
Phone Recording Shows Targeting of Tobacco Business Heritage Foundation | March 4, 2015
‘Have You Heard of a Little Thing Called Operation Choke Point?’

How to make palm oil without destroying forests American Chemical Society | March 4, 2015
Oil palms' fruit yields oil and other useful compounds, but harvesting it can lead to deforestation.

Why ‘Jihadi John’ did not have a job Arthur Weinreb | March 4, 2015
Emwazi did not join the Islamic State because he did not have a job. He didn’t need one. He was a proud member of the family business that consisted of leeching off the state

Hillary’s Public Records Deception Arnold Ahlert | March 4, 2015
Inveterate liar with a private email account used for government business, Recipient of millions of dollars in donations from foreign governments made to the Clinton Foundation while she was Secretary of State

If illegals who refuse to assimilate do not come to the United States for welfare, why have so many received over $4.1 billion in earned income tax credit

New insight into a fragile protein linked to cancer and autism American Chemical Society | March 4, 2015
Defects in one gene are linked to certain kinds of cancer and autism; scientists are looking for a fix.

Sometimes the melting pot boileth over. For not everything melts. Some things just burn.

The left is all about destroying the traditional family and supplanting it with “families” of its own making

Fact-checking Netanyahu, Not Obama or the Media Roger Aronoff | March 4, 2015
The recent series of “crying wolf” claims about Netanyahu seems to have first surfaced on Press TV, an outlet for the Iranian government

The Lesson in MSM’s Response to Rudy Lloyd Marcus | March 4, 2015
The MSM's outrage over Rudy's “rudeness” has further exposed who they truly are; not reporters. They have laid their journalistic integrity on the alter, offered up in worship; cult followers of Obama

Congress: America is No Longer a Republic! Dale Summitt | March 4, 2015
The high crimes and misdemeanors of Obama and the executive branch

Today's Supreme Court ruling, however, not only restores the rule of law in Alabama, but also forcefully challenges and methodically dismantles the opinion of Judge Granade and other judges

Dissociated Press Tabitha Korol | March 3, 2015
It is time these wire services were rewired to overhaul their failed policies, and return to responsible, honest journalism.

No more Department of Education, no more Department of Human Resources, no more IRS, no more Federal Reserve Bank, no more Energy Department, no more stealing, cheating, fraud, and NO MORE LIES!!!

Meanwhile Obama, in his usual narcissistic manner, responded to the speech by saying, "Netanyahu, didn't offer any viable alternatives. This is the best possible deal to keep Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons."

It is sickening that the man who is guilty of making child pornography, counselling to sexually abuse a child and possession of child pornography was also in charge of creating and overseeing the new sex education program for our children

Netanyahu Congress Address:

Netanyahu and Jewish Survival Alan Caruba | March 3, 2015
What Netanyahu also knows is that President Obama seems to have blind spot when it comes to the growing anti-Semitism that resembles what existed in the 1930s in Europe

The Left and Vested Employment Bruce Walker | March 3, 2015
Reform the Federal Civil Service System, End tenure in all public academic institutions

She was nearly in tears, friends . . . in tears! How could the mean man from Israel insult her like that? It's just . . . so . . . distressing . . .

The proposal appears to be a camel’s-nose-under-the-tent effort that, if successful, could easily be abused to place even more restrictions on other rifle ammunition in the future.”

1991 Ridge Monte Bello

Having all the facts of what is at stake before them before they decide what to do makes sense. That fact made this speech worth hearing.

Bending the truth to set their needs Guest Column | March 3, 2015
Dept. of Veterans Affairs and our politicians

The Organization Sarge | March 3, 2015
“It is the aim of good government to stimulate production; of bad government to encourage."

Freedom Watch's FOIA Case Uncovered Likely Release of Classified Israeli War Plans, Cyberwarfare Methods and Other Information

"It is time for President Obama, Western leaders, and a coalition of freedom loving nations to exercise leadership to stop the systematic killings of Christians

Benefits of Prolonged Low Temperatures Wes Porter | March 3, 2015
Last month’s extreme cold snap drove frost deeper into the ground than usual. This is expected to drastically reduce the number of white grub and crane fly larvae lurking there. Numerous other overwintering garden pests will suffer similar fates

More Than 2,600 Cold Records Broken In One Week
