
Chief Justice John Glover Roberts Jr.

Only fools makes the same mistake twice

Today, the Supreme Court started writing America's obituary!

A socialist sleeper in the court has been uncovered, when Chief Justice John Glover Roberts Jr. defied logic and sided with his liberal colleagues to force an incognito tax upon the working public. A tax that our tyrannical president denied was a tax when implementing this abomination, ObamaCare on the American people. Echoes of the deceptive Earl Warren court. Before you pull that lever or punch out that chad with Barack Obama's name on it on November 6th, consider where you are when you open your wallet and there isn't as much green in it from over 3 years ago. Will your children be able to apply for the university of their choice, or will your budget only afford a community college? Are you going to have to postpone the family automobile trip to visit out of town family because the fuel has to be saved for trips of necessity? Have you compared what you spent at the super market today from last year? Do you have to cut down on everything in order to meet your mortgage payments? Do you have to increase your insurance deductibles to lower premium payments? Does your belt have a new buckle hole? Are you forced into austerity? If you voted for Barack Obama and plan to do so again, it will be unconscionable; considered child abuse for saddling your progeny with unrealistic debt that is sure to increase way past 16 trillion dollars with another four Obama years. Floridians will be hit hard, because the typography in Florida does not provide caves for emergency domiciles. Democrats have trouble borrowing money from China....after an hour they want to borrow more! The President should follow Michelle's program to reduce obesity and start trimming government fat.

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George Giftos——

George Giftos is a retired travel agency executive, in management for agencies by Fugazy World Travel, U.S. Industries, Carlson Companies.
George is a veteran of the U.S. Air Force.
