
What New Travesty Awaits the World?: At my age I have to wonder how soon this country will implode and wither away into a vast nothingness, with the inefficient and country-killing Executive Order travesty he holds over all of our heads

Pope Francis:

John Tory is a nasty little man who could not care less about the problems encountered by his constituents. It was nice a publication such as the New York Times noticed

Trump Is Right On Immigration Douglas V. Gibbs | July 12, 2015
Trump is right. First, let's secure the border

Political Correctness Gone Crazy Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | July 12, 2015
Promoting the liberal inclusiveness agenda by making any child or adult feel ashamed of their skin color and of their heritage is repulsive

Trump Was Right James Simpson | July 12, 2015
This corrupt, self-serving political calculation—allowing criminal, illegal aliens to stay in this country despite federal law—cannot be tolerated. Trump should be praised for speaking out on this outrageous situation.

Red shoes stolen from museum in Minnesota hometown of Grand Rapids

Some 8,000 Muslim men and boys from the town were slaughtered at the hands of Bosnian Serb forces in 1995

Tens of thousands came to mark the 20th anniversary of Europe's worst massacre since the Holocaust

Glidewell said she paid $320 for the ring and was going to present it to her nephew, who recently graduated. He had expressed interest in a design that bore a Rebel mascot that incorporates the Confederate battle flag

For liberty, American democracy needs truth David L. Hunter | July 11, 2015
Truth, law and freedom are the trifecta of our American democracy. Without faithful adherence to the first two principles the last one cannot truly exist.

Acapulco holds mass gay wedding on beach News on the Net | July 11, 2015
Holding a bouquet of roses, the 17-year-old Acapulco resident was among the youngest people to get married.

"There's a huge generational split on the issue," said Mei-Nu Yu, main author of the stalled marriage bill.

Her gender discrimination case, years in the making

Has God abandoned US? A. Dru Kristenev | July 11, 2015
Will we let the light shine or are we content to acquiesce to the dark?

Now, another illegal immigrant, Antonio Arellano, is accused of hit-and-run causing serious injury, driving without a license, and reckless driving.

RE: Kid Rock 1, Ariana Grande 0

Arabo has pleaded with the highest levels of government demanding action for the group being held.

Dr. Carson said, “America was designed around the people, with the government to facilitate life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. With the Affordable Care Act, the government comes along and says ‘We don’t care what you the people think.’

Just wondering! Guest Column | July 11, 2015
Logic dictates that the sun must have been warming the earth at the time of the dinosaurs.

And so it begins.

Kid Rock 1, Ariana Grande 0 Jeff Crouere | July 11, 2015
Thankfully, most Americans still appreciate artistic freedom. It is one of the reasons why we should not hate America, but continue to fight for its survival.

Coal Was King In The U.S. And Is Still King Worldwide Institute for Energy Research | July 11, 2015
Coal, EIA, electricity, EPA, natural gas, Obama Administration, renewable energy, Wind

The tax measure comes ironically as Seattle City Council President Tim Burgess is proposing a new city tax on firearms and ammunition sales to finance so-called “anti-violence” efforts that are just gun control by another name

Appearing at this morning's forum were Dr. Ben Carson of Maryland, former Texas Gov. Rick Perry, former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio

China’s Nuclear Comprador for Iran Claudia Rosett | July 10, 2015
Much of the haggling at the Iran nuclear talks has focused on how to monitor activity inside Iran itself

Manitoba will pay more to borrow as credit rating dives Canadian Taxpayers Federation | July 10, 2015
Bond rating agency concerned that Manitoba won't be able to balance the budget and the debt burden will get to heavy.

Kelly pointed out that the absence of any comment on the part of the administration is unique in comparison to Obama’s reactions to other recent murders around the country.

Subaru Impreza PZEV - surprising fun despite lack of oomph Jim Bray, CFP Automotive Editor | July 10, 2015
The Subaru Impreza starts at $19,995 Canadian, which is a pretty good deal for an all-wheel drive vehicle. The top of the line five door 2.0i Limited with the Technology Option starts at $30,295.

Jukebox King revisits the joy of pay-to-play music of days gone by Jim Bray, CFP Automotive Editor | July 10, 2015
Taking one of these trips down memory lane is going to set you back quite a bit, but if you're into it you might find it worthwhile
