
Buddhism, Profits, Oil companies

My Fat Friend Fritz

Fat Fritz is one of my good friends, and we disagree about 
just about everything except food, which he eats way too much of. 
He also drinks prodigious quantities of beer, which he 
brews himself.

Lately Fat Fritz has been on a crusade against the oil
companies, and anyone else he thinks make "obscene"
profits. He has allies like Joe Biden, Tom Dodd, and 
Nancy Pelosi. All of them are on the record as wanting 
to take a look at corporate profits, which they claim are 
excessive, and evil. According to that logic, the majority of businesses in 
America must be evil, and John Q Public must be 
Satan himself. I was talking with a Buddhist friend of mine the other day, 
and I asked him what the Buddhist point of view would be 
on this issue. He laughed, and said the answer might 
surprise me. I told him to hit me with his best shot. It was just then that Fat Fritz arrived, beer in hand. 
I told him that Lama was just about to tell me what 
Buddha thought about business. He smiled from ear 
to ear, and said that Buddha would agree with him. Lama started by saying that Buddha fully approved 
of doing business. Then he said he not only
approved of doing business, but that it was the duty
of a businessman to make as much money as possible. 
The more money he made, the more spiritual he would
become. In fact, he said the wealthier a man is, the 
better. The more money he had, the more money he 
could put in circulation. By chance I looked at Fat Fritz, and all the color had 
drained from his face. His mouth was hanging open, 
and I thought he was going to fall off his chair. He was 
dumbfounded. Even Lama paused, and asked Fat Fritz if he was okay. Fat Fritz said that he had never heard such a thing,
and that he thought true Buddhists gave up everything. Lama said a Buddhist could give up everything if he
wanted to, but didn't know what purpose that would
serve, other than another hungry mouth to feed. Then he went on, saying that many well meaning people
come to Asia to learn about Buddhism, and when they
get home they distort the meaning of what they have been
told for any number of reasons. They create what he called 
Ultra Light Buddhism, which really has no relationship at all
to what Buddha actually belived. But politically it is very palatable, and no one rebukes 
them for misusing the truth. Just for kicks I asked Lama about the oil companies. I 
wanted to see if I could really shake up Fat Fritz. "They are doing their jobs," replied Lama. "They pay tens of thousands of salaries, and they 
provide an income for those who invest in their companies.
Isn't that what they are supposed to do?" Fat Fritz started warming up. "But they made $40 billion 
dollars in the middle of a recession. Isn't that obscene?" "No," said the Lama. "Wouldn't you expect the largest 
company in the world to have large profits? I think I would 
be looking at the other companies who can't seem to do 
things right, or are breaking the law by misusing other
people's money." Fat Fritz went silent. From the big saddle, Jim Whelan
The Chairman of the Board P.S. What we do here at the ranch is try to help you
maximize your hard earned money. We do things better, 
faster, and at a price that is more than fair. thejoanrandallagency.com

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