
Just not what you and Obama want.

What the New York Daily News Got Wrong About God, Reality Heritage Foundation | December 4, 2015
Talk to a person of faith, and you’ll find that the “God Isn’t Fixing This” cover is a “dog bites man” kind of story

America’s pathological denial of reality Caroline Glick | December 4, 2015
If facts are to be taken seriously, then the fact is that in December 2015, the US is acting with pathological devotion to ideological narratives that bear no relationship to reality.

Smoking And Stealing Jimmy Reed | December 4, 2015
“Now, go ’fess up,”

How dare they conflate prayer with cowardice? How dare they mock God and those offering solace and comfort to the grief-stricken and frightened? How dare they!

Gates and Soros Versus the World’s Poor Matthew Vadum | December 4, 2015
The global poor have to stay that way for the global warmists to make a mint

Barack Obama mounts his "Bloody Pulpit" to spew self-righteous hatred against the 2nd Amendment

Political correctness kills. And for America to survive, it must die.

Canada Awaits a Pair of Impending Catastrophes David Solway | December 4, 2015
Canada has joined the cultural declension of the West and I fear there will be no turning back. Were it possible, we would now be packing our bags. The problem, of course, is where to go

Canadians who have difficulty accessing the healthcare system, finding an affordable housing or who are living in or close to poverty do not matter to this government. They simply are not a priority

Putin’s “War on Terror” Could Backfire Cliff Kincaid | December 4, 2015
In the case of Turkey, Putin is facing a Muslim problem of his own making

Why Is The U.S. Reluctant To Bomb ISIS Oil Fields? Oilprice.com | December 4, 2015
Combatting Terror on many levels

Muhammad in Medina: from Refugee to Conqueror Raymond Ibrahim | December 4, 2015
why was Muhammad “persecuted”: Because he was telling the people of Mecca how to live their lives — that is, by abandoning their gods and traditions and accepting his “revelations,” now known as Sharia

Questions We’re Often Asked: Christmas Trees Wes Porter | December 4, 2015
Real Christmas trees do take a little more care if they are to stay fresh over the holiday season and not become fire hazards

Raython Corporation keeping Terrorists supplied with TOW missiles...not enough to stop Syrian/Iraqi onlsaught

A Ryan aide confirmed the timing of the decision, adding that the two are friends.

"Governor Steven Beshear and his anti-religious liberty ideology lost the election, and he has lost the battle against religious liberty and Kim Davis,"

But he acknowledged some concerns. "Implementation won't happen overnight.

Critics: Keep Syrian, African refugees out of Redlands News on the Net | December 3, 2015
As many as 9 million people have been displaced as a result of the civil war in Syria. More than 4 million people have fled the country, according to the United Nations.

While Higgins said he feared for his life, surveillance showed him smiling and talking when he returned from the room, according to state police.

San Bernardino Shooting: All About Islam Douglas V. Gibbs | December 3, 2015
It doesn't matter if the shooters were "radicalized." Islam is Islam. Being Muslim is radical enough of a reason to commit terrorism

“Funny business” conference Obama worldwide scam David L. Hunter | December 3, 2015
The divisive, self-obsessed "free stuff" anti-Capitalist triumvirate of Obama-Clinton-Sanders bears no resemblance to JFK Democrats

What Did He Just Say? Jim Yardley | December 3, 2015
I find it very troubling to think that Obama might be replaced by someone just like him

Entire Midlands Police Force Quits All at Once (video) News on the Net | December 3, 2015
The Town of North's entire police department resigned after the former chief outlined issues with the newly elected mayor

Rotel’s new reference stereo components rock - big time Jim Bray, CFP Automotive Editor | December 3, 2015
In short, this is a wonderful pair of audio components that, given Rotel's history, should serve you well for many years, or at least until the neighbours show up with torches and pitchforks to force you to turn it down

“California has adopted nearly every so-called ‘common sense’ gun control law her ilk has supported, and none of those restrictive measures prevented this outrage.

Honda trains a new Pilot for 2016 Jim Bray, CFP Automotive Editor | December 3, 2015
All things considered, Honda has done a nice job with this new Pilot. It's built well, offers all the amenities one could want (and some you might not!) and will probably serve its owners well for many years.

Whether Obama’s motivated by stupidity or sport, Americans are left like proverbial sitting ducks to the continuing attacks of Islamic terrorists.

Why are President Obama, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders so determined to ignore radical Islamic terrorism?
