
The Truth About China Guest Column | December 2, 2015
2,500 New Coal Plants Will Thwart Any Paris Pledges

Hillary's substance free zone.

Can Mushroom Scent Turn Women On? Wes Porter | December 2, 2015
One of the commonly and not inappropriately called stinkhorns, the Yellow Netted Stinkhorn, P. multicolor is one of some 77 species spread over 21 genera found worldwide but especially in the tropics

Sandy Berger, former national security adviser, dies News on the Net | December 2, 2015
The inspector general of the National Archives said that a staff member had witnessed the former NSA adviser wrapping the classified documents around his socks and under his pants

An Israeli winery is making wine from a nearly extinct species of indigenous grapes used in biblical winemaking thousands of years ago

A rule proposed by the Internal Revenue Service would give nonprofits the option to collect Social Security numbers from donors of more than $250. The Social Security numbers would then be sent to the IRS

Raising the minimum wage Guest Column | December 2, 2015
The real reason

“It’s called the Breakthrough Energy Coalition and is a collection of scoundrels including, Soros, Steyer and cellulosic ethanol scammer Vinod Khosla.

Strong Cities Network; DHS; and the SPLC Tom Deweese | December 2, 2015
Thinking Globally, Acting Locally to Destroy Freedom

Summit of Ego-logy Joanna Rosamond | December 2, 2015
When streams of all lies flow into the ocean of treasonous corruption, people in their right minds will opt for the truth

Christmas is now “Winter Break” and there is no such thing as “Easter Break.” Thanks to these hyper-sensitive Muslims

Cooking Was Not Fun Because It Was Survival Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | December 2, 2015
Americans don’t understand the concept of the starving goose of socialism who was kept pacified and faithful by feeding her one kernel a day, just enough to prevent starvation

Israeli Jews – the invisible terror victims Barry Shaw | December 2, 2015
As long as Israeli Jews remain the invisible victims of terror, victims of an invisible malevolent Palestinian agenda, do not expect Israelis to offer gestures or concessions for peace.

So here’s a clue for the people at Hulu: you may be living in the echo chamber of the metrosexuals in your office, but not everyone in America wants to have to explain to their children why two men are kissing on TV.

Study finds flame retardant exposure higher in infants than adults American Chemical Society | December 2, 2015
Infants' exposure to flame retardants increased along with the number of baby products families had.

New stretchable, wearable sensor made with chewing gum (video) American Chemical Society | December 2, 2015
Scientists make a sticky, stretchy sensor out of chewing gum and nanotubes.

But I know what kind of leader he would be

The Logic of Islamic Intolerance Raymond Ibrahim | December 2, 2015
Such is the offspring of that unholy union between Islamic logic and Western fallacy.

The pro-abortion president also used the shooting to call for more laws against guns.

Until this year, he'd always been allowed to do this inside the store, but a new manager told him it was against store policy.

The tweet reads, in Hebrew: “Chabad: Paris police order [us] to cancel most of our public [Hanukkah] candlelighting in the city, in light of the terror attack and the fear of additional attacks

Aaron Bean, a Florida state senator, wants to crack down on the Sunshine State's seven "sanctuary" counties.

Poinsettia Pushed off Top 10 List Wes Porter | December 1, 2015
The tallest living Christmas tree is a 162-foot Grand Fir, Abies grandis, at the Coeur d’Alene Resort in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

Do you really believe there will be a significant simplification of the U.S. tax code under any not-so-freely elected government?

Tell Me That You Love Me Jim Yardley | December 1, 2015
Boycott of polling would undermine any claim that the poll is a "representative sampling" of opinion. Insecurity in a candidate is a healthy thing for a democracy

Clash of Culture in Canada Diane Weber Bederman | December 1, 2015
Do we not owe that much to those who died to protect our freedoms?

Former Assembly Speaker convicted of honest-services fraud, extortion, money-laundering charges

"The Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals should uphold Gloucester's policy of restricting bathroom access to biological sex,"

Spain’s Green Energy Problems Jack Dini | December 1, 2015
Over the past two years the Spanish government has been slashing generous subsidies for the renewable energy industry. As a result the installation of new wind turbines has ground to a halt
