
Do we want to celebrate Independence Day in the future? Isn’t time for us to embrace God’s divine intervention and act in ways that people around the world will say, ‘Now that’s American?

‘That’s Un-American!’

With the rush to ram DictatorCare upon the American citizenry, reducing access to health care by driving physicians from their profession and establishing a death panel, while also radically driving up the cost of health care, how often has the thought entered your mind that ‘That’s un-American!’? If the thought has occurred to you, you are correct, it isn’t American; it is European socialism in origin. Until this regime overtook our government, the U. S. was the only major ‘democracy’ without socialized health care and a Value Added Tax (both are a complete oxymoron). With all of the problems the various countries within Europe currently face, do we really want to invite their insanity upon ourselves?
While most people were kicking back, cooking out and imbibing a brewskie or soft drink before herding to the local fireworks display to cap-off Independence Day, I was doing my annual viewing of ‘The Patriot,’ trying to capture the emotion of the day. Ironically, throughout the day, I received emails and a phone call from friends querying if this would be our last Independence Day. My friends’ concerns echoed my own concerns; so much for the American experience! Having some extra time for thought, I realized that for the past three and one-half years, we have been living in a very un-American ‘Twilight Zone,’ as a culmination of desensitization to our constitutional republic and culture has been thrust upon us. I doubt Rod Serling could have concocted a screenplay as twisted, offensive and un-American as what has been forced upon us by supposed U. S. citizens within our own government.

