
what good dropping off a bag of potatoes to a congressperson’s office will really do?

MoveOn Email Of The Day

I wonder if we should coin a new term: potatobaggers…?
Dear MoveOn member, Last week, Democratic leaders announced their plan to stop the flood of corporate money into politics.1

Unfortunately, the Democrats’ plan is small potatoes—especially compared to the threat posed by the Supreme Court decision allowing unlimited corporate spending on political campaigns. The good news is that the bill’s authors say they will strengthen it if they hear from enough people, so we can definitely still have an impact. Can you drop by Rep. so-and-so’s office tomorrow or Thursday and deliver a bag of small potatoes to let him know that this proposal isn’t enough? All you need to do is grab your potatoes (really, any size potatoes will do) and print a flyer to bring with you. We’ll provide a flyer you can bring with you.
Can someone tell me, besides being a pain in the #, what good dropping off a bag of potatoes to a congressperson’s office will really do? Will that person look at the bag of potatoes and think about campaign finance, or will he or she have some impure thoughts about a bunch of potatobaggers…? What really bugs liberals about the Supreme Court’s decision was the opening up of speech to the very corporations they’ve bashed for years. You know what they say about payback.

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Bob Parks——

Bob Parks is a is a member/writer of the National Advisory Council of Project 21. Bob’s websites are Black & Right and youtube.com/BlackAndRight
