
Barbra Streisand, Eco libs, Hypocrite

Quote Of The Day

Barbra Streisand says she became 'committed to gaining a deeper understanding about environmental issues' after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in 1986. And now, some stirring words of wisdom from environmental expert Barbra Streisand…

I was very frightened after the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster, and I was committed to gaining a deeper understanding about environmental issues. At the time, global warming wasn’t on the country’s agenda. Outside of the work of some scientists and academics, global warming was a theory, not a mainstream issue. I understand congressional leaders had to make major compromises to this legislation in order for it to pass in the House of Representatives. I just hope one day soon the country will wake up and fully realize that we need to step up in a major way in order to avoid catastrophic demographic dislocation in the years ahead. But like I said, the Waxman-Markey bill was a very important and historic first step in our journey to hopefully bring us back from the tipping point of disaster.
But like most eco libs, she's a hypocrite.
Babs, why do you air-condition your 12,000-square-foot barn, use 120 bath-sized towels per performance, and water your lawn to the tune of $20,000 a year? Doesn't environmental charity begin at home?

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Bob Parks——

Bob Parks is a is a member/writer of the National Advisory Council of Project 21. Bob’s websites are Black & Right and youtube.com/BlackAndRight
