
Unconditional support for the U.S. Constitution!

Walk Across America

By Guest Column Jerry Clinton Oliver——--March 4, 2013

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Each of us, including myself, spends hours each day in front of the Internet writing comments on the blogs. Over and over I kept reading that “someone” needs to do something about the issue of losing the freedoms afforded us based on the U.S. Constitution. Many have died in wars to defend our freedoms and the American flag for everything it stands for. My relatives died in the American Revolution and my grandfather fought in WWI & WWII, while my father joined the Navy in WWII at the age of 16.
Words on the Internet blogs are important, but I am a child of the rebellious ‘60s and I have come to the conclusion that it is time for us to become activists. We cannot all be a George Washington, but we can all be Patriots! To that end, I am organizing a “Walk Across America” from San Diego to Washington, D.C. The theme is simple enough that it will unite liberals with conservatives, Red states with Blue states. The walk will be apolitical and will not additionally divide Americans (left/right, rich/poor, Democrat/Republican) but will bring everyone together. And it will also be historical, as no one person or group has ever walked across America carrying the American flag in support of the U.S. Constitution. What is that theme? Unconditional support for the U.S. Constitution!

Can you imagine driving down a highway or through a small town and seeing an old, silver-haired combat veteran walking along, carrying the American flag as it whips in the wind – and accompanied by throngs of people from all over the country? For most people it will be the first time they will not be seeing the American flag on a pole in front of a sterile gray building or a car dealership, but carried by real people, all waving Old Glory as they Walk Across America. Thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands, of Americans will see us braving snow or rain or heat in support of the U.S. Constitution. The media will take a great interest in our “Walk Across America” as they witness us shaking hands rather than shaking fists at those we once thought were adversaries. I am 64 years old and in excellent health, but I cannot carry a 40-lb. backpack as I once did in Vietnam. So I have purchased a van that will be used to carry food and supplies, and I need a man or woman, young or older, who can pilot the van. I also need a creative person to develop a website so we can track our movements across the country by writing daily updates. Once the van driver and website designer are lined up, I will let all interested parties know the start date and approximate end date of this exciting venture. I will also be e-mailing you the route we will take. Hopefully we can start out on Flag Day, June 14th. And please know that if you can’t take the time to walk across the country, you can join us in walking across your state! We are at a crucial time in the history of our country. Personally I feel this mission is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity – my destiny! Perhaps it is your destiny as well. Let’s do this together! Let’s take to the streets, show our true grit, stop feeling powerless, and let our government know that they can no longer destroy our culture and way of life. The walk will give our fellow citizens hope! And let’s leave this memorable legacy to our grandchildren, to tell their children about the magnificent walk we took for America and the U.S. Constitution way back in 2013! Finally, I will be financing the walk…I estimate $100 a day for approximately 270 days. I know, it’s a long time, but it’s really a small amount of time in our lives that we will be giving to a cause greater than ourselves – one I believe that will ultimately save America. Jesus had his walk. Martin Luther King, Jr. had his walk and Gandhi has his walk to the sea. It is now the time for America to have its historical walk. I cannot do this alone. Lewis & Clark needed help, as did Columbus with his crew. You and I will need each other. Be a part of history and join me. Jerry Clinton Oliver 1-580-240-1013 Shawnee470@yahoo.com Post Office Box 111 Temple, OK 73568 P.S. Just one more thing: Please send my invitation to everyone on your list(s). The Tea Party got going this way and simply by word of mouth exploded on the American scene in a matter of weeks. We can do the same thing. Thank you!

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Items of notes and interest from the web.
