
Order of Canada, Henry Morgentaler

Rally at Rideau Hall sends a strong message to Canada

Morgentaler: Killing a generation4mycanada.ca The rally today at Rideau Hall was a tremendous success. After standing on Parliament Hill for Canada Day (prior to the announcement) with our team of interns it was SO POWERFUL to see how much this force has grown in just a week! Thank you to Campaign Life Coalition for their awesome leadership in organizing this rally today! We were thrilled to be a part of it - young and old united for such an amazing cause! We are certain you will be seeing much about it in the news tonight/tomorrow. For now, here are a few photos for you to catch the some of the sights of the afternoon.

Join the "Oppose Morgentaler's Order of Canada" Facebook group to see even more photos from the rally. The group is now over 10,000 members! [Click here to join.] 3 ORDER OF CANADAs RETURNED IN PROTEST TO MORGENTALER'S APPOINTMENT Three appointees to the Order of Canada have officially returned their award in protest of Morgentaler's appointment to the Order. Word on the street is that there are others considering returning theirs as well. This is tangible evidence that Morgentaler's appointment has diminished the value of this award significantly. The Governor General needs to hear this message loud and clear. We are praying this is just a small first fruits of a flood of 'returns' that will be coming. If you know of someone who has received the Order of Canada and who does not agree with Morgentaler's appointment, please encourage them to return it.

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