
Cold War? How uncool A “New Generation” Speaks Toby Westerman | March 30, 2015
Whether it is called a new Cold War or a new phase of the same Cold War, the United States is facing a formidable challenge to its national existence

Pro-Life Will Help Pro-Marriage Arthur Christopher Schaper | March 29, 2015
The pro-life movement has gotten stronger because of science, research, and statistical evidence made plain.

Israel: The 2015 Elections INSS | March 29, 2015
It is too early to know with absolute certainty the composition of the new government; Netanyahu has several options he could pursue.

Is Climate Change $$ Campaign Working? Guest Column | March 29, 2015
The political alarmism crusade of "global warming"

But What Does the Supreme Leader Say? Alan Caruba | March 29, 2015
If the Supreme Leader gets what he wants the prospect for war in the Middle East would increase immeasurably. The threat level to the U.S. and Israel would be off the charts.

Obama does it again Michael Oberndorf, RPA | March 29, 2015
Descent into a New Dark Age

The media chooses to vilify Israel and the Jewish people Diane Weber Bederman | March 29, 2015
Amnesty International: Hamas committed war crimes against Israel during Operation Protective Edge

Demonstration of sonic fire extinguisher News on the Net | March 29, 2015
Courtesy CNN/George Mason University

Camp Lone Star - Who is K. C. Massey? Gary Hunt | March 29, 2015
My life didn’t get better overnight but God opened doors for me to allow me to escape that life and fate

O’Bama at the Bat George Giftos | March 29, 2015
The Obamanistic era of shame

Video: Andrew Klavan: 50 Shades of Barack Obama News on the Net | March 29, 2015
If Barack Obama doesn't love America, then why is he beating the crap out of her?

Harry Reid, American Patriot! John Lillpop | March 29, 2015
America will certainly benefit from Reid’s departure and that of Barack Obama in 2016

The tip of the climate spending iceberg Paul Driessen | March 28, 2015
How your tax and consumer dollars finance Climate Crisis, Inc. and hobble America

Suicide By Airliner Nadra Enzi | March 28, 2015
As the Andreas Lubitz case graphically illustrates, strip searched, randomly profiled passengers wouldn't have saved Germanwings Flight 9525.

Hillary Clinton, email scandal, Sarbanes-Oxley A

Without this recognition, there can be no peace. That is why Israel insists on it.

Power mongering, pride’s byproduct A. Dru Kristenev | March 28, 2015
Pride will ever bar that leap of simple faith that, by humility, gives us the one thing we need most -- Hope.

In the scheming hands of tyrant-in-chief Barack Obama, Bowe Bergdahl was but a pawn to be exploited by a contemptuous, angry president to pursue closure of GITMO

Brown’s death sparked outrage among many civil rights groups and activists who believed that he was targeted because he was black

Obama was working to replace foreign Christian leaders with fully-fledged Caliphate-seeking Islamists

Clearing Up the Middle East Situation Jim ONeill | March 28, 2015
Obama -- who, for reasons unknown, much prefers dealing with the "Death to America" Muslim theocracy in Iraq than with the pro-USA government in Israel. Go figure

The “Greatest Invisible Depression” Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | March 28, 2015
How will we cope when the American economy crashes? What or who will replace the American Empire?

France, Israel, Iran and Obama Joseph A. Klein, CFP United Nations Columnist | March 28, 2015
Dissing America's key allies pretty much sums up President Obama's disjointed foreign policy

Reid and Weep Democrats Jeff Crouere | March 28, 2015
Reid is the poster boy for term limits, typical of the politicians in Washington D.C. who overstay their welcome

Makes the head spin, doesn't it?

No sneaky favoritism on your part behind closed doors? No More than you, Sir.

Lifeway Christian Stores: No Books about Visions of Heaven Rev. Michael Bresciani | March 28, 2015
Has the apostasy of the faithful gone so far as to create a day when we learn our best lessons from the hypocrites?

Solar Panels: Another Taxpayer Rip-Off Institute for Energy Research | March 28, 2015
Home sales, Solar, taxpayers

Ooooooooh scary.

There is an alternative conclusion. We note with disappointment that the United States legitimizes this travesty and empowers the real enemies of human rights.
