
This man is dangerous

Stimulating Conversation, Don't You Think?

"For the better part of three decades, a disproportionate share of the Nation's (sic) wealth has been accumulated by the very wealthy" - Barack Obama's "A New Era of Responsibility

Barack Obama won the 2008 election based on two factors: American dissatisfaction with the direction of the country and his verbal ability to sway independents, undecideds and knock-kneed Republicans with hopeful rhetoric. Well-meaning, but misguided Americans enthusiastically support him, not wanting to be perceived as part of the problem. Ironically, only by resisting the Obama agenda until their last breath can conservatives now be part of the solution. Many people in this country believe one should just put their trust in Barack Obama simply because of his election. But, to trust him at this point, knowing what I know of his past, or more importantly, what he's revealed of his plans for our future, would be suicidal. Ask a Republican. Furthermore, the same people who've spent the last eight years attacking the former president for the failings of Congress are the same people now insisting that everyone just shut up and drink the Kool Aid. When Barack Obama speaks, it is through the mouth of a socialist. This is readily confirmed time and time again, whenever he discusses wealth redistribution, the role of the courts in doling out economic fairness or the role of government in the lives of ordinary Americans. All over the world, Obama has captivated people with his speaking ability, or more precisely, his superb command of the Tele-Prompter. But only through a deeper understanding how Obama uses patterned speech to establish control over people's thoughts can one begin to understand which path they are being led down or resist being pushed there. Obama's use of conversational hypnosis has been studied by a variety of experts, all of whom have reached the same conclusion: That his speeches are intentionally hypnotic, utilizing very obscure methods  pioneered by Milton H. Erickson, M.D. that allow Obama to essentially hypnotize people into believing everything from his economic agenda's chance of success to the perception that he is the Messiah.  When the Obamessiah uses words such as "change", "middle class", "tax cut" or "economic recovery", the meaning of those words to the entranced audience is dramatically different than that held by the person uttering them. America was weary of the direction the Bush Administration was headed. But in what overall direction did Bush take the country? Why were Americans groaning so loudly? Iraq, expanding executive power and runaway government spending. And what were Obama's prescriptions for these problems?
  • His firmed-up Iraq policy calls for withdrawal in September 2010, but he's leaving a very large footprint of 50,000 U.S. soldiers until 2011, the Bush withdrawal plan.
  • He has been on a Presidential power-grab ever since he was sworn in, attempting to wrest control of the 2010 census from the Department of Commerce.
  • And mere days after ceasing his economic catastrophe rhetoric, Obama now believes we have already begun the process of recovery and now have the ability to enact a $3.6 trillion dollar budget on the backs of those who we rely upon for our recovery.

His administration now brims with lobbyists, tax cheats and unapologetic socialists

Everywhere you look, Barack Obama's rhetoric is in direct conflict with his actions. Immediately after he promised tough new ethics and lobbying restrictions, cabinet picks start dropping like in vitro babies from Octo-Mom Nadya Suleman. His administration now brims with lobbyists, tax cheats and unapologetic socialists. He elevated Bush-bashing over fiscal responsibility to an art form, yet prodded Congress for his own spending orgy even before he took office. One month and he's already shot a bigger wad then we have fighting two wars for six years, yet he still blames the Bush Administration for what are now his problems. On February 23, 2009, he hosted a fiscal responsibility summit, condemned runaway spending and pledged to balance the budget. Three days later, he submits his plan; the biggest budget in the history of man; a $3.6 trillion dollar capitalism-killer that includes capital gains and other outrageous taxes that will kill prosperity, doom charitable giving,  eliminate the middle class and reconstitute it in his own image. Tax cuts in the Obama budget are a myth. First and foremost, he's borrowing Chinese money to print checks to give millions of people who pay no federal income tax, not lowering tax rates. That is a redistribution of wealth, not a tax cut. Secondly, allowing Bush's tax cuts to expire will not result in tax cuts to the poor, rather increases to tax rates across the board. Shamefully, Obama's OMB Director Peter Orszag is making the ridiculous claim that taxes aren't being raised in a recession.  He calls what Obama proposes "tax cuts" for the middle class, but "revenue increases" for high wage earners. Thirdly, if you look at the overall effect of Obama's entire budget proposal; the net effect on productivity, charitable giving, small business tax burdens and the overall increase in deficit spending, Obama's budget priorities will further erode what economic stability America has left. Now that he's force-fed us his stinkulus, while most people are still trying to wrap their heads around it, Obama's focus has shifted to enacting his budget, another Democrat wish list of everything the stinkulus left out. Rather than being a true budget, Obama's "A New Era of Responsibility" is simply a blueprint for his spending priorities that lacks specifics and cloaks spending cuts and tax increases in flowery rhetoric such as "aligning incentives" or "encouraging shared responsibility". Taxes will be raised across the board. Whether in a recession or not remains to be seen. If you believe the Obama Administration's newly acquired optimism, we'll be out of this in two years. If Congress enacts Obama's budget intact, it will be a lot longer than that. Observe in the introductory quote, Barack Obama's capitalization of the word "Nation's", for that is precisely how he interprets the role of government. Our creator. Our Savior. Divine. This man is dangerous. If he cannot muster enough honesty with the American people over the definition of a tax increase, his ideology must be rejected without compromise by all Americans who still value the current definition of freedom.

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Jayme Evans——

Jayme Evans is a veteran of the United States Navy, military analyst, conservative columnist and an advocate and voice for disabled and other veterans. He has served for many years as a Subject Matter Expert in systems software testing, and currently serves as a technical lead in that capacity. He has extensively studied amateur astronomy and metallurgy, as well as military and US history.
