
Obama wants a communist style régime in place so he and his associates can control all aspects of our lives

We Don’t Work For You

- Edited and supplemented by Aaron I. Reichel, Esq As you know the Health Care bill is being forged behind closed doors ordered by Obama and Co. We don’t need transparency in this bill or even compromises. This bill needs to be dead and buried. I don’t want an additional one sixth of the economy to be controlled by the federal government.

The federal government controls more than enough of the economy as it is, even without the bitter pill of the Death Care Bill. The Health Care Bill, a/k/a the Death Care Bill, is designed to deal with limited medical resources and personnel by ultimately depriving our elderly life-long taxpayers of life-saving medical procedures, and of the general option to live, and channeling these resources and personnel to the young former illegal and future amnestied people instead. The incumbent “hope and change” government has more than shown its intent to the American people. It wants a communist style régime in place so that it can control all aspects of our lives. The sands of time are running like quick silver. Let’s get up and do something now! We all need to get involved in the election of 2010. Rest assured that the enemies of our republic will do anything, and I mean anything to keep their seats to maintain personal power in Congress, the state and local levels. Even contemplating murder to retain that power would not be so far-fetched. Are these harsh words? Damn straight they are! These are harsh times. Some say it is impossible. I say it can be done. If you think you are powerless, read what ordinary people did with just a little help from a few friends. A new Zogby poll revealed the differences between church leaders and people sitting in the pews about illegal immigration. (Watch Roy's appearance on Fox & Friends) Numbers USA Members are fighting back, and in the last three days, they have sent 129,989 faxes to Members of Congress telling them how they feel. Thanks to activism care of ALIPAC, the vote on in-state tuition for illegal aliens has been pushed back to Monday, January 11th which is the last day they can pass the measure to have outgoing Democrat Governor Corzine sign it.  After Monday, the issue is dead for four years in New Jersey because incoming Republican Governor Christie will veto it. You've already heard about New Jersey, where the state senate REJECTED gay marriage 14 "yes" to 20 "no" with five senators declining to vote. That’s a victory to celebrate! Two states rejected same-sex marriage, reflecting the fact that most Americans do not support it. This is a victory for all the ordinary, extraordinary people who refused to be bamboozled, intimidated or discouraged out of common sense, and who summoned the decency to speak the truth in love to power--and won! Source: Brian S. Brown, Executive Director, National Organization for Marriage. Several Members of Patriotic Resistance have asked me to share this information with you: Rob & Joy Anderson have been Massachusetts voters all their lives and rarely had an opportunity to vote for a candidate who shared their views for limited government, lowering stifling tax rates and controlling outrageous government spending. 

U.S. Senate candidate, Scott Brown, believes in the free market economy, lower taxes and never voted for a tax increase in the Massachusetts legislature. Scott Brown is an active Lt. Colonel in the Massachusetts National Guard and an outstanding six-term state senator and representative. He's less than nine points behind Martha Coakley and closing unbelievably fast! They have been phone banking for him for over a month. You can help with calls all over the country by getting a list of Massachusetts voters and making free calls from your home anywhere. Log on to brownforussenate.com. Also any donation of $15 or more will make a huge difference. HE CAN MAKE IT. This is former Ted Kennedy's seat that was held for over 40 years. Get involved people. Register to vote. Get to know the candidates’ views. Donate just a few dollars to local conservative candidates. I mean preferably ones that are NOT backed by the GOP establishment. If any incumbent officials have even once helped to pass the health care bill by their actions or inactions you should vote them out. A powerful sound must be sent by the voters to all elected officials. WE DON’T WORK FOR YOU. P.S. Post-BP Ironically, one of the only areas that even conservatives believe to be within the purview of the federal government is the area of national emergencies, such as the BP oil disaster which was caused, in large measure, by “liberal” “environmentalists” whose influence forced oil companies to dig in unnecessarily deep waters, where leaks would be harder to deal with. Yet this is the one area in which Obama has dragged his feet of clay as if his shoes were filled and saturated with oil. As in the case of the economic disaster that was caused primarily by “liberals” (who pressured banks into making bad loans to people not in a position to eventually repay them) and blamed successfully on conservatives (who lost money as never before because of these loans and their domino effects), Obama seizes every calamity as an opportunity to blame the conservatives and to then make the situation infinitely worse for the taxpayers of this country, and better for the Americans who refuse to take jobs that then go to the illegals, as well as better for the illegals he plans to give amnesty and then health care to so he can bribe them to give him their votes.

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