
Mostly wrong, but somewhat right

Rebutting Rocker Bob Geldof: The “Real” Story of the coming Global Loss of Life from Cli

Rebutting Rocker Bob Geldof: The “Real” Story of the coming Global Loss of Life from Climate ChangeRecently former rocker Bob Geldof (now 61), spoke to a group of youths in South Africa and made what amounts to yet another unbelievable prediction from the global warming crowd when he said that “All humans will die before 2030.” So says an article from The Daily Star (10-06-13).
This latest “we’re all going to die” threat from the extremist environmental community, as you may have guessed, is mostly wrong but regrettably, somewhat right! What is ‘real’ about the risks we all face from climate change, and specifically the next climate change, does warrant everyone’s serious attention. So what is the ‘real’ story behind expectations of human suffering from the next climate threat? While Mr. Geldof (“Sir Bob” in the UK) has absolutely no reliable science to back up his outlandish claim, his dire forecast does fit within the current push by the manmade global warming movement to get a global consensus before the ‘real’ climate hits with a vengeance. It also matches nicely with the recent proclamation (another unbelievable lie) by President Obama at Georgetown University, when he said on June 25, 2013, that global warming is “accelerating!” What ‘real climate’ are we talking about?” Well, how about the only one that exists – the newly started potentially dangerous, cold climate. Depending on how one measures it, the beginning of this new climate was between seven and sixteen years ago! That’s right. We have been deceived about the true status of the Earth’s climate for many years. No one in the mainstream media (MSM) or the US government is telling you the truth about the climate. I can tell you the truth since I am not tied to the fraudulent greenhouse gas/CO2 story of how our climate allegedly varies. I have no shackles of money, power or politics, or the desire for a Nobel Prize, or a university’s quest for federal research grant money to hold back my honest opinions about the climate. I am freely driven by facts and the pursuit of truth alone. The truth is that the Earth has moved on from the past Sun-caused global warming period and has now entered a long term global cooling era. Global warming has ended. Let me say that with emphasis: THERE IS NO GLOBAL WARMING!!

The change to this colder climate is not a fluke of statistics or natural, short term, climate variability as the latest UN climate report of September 27 (Summary for Policymakers), tries to portray. It is instead is being driven by a powerful, once-every-206 year reduction in the energy output of the Sun. It is a “solar hibernation.” History shows that once these hibernations strike, the planet’s crops are heavily damaged from cold weather that lasts for decades causing widespread starvation and civil strife. The last ‘hibernation’ occurred between 1793 and 1830 and became what historian John D. Post called “…the last great subsistence crisis.” During that period, thousands died from starvation and cold effects in what was the newborn United States of America. Importantly, most people back then raised, gathered, or hunted for their own food and effectively no one was dependent on the federal government for food. Surprisingly, there were only five million US citizens during this last cold climate. We now have over eight times that number on food stamps! We are not the same self-reliant country now as we were then. This fact alone carries ominous implications for how many people will go into panic mode after the first reports of crop damage come out and how many food stores will be bought out or looted in just one day by frightened citizens! The current climate policies of the Obama administration, all in the phony names of “redistribution of wealth,” and “preservation of the environment,” and “social justice,” virtually guarantees that panic and not reasoned preparation, will be the nation-wide mode of response to this calamity of nature that is on our doorstep! What the media and our government is also keeping the lid on, is the people’s potential outrage at being lied to about the true status of the Earth’s climate and the woeful lack of awareness and preparation that our leaders and the MSM have created. Both sectors have intentionally kept us in the dark in order to use non-existent global warming to enact socialistic restructuring before their window of opportunity closes. And their time is almost up! The first cold weather crop damage or another long and deep winter with even more record snow and cold temperatures may be all it takes now to seal their fate. They know that if they do not act quickly by proclaiming more ‘Geldofian’ style unsupportable claims and unrealistic predictions, that their decades-long quest for a new social order in the US and abroad will be ended by the rapidly advancing, brutal cold era. Geldofians abound within the US and European governments and media outlets, all of whom are hell bent on outdoing one another with incredible over-the-top predictions of manmade climate distress. One of the favorite targets of these pitiful folk is the routinely made claim that all the sea ice in the Arctic will be gone “next year.” Yet the Arctic, following natural cycles and not Geldofian bureaucrats, has stubbornly refused to comply with their demands over the years. Though we were told by both NOAA, Al Gore, the BBC et.al., for example, that the Arctic sea ice would be completely gone at several times in the past (e.g. 2008, 2013), these failed forecasts or their unlikely chance of ever taking place, has nonetheless garnered global MSM and government attention, adding fuel to their fire. The US Navy you would think would have a solid grasp on oceanic influences of climate change yet they have also been corrupted by politics. Tragically, they have become both clueless and ‘rudderless’ on the subjects of Arctic sea ice and sea level rise. A Navy Post Graduate School scientist predicted a similar fate like Al Gore for the Arctic, in 2007. Both the historic change to a new cold era and the predicted end of global sea level rise have been completely missed by the Navy, which still preaches President Obama’s religion of manmade global warming. They have resorted to scare tactics of ridiculous levels of sea level rise by 2100 measured in several feet. What will the US Navy do when they cannot get into Northeast and Northwest ports or those of our European allies because they are frozen over amidst record low sea levels?

