
Height of irresponsibility, Obama's spending orgy, trash-talking your own economic system

Obama’s Continuing Disaster Declaration

"This is a continuing disaster for America's working families,"-Barack Obama

The entire system of American government has failed. City councils have busted their budgets. Governors are now passing out I.O.U.s instead of tax refunds. The entire federal government has failed us fiscally, constitutionally and legislatively. Corporate boardrooms have no restraint. The level of incompetence, dishonesty and hypocrisy emanating from failed leaders at every level of society has sent our economy and our country reeling. Yet, instead of jailing these criminals, we re-elect them. Under ex-President Bush, $350 billion in treasure simply evaporated. About 1/3 went to bonuses for executives of failed institutions. In response, Barack Obama leered down at us from his bully pulpit, calling these bonuses "shameful; the height of irresponsibility". They most certainly are, but that's beside the point. Why do you suppose failed corporations paid billions in bonuses to the people who sunk them? The same reason liberal Democrats spit on Vietnam veterans, burned the flag I shed my blood for, dropped LSD like candy and had unprotected orgies with total strangers in the 1960's... Because they could. Congress' TARP legislation was intentionally left with more holes than were found in Barack Obama's documented past; loopholes that failed to put even the most modest of restrictions on how taxpayer money would be used. This is fact.
The height of irresponsibility is using the power entrusted to you to vote for a $1 trillion spending bill, knowing the potential for abuse was everywhere. The continuing disaster is that you repeatedly trash-talk your own economic system, making things worse.
If Obama didn't foresee the possible abuses, then he should be thrown out on his keester along with every other Congressional traitor who legislated this generational theft. A theft perpetrated to rid the sponsors of guilt and secure their retirements while the rest of us pay for their sins. Among economic experts, including the Congressional Budget Office, there is near unanimous agreement that both the size and scope of Obama's spending orgy preclude quick action and will have modest impacts. The more people study this bill, the more doubts emerge about its effectiveness, the primary reason House Democrats rammed it through with little debate.
  • Eleven House Democrats voted against this bill because it won't work.
  • Over 50% of the money won't be spent in the first two years.
  • The vast majority of items are direct spending that won't stimulate anything.
  • The majority of that direct spending won't be complete for 5-7 years, meaning benefits are realized in 10 years.
  • Thousands of the jobs that will be created are federal government jobs.
  • US automakers, given billions in emergency loans over the summer, have yet to even tap those funds.
  • Other than the tax provisions, the majority of the spending looks suspicious, having been on virtually every piece of liberal legislation debated over the last eight years. Although some controversial items have been stripped, many are still questionable:
  • Over $200 million dollars and thousands more federal jobs just for oversight.
  • Loopholes that enable the collection of stimulus checks by illegal aliens with no more than an ITIN, despite no IRS requirements to obtain ITINs in person and specific warnings and federal prohibitions against ITIN use outside the tax system.
  • Millions to study ways of dismantling information systems used to verify the status of illegal aliens.
  • Over four billion for "community groups", including the mixed nuts of ACORN.
  • Nearly three billion for rural broadband service. Billions more to study nationwide expansion.
  • One billion for the 2010 census.
  • 650 million so the poor won't miss a single episode of American Idol when their analog TVs go dark.
  • These items belong in bills being considered in the normal legislative process, not pushed as the solution to a dire, nationwide crisis. But, because Barack Obama and Democrats now have access to over $1 trillion dollars with virtually no strings attached, they smell a golden opportunity. Last week, every House Republican stood in staunch opposition to Obama's socialist power grab, but it was far too little, too late. Besides lacking the votes to stop this train wreck without a filibuster and dozens of Democrat defectors, Republicans have simply misplaced their principles. Or, perhaps they just have none?

    Preparing to deliver capitalism's death blow

    They rise in opposition to this bill, but will surely rise in support of a different bill, if it addresses their legislative priorities. What America seeks is courage; men who will rise tall in opposition and loudly proclaim "ENOUGH"; that this brand of government intervention is morally and constitutionally wrong. But what we have is an abundance of political eunuchs that can no longer even mount an effective opposition. As proof, Democrats now perceive Rush Limbaugh as a bigger threat to their agenda than House or Senate Republicans. Limbaugh is currently being attacked for expressing his desire to see the Obama agenda fail. I'm with Rush, but I'll go a step further: Should this legislation pass, the putrid stink of socialism, already filling the streets of corporate America, will slowly begin to waft into every US household and choke us to death. This generation of leadership has bankrupted our nation. And while it appears on the surface that they are attempting to stupidly spend their way back to prosperity, what they are actually doing is preparing to deliver capitalism's death blow. While doing so, they ask for civility and cooperation. As Americans, we all have a responsibility not to cooperate with those intent on destroying our way of life. Author's Note: Every American owes it to themselves and the rest of the nation to at least read what's contained in this legislation before simply offering blind support. Our fathers and grandfathers died fighting against socialist ideals. Read the entire text of HR1 - the 680-page stimulus bill. Read the Congressional Budget Office's analysis and cost estimate. Visit The CBO Stimulus Document Repository

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    Jayme Evans——

    Jayme Evans is a veteran of the United States Navy, military analyst, conservative columnist and an advocate and voice for disabled and other veterans. He has served for many years as a Subject Matter Expert in systems software testing, and currently serves as a technical lead in that capacity. He has extensively studied amateur astronomy and metallurgy, as well as military and US history.

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