
President Obama is no stranger to executive actions

The ACLU is seeking to stir up controversy where it does not exist.

“We’re asking one million Americans to call our toll-free number at (800) 292-9044 and simply press ‘1’ if they think the president is lying to push gun control,” he said.

So on top of the millions of dollars we’ve already spent combating “climate change” and saving the glaciers, we’re also going to study how to live in the ever-slowly-defrosting polar icecaps to the sweet tune of $524,086.

Why did McCarthy do it? Timothy Birdnow | October 9, 2015
The election for Speaker has been postponed, and it may be that John Boehner could wind up staying anyway - for the good of the Party, don't you know!

Carpe Diem House Conservative, Elect a Speaker Jeff Crouere | October 9, 2015
Millions of grassroots Republicans will support a real conservative, instead of a RINO, as House Speaker

Behavior Modification and “Interrupting Whiteness” Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | October 9, 2015
Two very important questions remain, who decides the desirable behavior parameters and to what ends? Do the ends justify the means?

Minor children carry the national citizenship of their parents, no matter where they are born, just as a child born to American parents overseas is still an American citizen. There are no special circumstances for anyone

So when someone tells you that all this circumstantial evidence about Islamism, the attackers, and the victims is merely coincidental, be aware that he's just trying to get you to shut up

The Latest Car Hysteria—Diesel VWs Michael Fumento | October 9, 2015
Lions, and Tigers, and Volkswagens! Oh, my!

Beware Big Business and the Chamber of Commerce Arthur Christopher Schaper | October 9, 2015
Hard lessons about Big Business, the Chamber of Commerce, their undue influence in the Republican Party have been a hard one for me to accept, and yet too many people are content to shout ''Establishment" without really identifying the core problems

“It’s shameful” Patrick D Hahn | October 9, 2015
“Paxil turned me into a monster:” The still-unfolding story of GlaxoSmithKline’s Study 329

Grain of salt time...

The only real option?

Also fields a bunch of legitimate questions!

Obama vows veto of bill lifting oil export ban Dan Calabrese | October 9, 2015
Build windmills instead, suckers.

"Conscientious objection based on deeply held religious beliefs is an unalienable human right that must be protected,

In short, this means that foreign subsidiaries of U.S. parent companies will, under certain conditions, be allowed to do business with Iran

Abbas must be stopped Caroline Glick | October 9, 2015
The Palestinian terrorist onslaught now raging against us is not spontaneous. Abbas has incited it and is directing it.

A conservative caucus still backs Rep. Daniel Webster, R-Fla., for speaker following Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy's surprise exit from the race

"Age-appropriate, medically accurate, LGBT-inclusive education improves school climate overall and creates a safer environment for LGBT students."

The zoo said the possum will eventually be released back into the wild.

The federal government spent $19 million on research involving the body parts of aborted babies in 1999 at the end of the Clinton administration

Taking On Sanctuary City Lawlessness Arnold Ahlert | October 9, 2015
Can Kate's Law succeed in Congress?

How the Left Rebranded as Non-Ideological Daniel Greenfield | October 9, 2015
Biden will bury the Obama era just as thoroughly when the chickens of a disastrous foreign and domestic policy have really come home to roost

Bringing the curtain down on the Synod Judi McLeod | October 9, 2015
Marxists are masters of Machiavellian manipulation. The curtain should be brought down because this is a show that stinks to High Heaven

The Missiles of October, 2015 Edition Doug Hagmann | October 9, 2015
Front row seat to the series of final acts of the screenplay of the globalists. The “Missiles of October 2015 edition,” produced and written by the Globalista’s studios, although a bit behind schedule, has been “launched.” Pun intended.

Sanders Adviser Calls for Repeal of Columbus Day Cliff Kincaid | October 9, 2015
Who will defend Christian civilization and Columbus against this New Age socialist gibberish?

The Million Man Fraud Comes To Washington Matthew Vadum | October 9, 2015
Violence on the horizon?

The report was immediately controversial, and even victims of online harassment were highly critical.
