
The most transparent administration in history


'Slow walking' the scandal...

Dismal doesn't begin to describe it: CNBC: GDP is so bad we thought it was a misprint

The “social cost” is a complete invention, a fiction without any basis in fact. It is a device to further restrict access and use of all fuel sources.

UN Middle East Envoy Spins Hamas-Fatah “Unity” Agreement Joseph A. Klein, CFP United Nations Columnist | April 30, 2014
Hamas has not changed its tune since its 1988 founding charter, which calls for the destruction of the Jewish state and the killing of Jews

Liberty Counsel Cosponsors Israel Solidarity Event Liberty Counsel | April 30, 2014
This is the 66th year of Israel’s independence


Maytenus trees

Tiny gold nanoparticles can join together in chains, and disrupting these chains results in a change in color

The meal supplemented with whey caused the subjects’ stomachs to empty slower than the others’

WH Auden’s relative exhibits in Scotland Tim Saunders | April 30, 2014
UK art news

Obama’s Empty Reassurances Frank Gaffney Jr. | April 30, 2014
China and North Korea (to say nothing of Russia and Iran, among others) are emboldened by their assessment that the United States is going out of the nuclear weapons business

According to Israeli research, early stages of type 1 diabetes could be effectively treated with an anti-inflammatory protein.

“A simplified personal income tax system would be easier to understand and less expensive in time and money for Canadians to navigate

Sen. Mike Lee on Fighting for Equal Opportunity Heritage Foundation | April 30, 2014
This is America’s growing crisis of crony capitalism, corporate welfare, and policy privilege, and it represents a uniquely malignant threat to American exceptionalism

The coming months are likely to be critical in shaping the future of the crisis over the Iranian nuclear program

Shaq: Hypocrite Of The Day Bob Parks | April 30, 2014
Shaq under fire for mocking disabled fan’s selfie

Much Ado about the Ukraine Alan Caruba | April 30, 2014
What happens to the Ukraine is a matter for the Ukrainians to address, not us

Lyme Disease and Climate Alarmism Sierra Rayne | April 30, 2014
We need to keep the poor predictivity and unsupported generalizations of climate change out of public health policy making

Sterling Banned? Then Kerry Must Resign Arthur Christopher Schaper | April 30, 2014
Sterling is a racist. Kerry is unfit for Secretary of State. Is he anti-Semitic too?

Leftist Hate Crime Hysteria Arnold Ahlert | April 30, 2014
Democrats’ new plans to monitor hate speech and racial bias in law enforcement.

Did I Miss Something? Jim Yardley | April 30, 2014
Has a new law been passed making verbal idiocy a capital offense?

Obama hiding behind Kerry on Israel attacks Judi McLeod | April 30, 2014

Bundy story is not about cows,tortoises, grazing rights, childish name calling, or alleged threats. It's about prime real estate

Could the U.S. Eliminate Oil Imports? Institute for Energy Research | April 29, 2014
Eagle ford, oil, oil imports, petroleum, shale oil

RIP free speech in America Klaus Rohrich | April 29, 2014
“I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” This sentiment is one of the cornerstones of a truly free society. It’s a shame that it no longer applies in America

Starting at $869 per night

Standardized testing

Hmmmmmmm. Sure, thing, John.
