
“I am with you always”

The Eternal Search For God’s Holy Face

By Judi McLeod ——--June 14, 2020

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Now that the masses have been shut out from all churches, it is more important than ever to pray. Praying is really the only way to stay in touch with the Creator. It’s dispiriting and depressing that after three long months of shuttered churches to have authorities re-opening them to only 30% of their original congregational capacity--a move destined to make those wanting to return to church service feeling guilty of queue-jumping. But in this sad time of massive human longing, the Almighty still lives in the hearts of the faithful. During this long lasting church shutdown, brought on by the coronavirus pandemic, I keep traveling back in memory to Christmas Eve, 2019. It was just a few minutes before Midnight, Rome time, on Christmas Eve when I emailed historian, journalist and ‘Face of God’ author Paul Badde, before traveling to Midnight Mass in another town, the only one available within driving distance from the small town where I live :
“Dearest Paul, “Sending wishes for a Blessed and Merry Christmas to my favourite writer! “More than 15,000 people—and still counting--have viewed your wonderful video:'Paul Badde: The Holy Face of Jesus the Veil of Manoppello' on CFP’s front page.  I regard it as our news site’s most cherished item. “Will be saying fervent prayers for you at tonight’s Tridentine Midnight Mass.”
His response literally made my now seeming so long ago Christmas Eve, 2019:
“Embraces my dear Judi right from St. Peter’s Midnight Mass and Love Paul!”
Had anyone ever tried to tell me back then that within only three short months all churches would be closed, I wouldn’t have believed them. Who could ever believe that all churches, worldwide would be shut down by Holy Week—including Easter Sunday? These past months of lockdowns have proven that we can no longer take going to worship God Almighty at church for granted. Yet the salvation of our immortal souls depends on taking the existence of our Savior Jesus Christ for granted; something that will always be there no matter how long authorities keep our churches closed. As we remain confined to our homes, forces are transforming the world to a godless totalitarian state. Only prayer can save us from what they have planned for us Adding to our worries, with most now living on government financial support, there are too few jobs available as governments ease in Phase II of the return to work in the Time of Coronavirus.

It was on one of those long, lonely, Canadian Winter nights back in 2012 when, out of the blue, I first Googled, “Face of God”. My search took me to Badde’s The Holy Veil of Manoppello: The Human Face of God—which turned out to be the best book I ever read. On Dec. 22, 2014 Canada Free Press uploaded a YouTube, ‘Paul Badde: The Holy Face of Jesus: The Veil of Manoppello, to its front page. As of this writing, the Badde-produced video has over 19,000 views and still growing. Somewhat miraculously, Google has never taken the video down. I meant every word when I wrote to Badde on Christmas Eve: that I regard his video as our news site’s “most cherished item” and take heart that people are still finding it on CFP’s cover. Today we celebrate Corpus Christi, the Body and Blood of Christ, with most churches still closed or restricting attendance to only 30%. Why do I take heart that people are still finding the Paul Badde video some six years after it first went up? Because one way or the other, millions, worldwide, keep searching for our Savior’s Blessed Face. And most likely always will. “I am with you always”-Matthew 28.20.

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Judi McLeod—— -- Judi McLeod, Founder, Owner and Editor of Canada Free Press, is an award-winning journalist with more than 30 years’ experience in the print and online media. A former Toronto Sun columnist, she also worked for the Kingston Whig Standard. Her work has appeared throughout the ‘Net, including on Rush Limbaugh and Fox News.
