
Obama on Eric Holder Resignation Dag Barkley | September 25, 2014
Feeling the heat from the latest judgment regarding the Fast and Furious Documents?

Obama and ISIS on fighting fair Dag Barkley | September 25, 2014
I've got an important Press Conference and Tee Time, so play nice!

Obama and the Arabs dragging us into World War III Judi McLeod | September 25, 2014
Indecision and double dealing best describe the Obama regime of the past six years. Why is Obama making his move against the Islamist State only now?

The ObamaCare Disaster Alan Caruba | September 25, 2014
ObamaCare has required the President to do what he is not empowered by the Constitution to do

Our Republic is at a crossroads


Mercedes-Benz CLA 250 4Matic a fine sedan Jim Bray, CFP Automotive Editor | September 25, 2014
According to Mercedes-Benz' Canadian website, the CLA 250 starts at just $34,300.00, which is pretty affordable for a premium car such as this

Most transparent blah blah blah . . .

BREAKING: Eric Holder to announce resignation Thursday Robert Laurie | September 25, 2014
Good riddance.

We’ll surely see more brazen Russian attacks both in Ukraine and beyond, forcing Washington to ponder what comes next and how much more it will let Putin chip away at the U.S-led global order.

Mistake To Arm Syrian Rebels Guest Column | September 25, 2014
If we have to arm the Syrians, we should sell them low quality arms with no spare parts

Research Used Data From This Year’s IPCC 5th Assessment Report

A cynical form of intimidation and harassment and business destruction that targets speech a small group of extremists and bullies find disagreeable,

Sheikh Abdallah Bin Bayyah has even been in the white house

It’s Time to Kick ISIS Members Out of America Daniel Greenfield | September 25, 2014
It's useless to bomb ISIS fighters in Iraq and Syria, if we let them march through our airports.

ISIS phenomenon: the illusion of intimacy A. Dru Kristenev | September 25, 2014
Faith is the fulfillment of the spiritual blessing of hope. It’s the difference between serving Christ, the personification of benevolence, or slavery to allah that exemplifies intolerance

Barack Obama: War is Peace Douglas V. Gibbs | September 25, 2014
War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength. Ministry of Truth has spoken, now go home, prepare for the next election. Don't worry, your votes will still be bought with more federal gifts from the treasury

Obama Administration Fails the Transparency Test Roger Aronoff | September 25, 2014
Eight examples of how the administration is obstructing the media

What Will EPA’s Final Decision Be on the RFS? Institute for Energy Research | September 24, 2014
Cellulosic, EPA, ethanol, renewable fuel standard, RFS

What they’re not good at is foreign policy, because they don’t believe in the legitimacy of American institutions, starting with the military.

BREAKING: ISIS allies in Algeria behead French hostage Dan Calabrese | September 24, 2014
Religion of peace

And infantalizes our troops as Democrats always do.

Admits raising corporate rates to their current astronomical level

Phoning it in.

Shakespeare was a visionary Sarge | September 24, 2014
Inside the fecklessness and irresolution of our chief executive having no desire to strengthen the world’s immunity against the disease terrorism is and always will be

All Eyes On Kenya: The Next Big Oil Exporter News on the Net | September 24, 2014
An East African country that has the advantage over its neighbors due to a convergence of add-on factors

Art news: Scottish painter to exhibit in UK Tim Saunders | September 24, 2014
Jonathan Mitchell from Angus

Provincial Auditor Needs to Investigate Bipole Cost Canadian Taxpayers Federation | September 24, 2014
Trail of leaked documents shows Hydro consistently calculated one estimate internally for Bipole, told Manitobans another story

President Obama Finally Pulls the Trigger Against ISIS in Syria Joseph A. Klein, CFP United Nations Columnist | September 24, 2014
According to Syrian state media reports, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said he supports any international efforts to combat "terrorism" in Syria

Chinese Media Warn Against Western “Climate Hegemony"