We have now entered one of the coldest climate periods in recorded human history!

Despite the ridiculous claims of President Obama, the United Nations, and the rest of the ‘Geldofians’, the future for humans on planet Earth is not one of an overheated, drought-ravaged life, but just the opposite! We have now entered one of the coldest climate periods in recorded human history! Yes, Sir Bob is right about one thing. There will be a significant loss of life by 2030. However, it will come from the ill-effects of the unstoppable solar hibernation of the 21st century and not his mythical global warming. Once crops begin to be destroyed on a global basis, the profound manifestations of planet wide social upheaval and resultant loss of life will be ‘real’ indeed. Geldof’s selection of the date 2030 is of course pulled out of thin air. However, the SSRC predicted date (since 2008) for the next global temperature low point during this hibernation, is the year 2031! Many global, cold damage effects will take place in the 2020’s. How bad the situation will be in terms of forthcoming human suffering will be a function of how deep and long the cold period is. The Global Climate Status Report (GCSR), the only independent, quarterly- published, non-governmental (i.e. truthful and accurate) climate status report in the US, is published by my Space and Science Research Corporation (SSRC). In the latest edition, published September 10, 2013, the GCSR described the two most likely scenarios for the coming depth of cold we will have to endure. The GCSR and its Executive Summary can be downloaded from the “Publications” page of the SSRC web site at spaceandscience.net. This current GCSR explains the rationale of the SSRC declaration of the end of global sea level rise because of the cooling of the Earth’s oceans, ongoing for ten years now. One scenario will be similar to the last hibernation (1793-1830). The other will be like the one before that (1600-1745). The GCSR indicates that if the first scenario holds then there will be significant loss of life globally. If the second scenario happens, then the death toll will be “biblical” in scale. Exact numbers of the deaths from the next cold climate period have not been developed by any knowledgeable climate science body, at least not yet. This long standing SSRC cold climate assessment has been echoed by scientists at the Russian Academy of Sciences (March 2013), who are now predicting the start of a new “Little Ice Age,” in 2014! However, now that the Geldofians have taken their game of climate deception to this new hysterical level, I have decided that it is time for the SSRC to add this new component to the truth about the next climate era. Therefore, during one of several already scheduled presentations in Florida for mid-November, I will announce a preliminary SSRC estimate for the human death toll arising from the ‘real’ cold climate that has now begun. The completed, detailed analysis of the death toll estimate will be published in the next December 10, 2013 edition of the GCSR.

Scientific integrity on the subject of climate change from the United Nations, the US government, and the MSM has hit an all-time low point

For the past six and half years, I have been in the business of doing leading edge climate change prediction. When it comes to climate prediction, researchers like me who use highly reliable solar-climate forcing models for climate predictions, routinely outperform by a significant mount, the UN-IPCC and any US government agency or government funded PhD university scientist who uses the greenhouse gas emission theory. The best the US liberal MSM can do to deter our climate research is to launch personal attacks against us or anyone who dares quote us. This ‘gutter mentality’ ad hominem approach to the climate debate is another sign of the desperate situation the Geldolfians are in. Sadly, scientific integrity on the subject of climate change from the United Nations, the US government, and the MSM has hit an all-time low point, worldwide. As in any battle, though, when the enemies of truth add to their arsenal of lies and deception, it must be met head on. Failure to do otherwise condemns us all to a future that is intellectually darker, and practically, one from which it will be more difficult to be rescued. Our future will indeed be one of the most difficult the human race has ever faced. It is likely, the cause and necessary preparations for our coming dilemma are ones that some of our leaders, the MSM, and the rest of the Geldofians will mention nothing of as they continue their hidden agenda. I suspect however, after the crop damage begins, this same cabal of warmists will be the first in line with the loudest demands for their share of what may soon be next liberal euphemism, “food equality.” Mr. John L. Casey is a former White House space program advisor, consultant to NASA Headquarters, and space shuttle engineer. He is one of America’s most successful climate change researchers and climate prediction experts. Mr. Casey is the leading advocate in the US for a national and international plan to prepare for the next climate change to one of a dangerous cold climate era. This new cold era is caused by a historic decline in the Sun’s energy output, what he calls a “solar hibernation.” In the spring of 2007, he became the first researcher to announce this dramatic change in the Sun to the White House and the mainstream media. In addition to correctly predicting the hibernation of the Sun, recently confirmed by NASA and other science organizations, he has correctly predicted the end of global warming, and the long term decline in the Earth’s temperatures. He is the author of the internationally acclaimed climate science book, “Cold Sun” which describes the rationale for understanding why global warming has ended and the effects of the new cold climate era. Mr. Casey is currently President of the climate research company, the Space and Science Research Corporation (SSRC), in Orlando, Florida. Through his years in climate research he has been outspoken in saying that the Sun is the primary driver to climate change.

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