In listening to radio talk shows and receiving emails, it reoccurred to me why we have been living a very un-American nightmare. Outside/foreign influences have teamed with American socialists, communists, Marxists and oppressive-regressive-Progressives embedded within our government to do what no other country’s combined military could do - destroy our constitutional republic. Just as a heart attack is the result of physical factors that develop over time and are manifested with the seizure, our demise is the culmination of foreign and domestic influences over several decades. Pitifully, most Americans are totally ignorant of our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Citizens and politicians at the state level have allowed politicians at the Federal level (executive, legislative and judicial) to trespass upon our freedoms and responsibilities for decades, especially in regards to Amendments I and X. Amendment I states, ‘Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.’ Do you see anything about the socialist myth regarding a separation between church and state stated within this Amendment? Amendment X states, ‘The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.’ The insidious, systematic purging of God from all corners of our society has weakened our ability to respond to the other assaults upon us citizens by those within government, be they elected, or appointed. How are we any different from Nazi Germany, other than the attacks have been expanded beyond the Jews to include Catholics and Christians? Is there really much difference between the TSA’s calculated invasion of privacy at the airport (soon to be expanded to other forms of mass transit) and the jackbooted Nazis at the railways that led the Jews to concentration camps and death? By allowing the carpetbaggers and scalawags within both political parties inside Washington D. C. (the District of Corruption) to act unconstitutionally for so long, is it any wonder why they feel ‘entitled’ to continue their malfeasance, theft and thuggery as conducting their form of the business of the people as business as usual? It’s as if many (way too many) within our nation are wigged out in a group Stockholm syndrome depression! Of all the entitlements that need to be reined in, these must be the first to be reined in! With the exception of lobbyists, their families and the businesses/organizations they represent, most people (at least those who are in the game) detest lobbyists and the fact that they actually write legislation for the sole benefit of their employers. They are not elected and they are ‘single issue’ in focus; what can I steal for me and mine through the guise of legislation? When you read Amendment X, it appears our founding fathers were fearful of this type of abuse within our government. If we, the people, and our state politicians were to force those elected within our Federal government to adhere to Amendment X, lobbyists would be forced to be located in all fifty state capitols vs. focusing all of their efforts upon the majority of 546 of the weakest, greediest and most corrupt individuals within our citizenry inside of our nation’s capitol. In case your are wondering about the figure of 546, this figure includes 435 Representatives, 100 Senators, 9 Supreme Court Justices, the Vice President and the President. There are individuals of character and morals within these numbers, but they are a distinct minority. Don’t you chuckle when you read or hear people ask if there may be a dictatorship emerging within the vaunted United States of America? On what planet have these people been living for the past three and one-half years? Haven’t they seen a pattern of dictatorial rule since the bully puppet of domestic and foreign influencers was sworn into office, especially with his resume of blackmail and skullduggery in and out of elective office? When you think of ‘czars,’ do you think of the usual definitions associated with the word: 1) an emperor or king; 2) the former emperor of Russia; 3) an autocratic ruler or leader? With all of the czars appointed by a Predator-in-Chief, how is this representative government? How is that American? Consider, also, what happens when someone is summoned to the Oval Office. When news leaked that Ford Motor Company planned to air an ad touting the success of the company, in spite of the fact that it refused to take bailout money, CEO Alan Mulally was summoned to the Oval Office. Following a brief ‘visit’ between Mr. Mulally and the Predator-in-Chief, a decision was made not to air the ad. Don’t you wonder what threat(s) must have been made, or what is lurking in Mr. Mulally’s past, for an ad that represents all of the employees of Ford Motor Company not to be aired? Jumping to ‘Fast & Furious,’ there wasn’t a summons to the Oval Office, but why was Sharryl Attkisson removed by CBS from reporting on this scandal, especially as it was finally breaking into the Goebbels media? And, most famously, we have the flip-flop, etch-a-sketch by Judas Iscariot Roberts, regarding his ruling on DictatorCare. Based upon reports, Justice Judas authored both the majority opinion and up to two-thirds of the dissenting opinion. What kind of juice does the Predator-in-Chief have, and what is Justice Judas afraid of, for him to abdicate his oath to the American citizenry? This abhorrent dereliction of duty in rendering a treasure trove of unconstitutional subterfuge as being constitutional adds to the corruption by members of the SCOTUS when they use International Law as precedent for adjudicating U. S. law. Isn’t this duplicity un-American? I do not know if the Predator-in-Chief is a Muslim, but I do know he does not act in a Christian manner. His apparent ‘coolness’ when lying to the American people, especially to those who place their trust in him, is an insult to anyone who has the mental capacity of an average seven year old (or older). He has the aloofness of ‘The Teflon Don,’ John Gotti, and should DictatorCare be implemented in any capacity, the deaths of millions will be on his hands and on the hands of all of those who voted for, and continue to implement, this egregious assault upon the American citizenry. Sadly, this is but one of many ‘legislative,’ departmental dictates, and Executive Orders that are designed to buckle our constitutional republic. Please allow me to don my stylish tin-foil hat for a moment. The Predator-in-Chief is not in office by chance. Smarter, more powerful and greedier powers have placed him in office to continue having access to the fortunes of the American taxpaying citizens. The Axis Powers of the Bilderbergers, the U. N., the IMF and other predatory organizations have a vested interest in pillaging the United States taxpayer, while deconstructing the last vestige of independence in the world. Intelligent and engaged, freedom loving people in other ‘democracies’ realize that should our freedoms within the U. S. be stolen, their freedoms will suffer as well. Our potential demise is a global issue! According to various reports, up to two-thirds of the Bilderbergers are European. Assuming this is true, is it any wonder why many of those in leadership positions within our government keep pulling us violently to the European socialist left? Furthermore, is it any wonder why they have stealthily immersed the U. N. Agenda 21 throughout our local, county, state and Federal government, sucking in non-government organizations and major corporations too? Shouldn’t we be taking a different view of domestic and foreign policy, considering DictatorCare, Dodd-Frank, the attacks upon our God-given ‘natural resources’ of coal, oil, natural gas and water, the refusal to protect our national sovereignty, and the attacks upon Christianity and Judaism to be inexorably linked to U. N. Agenda 21 and other hideous policies of the socialist left? Has the Predator-in-Chief expanded the use of drones inside Afghanistan to desensitize the operators of the drones, in an effort to perfect the ability of eliminating his enemies within the U. S. in a sterilized manner? Our challenging times can be viewed as horrific, with little an individual can do, or as an opportunity for individuals to come together as one in rescuing us from the dark lies of the intelligentsia, foreign and domestic. We are where we are because we have failed to act in the past. Isn’t our failure to act to rescue our freedoms from those who have sold their souls to the fallen angel, Satan, a breach of our faith in our Creator? Will that be our continuing and final legacy? Our founding fathers bestowed upon us the greatest gift anyone in any government has bequeathed to succeeding generations, but massive reforms are needed. This form of government, flawed as it is, has allowed us to capitalize upon the many blessings that God has granted to us. Our founding fathers were proud Americans who rebelled against a ‘foreign’ tyranny to establish a representative republic, founded upon Judeo-Christian principles. A great leader who established a leading company in American business is fond of saying, ‘Life will give you what you are willing to fight for!’ While stated metaphorically, don’t we need to look inside of ourselves to see if our faith and freedoms are dear enough to us to take whatever actions are necessary to reform our government to preserve it and them? Do we want to celebrate Independence Day in the future? Isn’t time for us to embrace God’s divine intervention and act in ways that people around the world will say, ‘Now that’s American?’

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A.J. Cameron——

A.J. Cameron was born in Kansas City, MO, and raised in Prairie Village, KS. He is a graduate of Rockhurst High School and University of Kansas, and is a the former president of the Native Sons & Daughters of Greater Kansas City. Having worked for international and local, start-up companies, A. J. brings a wide range of insight to many of the challenging issues of the day. A.J. seeks to engage readers on key issues with views grounded in time-tested principles and common sense.
