
Dalton McGuinty’s Backtracks on Expensive Energy Experiments

Ontario Families’ Hydro Bills Continue to Soar, Despite

QUEEN’S PARK – Dalton McGuinty has made such a mess out of Ontario’s energy sector that Ontario families will still pay more on their hydro bills even after his backtracks on his expensive wind turbine and microFIT energy experiments. Earlier this month, Dalton McGuinty backtracked on both his plan to build offshore wind turbines and on 1,000 of his expensive microFIT contracts. Even with these expensive energy experiments put on the shelf, Ontario families will pay more on their hydro bills whether it is to settle lawsuits, pay for more hydro exports to Quebec, or simply because Dalton McGuinty believes bills aren’t going up fast enough to pay for his energy experiments.

Dalton McGuinty has grown so out of touch, he thinks families have an endless ability to pay. When asked about cost overruns of $600 million at Big Becky that families will have to pay for, he shrugged and said “these things happen”. Perhaps his energy backtracks are more about saving seats than saving Ontario families money on their hydro bills. QUOTES:
“Dalton McGuinty’s backtracks and mismanagement of the energy sector have become an expensive mess. He is making Ontario families pay more through soaring hydro bills.”
--Tim Hudak, Ontario PC Leader
“While the Ontario PCs maintained all along that energy should be economic policy, Premier McGuinty has treated it as a social experiment that forces Ontario families to pay 80 cents for 5 cents of power.”
--Tim Hudak, Ontario PC Leader

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