tired of having to walk on eggshells because I might offend someone. The last time I checked, human beings are not so fragile that we will collapse on the floor unconscious if someone hurts our feelings. These people have no business flaunting themselves on public streets. I would be equally offended if heterosexuals closed down a public road and carried on in such a ridiculous, obscene manner. The difference is, heterosexuals who go out in public arrayed to leave nothing to the imagination would be arrested for indecent exposure. This, you see, is discrimination; but it is only discrimination if carried out on a homosexual. Besides, since this 'event' generates 'so much money' it should be able to self fund. Profitable enterprises do not require subsidization from the tax payers. Cheers, Lesley

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