
It is time to step over it boldly, get busy and take our country back

The Line in the Sand”

By Guest Column Annie Hamilton——--March 31, 2009

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We have come to a place in our nation's history where it is prudent to define who we are as people, a country, and as a culture. The United States was founded on traditional values, including the freedom to practice one's own religious beliefs, including nothing, should one desire. Our Founding Fathers could not agree on these matters and as such, they left it up to each individual state.

Just as imperative, we must address the passionate unraveling this administration has elected to take on with lusty fervor of our constitutional papers, Bill of rRghts, respect for other people, a very basic "creed" of standards that revere regardless of whether their political views stem from. As a lover of Thomas Jefferson's readings, I can understand why Obama and friends would want to separate themselves from these documents as much as possible as they have so little in common. A few blurbs to refresh your memory: *And to preserve their independence, we must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt. We must make our election between economy and liberty, or profusion and servitude. *Never spend your money before you have it. *Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without being lost. *Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God. *In questions of power, then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the constitution. As of late, this has become a largely endangered practice that we've seen become threatened more and more and as world events have indicated around us, it would seem that it's time to turn our attention to the writing on the brightly colored wall that is desperately seeking our attention now. Where have we gone wrong and what can we do (if anything) to turn this situation around? *Warning sign missed (from my perception) our spiritual leaders and institutions have gone soft. Case in point: Notre Dame inviting Obama to their ceremonies despite his miserable stance on abortion and their own historical viewpoint on this delicate subject? And I cannot tell you how many times I've pulled into the parking lot on a Sunday morning only to see ‘Obama 08' Stickers on the back of people's cars and vans. Certainly, they're entitled to an opinion but my question would be this: what believing person, Jew or Christian would attend a service and support an institution that would willingly endorse a candidate, knowingly or not, that publicly states that his first intention is to remove ALL restrictions off of all abortion altogether? And if you're unaware of this, you have your head in the sand. Sorry to be harsh but ignorance is NO EXCUSE. He only repeated this like a broken record throughout his entire campaign, people and it's, I believe, the first order he signed. (at least he's true to his word, right?) but he's a amoral and hence, has no place in the White House. *Next, he took large pay outs from the financial institutions and then cried foul during the banking scandals. This highly inappropriate. If you're going to do something like this, at least stand behind your people. Be accountable when you're caught AND when they're caught. So...he's a scum bag with no backbone. That makes him a weasel on top of that. Typical of the Chicago political machine. They have no loyalty even unto themselves. Anyone recall the St. Valentine's Day massacre. The Chicago "political MOB is no different." *There are countless court cases tying Obama's birth certificate mystery up in the California Supreme Court as well as the testimony of his Grandmother and people trying to uncover his college transcripts. People (including myself) wanting answers about this person's past. We don't know anything about this person - he claims to be a Christian which is laughable since Black Liberation Theology is a warped version of the gospels and has little connection with real Judeo-Christian theology. Then consider this, three people from his church were killed execution style over the past couple of years and at least one person, and rumors in Chicago have continued to float that tie Obama to two of them in a sexual way. Again, they are just rumors, but it does prove my point that the man has more shadows to him than we are aware of and that Chicago politics is very dirty, they do tend to feed on their own when convenient. If someone wanted to take him down politically or twist The Manchurian Candidates arm, there is likely enough ammo in his past to make it happen. Who is he? Is he qualified and eligible to be the leader of the free world? Why is he hiding so many secretive documents? If they are no big deal, why the refusal now in coming forth with them? Is it because they might explain his foreign aid received during his college years? We DO have a right to know! It's time to come forth and explain these things to the American people. Bernard Madoff has been touted the "greatest thug of all time" in political and money blogs over the past several weeks but I must adamantly disagree. It's Obama and Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Chris Dodd, Barney Frank and the others who continue to perpetuate and this giant scam they've pulled off with the American Reinvestment Act, they are all ripping off the masses while praying at the feet of Obama. They've signed away the country to the "Slum Monkey Trillionaire" who is is unraveling our beautiful country, piece by piece, using our constitution like it's old toilet paper, and why should he care? He has nothing to lose! As a matter of fact, he doesn't even hold the deed to his own home and adjoining property, Rezko the slum lord in Chicago does. Add to this that Obama is very cozy with George Soros and his Joyce Foundation among his other assorted organizations. What kind of a person would be so proud to associate with a man like Soros who has made efforts to put banks and other financial institutions in default to earn himself money at the risk of its common depositors and employees? Many people are asleep, refusing to see that Obama their teleprompter dependent President is good at making speeches that say NOTHING. He's a fertilizer salesman and he's good at spreading it around and the people he associates with have seemingly crawled up from the depths of the same cess pool. He takes from the earning and gives to the wanting and demanding, not to the needy, not to the poor, not to hard working people with a dream. He is a flim-flam man, a con artist, a shyster and at least 53% of the American people are asleep and not paying attention. They don't understand that we are close to losing the freedoms our fore fathers worked so hard to instill in all of us. The right to own a gun for instance, it's not a privilege, it's a RIGHT. It's the second amendment. And they're working to remove it. We can't let this happen. It's up to us as Americans to speak up and tell them that it is not going to happen. God expects us to stand up and do what is right - period. We need people to set examples, to use their voices, to NOT be like Michael Steele and Meghan McCain - always looking for the next open mic, rolling video cam, conference call or talk show to get their face or voice on. Besides they are way too politically correct, and have little to no real backbone or at least the one they have is twisted in the wrong direction and weak. Might win an election but it shows no manner of deeper convictions. In my opinion, Meghan McCain frankly could take a lesson from famous blonde conservative shark, Ann Coulter or conservative female gun activist Rosanna Pulido. And if Michael Steele wants a black conservative mentor, I would suggest he listen to Larry Elder or Lt. Col. Allen West. Their grasp of the issues and how to move the country forward speak volumes to all and not just those who seem to be enamoured with the glitz and glamour of a TV studio. Give me a Rush, Hannity, Levin, Coulter, Boortz, or a Beck any day over someone afraid to speak their mind and be honest about the issues and let their "yes" be "yes" and "no" be "no" even if it's unpopular. It's perfectly okay to be critical of the President, it is way past time we tip the scales in the right direction, turn the tables, and upset the left. They have done nothing to improve life in America and instead acted irresponsibly for years, not just since the day "HE" was elected. It is time for strategic thought, tactical voices, deeply heartfelt Judeo-Christian convictions and physical activity; the line is already in the sand, it is time to step over it boldly, get busy and take our country back. Anyone with me? Annie Hamilton is a constitutional conservative and patriotic traditionalist

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