
I guess TEA Party members, conservatives and traditional patriots need to begin walking like an Egyptian to be heard!

Walk Like an Egyptian

Given that our ‘Present-dent’ enjoys opining on issues ad nauseam, he was strangely mute during the mini-uprising in Iran, yet he appears to be rooting on those who are revolting against the Mubarak regime while steadfastly refusing to hear the cries of his own citizens who clamor for freedom and legislative adherence to our Constitution. I guess TEA Party members, conservatives and traditional patriots need to begin walking like an Egyptian to be heard!

Ever since my native state of Missouri unveiled its Domestic Terrorist Profile that was ‘dittoed’ one month later by Jan Nan, I have been in search of an industrialized country that has not saddled its citizenry with universal stealth-care, a VAT, ruinous ‘green initiatives,’ or any other freedom deprivation legislation. By the way, I breathe in oxygen and exhale CO2, and I and drink water, just like everyone does; I want a clean environment, but I refuse to submit to eco-Nazis. Many of those in government have redefined the definition of a traditional patriot into a terrorist, and most of those in government who haven’t succumbed to this outrageous paradigm shift have provided presumed consent by their eerie silence. The U. S. is that last bastion against the insanity of the Left, and that is why the Left is so determined to steal our freedoms and resultant advantages over the rest of the world. Our ‘Present-dent’s’ resume is one of an agitator, representing the likes of ACORN, that used the threat of blackmail via ‘media indictment and presumed guilt’ to extract cash settlements from large corporations. While in the U. S. Senate, our ‘Present-dent’ cast the vote of ‘Present’ on potentially divisive issues in order to cloak his real agenda. He didn’t have the intestinal fortitude or the political honesty to vote in a way that would allow people to hold him accountable. He has consistently disgraced our nation in his denunciation of our country while ‘inventing’ praise for other countries. He does not have the experience or ‘intellectual honesty’ to address situations like what is happening in Egypt, yet he continues to speak out, sending dangerously mixed signals, both at home and abroad. While the Egyptian uprising goes on, we are facing the prospects of 5-10 years before our government-induced, tepid economy recovers, assuming the Supreme Court upholds the ruling that ObamaCare is unconstitutional, and that the EPA is prevented from usurping the legislative branch of our government on matters of energy. This means millions of Americans’ lives are being ruined for several generations while this regime continues in its quest of pulling our country back to the pack of countries around the globe. Of course, those in elective office still enjoy the perks of office, including the exemption from legislation passed upon the citizenry of our country, so why worry about the lowly proletariat? How imperiously Mubarak of them! We need the TEA Party to do our walking and talking for us, NOW! We don’t know what the outcome in Egypt will be, or if it will be to our advantage, but, if there is a lesson to be learned from Egypt, as history has shown us repeatedly, the lesson is that people can’t constantly be lied to and repressed without someone standing up to dictatorial rule. Our elected ‘leaders’ need to begin listening to the electorate, and to begin governing accordingly. Our country was founded upon this most basic of principles, and I don’t want what is happening in Egypt to occur within our borders. If we are going to walk upon our nation’s capitol, let it be like the peaceful event of 8/28!

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A.J. Cameron——

A.J. Cameron was born in Kansas City, MO, and raised in Prairie Village, KS. He is a graduate of Rockhurst High School and University of Kansas, and is a the former president of the Native Sons & Daughters of Greater Kansas City. Having worked for international and local, start-up companies, A. J. brings a wide range of insight to many of the challenging issues of the day. A.J. seeks to engage readers on key issues with views grounded in time-tested principles and common sense.
